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Who has twitter?


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i still dont really get the whole point of twitter.

example uses

alerting friends of an event

keeping up to date on your favorite online content

finding out what your friends are up to

an emergency warning system for a group of your friends and or family

real life example

i saw 2 men on the road in a nearby town. one wearing a turkey jockey costume. the other wearing a captain america costume. obviously i thought this was strange and funny so i alerted my friends via twitter

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Yeah its kinda pointless i just wanted to see the whole rage that i hear going on about it at school. now that i set it up and used it its not that great ill probably just use it for tech updates

That is most of what I use it for, I follow the accounts of some of the news sites I read, so I'm alerted to new stories. Saves me from having to keep checking the site for things I might want to read. Also follow a few friends who no longer live near me; most of them don't update their regular blogs very often but post tweets frequently.

I have to admit that I only stated using it earlier this year, and really didn't 'get it' either, but it grows on you. Helps to have people to follow. Also I use twinkle (one of the iPhone twitter apps) which has location based following. I use that when I'm out to see what is happening near me.

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