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XP Pro or XP MC 2005?


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I've been realizing that maybe I shouldn't be using Professional as my home-based operating system. I really don't do many business related activities, and this I figure Media Center 2005 would be a better option for now.

I'm not a big fan of Vista, which is why I have narrowed the options down to these two.

Your thoughts?

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Stick with Pro. You can get most of the media center stuff as addons anyway, like themes, etc.

I have both and never use any of the media center programs themselves. In fact, I disable all of its services and uninstall any un needed programs except media player. As for Movie Maker, it comes with Pro, but you can add the media center transistions and effects seperately, as well as add any other stuff that is also in the Vista version, like HD video encoding.

If you have a TV tuner card and record TV, there are better programs out there for this sort of stuff than using Media Center alone. Plus, you can get the XBMC as a stand alone for pc's now, not just for your Xbox and it supports more formats than Medica Center.


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the difference between home and professional are so small you wouldn't even care which version you have.

Does home edition support multiple processors? I remember back in the day it only supported one. Also, I thought Home could not log on to active domains, or is this also not true? I remember that the original home editions had a large difference of capabilities to Pro, but I never owned or nor do I run any Home editions of XP, so I'm not sure what they have now that SP3 is out. I have always used Pro/Corporate and MCE editions.

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Depends on what he is doing... I found file sharing of any sort a complete nightmare on XP Home :blink:

Because they don't giv eyou the same NTFS file sharing controls that Pro has. Home let sanyone connect to any share, as where with Pro, you can make it so people have to use a password to open a windows shared folder or file.

Looking at google for comparison of Home and Pro, it seems home doesn't even scratch the surface of things you can do in pro along with things like Group Policy, multiple user groups and level of security for each group, etc, I don't even see how Home can be considered an option for a pc these days. Security should be priority #1 when installing an OS, then Performance and Compatibility. Everything else is just an afterthough for me.

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