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Wifi drop's at random intervals

Mad Pierre

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a little more detail on what exactly is happening would be helpful. are you not able to see the routers signal from your laptop? do you still have internet access if you use the ethernet connections? what type of router is it? how far are you from the router? what type of wireless adapters are you using and how are they configured? what channels etc etc.

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Even a microwave oven can kill a wifi connection. It could be interference with some other device, but if you suspect a DoS of some sort(more likely someone sending deauth packets and not doing an actual Denial of Service attack - espeically over wifi) fireup a live disc of linux and run Kismet and wireshark. See what other routers and users are in your area and where they are sending packets. Is anyone connecting to your AP? Is there even any wireless devices around other than yours? etc...

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not sure if this would help but like every1 said above...change channel...check for anything that emits transmits whatever and make sure that it is not interfering with ur wifi.....my linksys router would completely die when my phone was turned on. the signal would be great but the speed would drop like a rock.... turns out that linksys routers and the cable vision "Atlantic" i believe modems fight eachother if there close together...as in sitting on top of it. I changed the channel and now have no problems...idk if that helps but good luck

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jesus, what type of router spec do you have? if that's 802.11N man I gotta get one of those.. that coverage is wild! at first I thought maybe it wasnt a router and your talking about a cellbased-wifi connection.

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My router a D-likn G604T. I've had it around 2-3 years now. The wifi allways been fine, just that the last two month's it's been dropping. As for singal strength that's allway good-to very good, as I'm only a wall/ceiling away, of apporx 15ft.

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My router a D-likn G604T. I've had it around 2-3 years now. The wifi allways been fine, just that the last two month's it's been dropping. As for singal strength that's allway good-to very good, as I'm only a wall/ceiling away, of apporx 15ft.

Did you buy any thing wireless in the last two months?

If you didn't your next door people will have.

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Update it only drop signal when two clients are connected via wireless.Two clients that are allowed on the network i.e my own gear. Due you think this maybe a sign of the wireless router breaking down.it's about 3-5 years old.

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Update it only drop signal when two clients are connected via wireless.Two clients that are allowed on the network i.e my own gear. Due you think this maybe a sign of the wireless router breaking down.it's about 3-5 years old.

Try it in B only mode.

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I may try this myself as I have been having some strange things like this happening myself (but the signal doesnt drop, the bandwidth just stops abruptly, and I had some issues with my wireless printer tonight as well. The settings were right, it just wasnt connecting...)

I am using dd-wrt though, so it could be that, but it's been only recently that mine is acting funky...

WRT54G - ver. 6

oh and just so everyone knows, yah, I did disable telnet :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

It stiil drop when there two user's on. Also. my Wlan flashing, even when there no user's on. I've set up mac adderss filtering, hidden SSid etc. But even with this the unit still getting MSDUs. sent to it. Is someone on my box ? or trying to DOS it. ?




Multicast MSDUs 5

Failed MSDUs 2

Retry MSDUs 0



MSDUs 3395

Multicast MSDUs 0

FCS Error MPDUs 1

that from the router after about 20, mins up.

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