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Why am I freezing


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about for a week now my computer started freexing (running Windows XP all updates done) so I figred I got a virus or somehow my fs go screwed up so I pop in the xp disk and do a fresh install now after I reinstalled it froze again and it never used to do this before. Anyone know what might be the cause of the problem?


AMD athlon 64 X2 3800+ 2.15 CPU

Asus M2N4-SLI mobo

2.0 GB Patriot Performance RAM

2-250 GB HDD RAID 0

ATI 2300 32MB Video card (I know its shit I burnt out my other one)

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about for a week now my computer started freexing (running Windows XP all updates done) so I figred I got a virus or somehow my fs go screwed up so I pop in the xp disk and do a fresh install now after I reinstalled it froze again and it never used to do this before. Anyone know what might be the cause of the problem?


AMD athlon 64 X2 3800+ 2.15 CPU

Asus M2N4-SLI mobo

2.0 GB Patriot Performance RAM

2-250 GB HDD RAID 0

ATI 2300 32MB Video card (I know its shit I burnt out my other one)

Bad PSU? Or maybe something is loose or miss seated, like ram or cables...Hard to say just because it could be a number of things.

"I burnt out my other one" -- Burnt out how? Maybe in doing so it damaged something??

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well I am thinking one of my hdds went bad because it freeses mainly when I play a video but I may be wrong and its not from the video card because it happened about 3 months ago and this only started about a week ago

Only does it on Video though?? What kind, like Flash or AVI's, etc? Maybe its time to upgrade your GPU. Could be a HDD, but hard to say. Try running chkdsk at reboot and see if it corrects any errors.

• To repair errors, locate bad sectors, and recover readable information, at the command prompt, type chkdsk volume:/r, and then press ENTER.

Note If one or more of the files on the hard disk are open, you will receive the following message:

Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? (Y/N)

Type Y, and then press ENTER to schedule the disk check, and then restart your computer to start the disk check.

So that would be something like "chkdsk c:/r" for your c drive and then reboot to fix any errors.

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well I am thinking one of my hdds went bad because it freeses mainly when I play a video but I may be wrong and its not from the video card because it happened about 3 months ago and this only started about a week ago

I would suspect the hard drives as well. Try a fsck.

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I did chkdsk but I feel asleep so I wasn't able to read the printout and I don't think it would be my GPU because I have used this before to play videos and nothing happened and also the video are not even copy like it is struggling with it

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I am afraid it is my hdds cause I was extracting from a rar file and froze up on me again ao now I will be shoping for some hdds :(

any suggestions I always used Western Digital (keep in mind I am a college student so I am short on cash) but I would like to get at least 3 of them for my raid

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what exact video card are you using? the only ati 2300 that i know of is the 2300 hd mobility and dosnt come in a 32mb.

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idk why I said 2300 it is actually a radeon 7000

ok now im even more confused. how are you using an AGP card on a motherboard that has no AGP slot?

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The next step is probably to try a new hard drive. Alternatively you could try SpinRite but drives are so cheap a new one is probably better. Though SpinRite would tell you if other things are broken (such as the drive controller).

Befor spending money, give MemTest86 a go. Let it run for a bit.

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Why does it say

OS Required

Apple MacOS X, Apple MacOS 9.x

if you are using XP? They have drivers for XP directly with that card? Just wondering. Or did you link to the wrong card.
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I am on amd/ati and have had zero issue with SP3.

Ditto...Im running fine. AMD x4 Phenom and ATI HD2400XT

You should only have a problem if you used an OEM disc that was made for a pentium CPU specificlly. Dell and HP were having issues because they used the same OEM discs to load on both types of systems and when customers upgraded, the ran into problems with SP3. Microsoft has a fix though and should catch it when you go to Microsoft Update. As far as I know it's isolated to a certain model CPU from AMD.

Not sure if it catches it for auto-update, but I recall someone saying that it tells you that you need a certain file before you can upgrade to SP3...

edit: Found some more info on this. It was not so much an AMD issue, as it was an OEM using a disk that was designed for Intel boards, and didn't have the AMD sys files needed.

"Because the image for both Intel and AMD is the same all have the intelppm.sys driver installed and running. That driver provides power management on Intel-based computers. On an AMD-based computer, amdk8.sys provides the same functionality," says Johansson.
- http://www.tomshardware.com/news/Windows-XP-SP3,5334.html
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I've done several hundred installs of SP3 in the last month or so and I can safely say it has less problems than SP2. If there is a problem with AMD processors then its far more likely to be caused by a problem at AMD's end of things.

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im thinking its the hdd, ayways you could check it by popping the hdd in the freezer (keep it in a airlockd container) for maybe a day and then install it in the pc again if your hdd runs fine for an hour or two and then slows down again then you can be sure its the hdd.

Btw if you think its a dumb idea putting an hdd in a freezer then google it youll see that it helps to recover data or helps a failing drive for a while so it may just give you an answer that it is your hdd

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im thinking its the hdd, ayways you could check it by popping the hdd in the freezer (keep it in a airlockd container) for maybe a day and then install it in the pc again if your hdd runs fine for an hour or two and then slows down again then you can be sure its the hdd.

Btw if you think its a dumb idea putting an hdd in a freezer then google it youll see that it helps to recover data or helps a failing drive for a while so it may just give you an answer that it is your hdd

this can sometimes work for drives that arent spinning correctly or that have stuck heads, but i would advise you to be very careful of condensation when putting the drive back into the computer.

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