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Everything posted by jollyrancher82

  1. I can inject a DLL into the runtime process, which can change the address that the GOTO statement goes to, breaking the loop. :P
  2. Look at the DOMDocument class in PHP.
  3. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2085/2151547845_b18fda77c2_o.png[/img]
  4. Both will fail. Both expect to be booted from IDE drives, not SATA.
  5. I ordered my Eee PC tonight, should arrive in 7-10 days. Some people know that I run the website http://eeehackers.com, I am currently still looking for more writers for the site so the site becomes more active, and the community grows. If you're interested please visit the site and apply. Thanks :)
  6. Does metasploit block the use of as a target? Picture was made before Metasploit. And I'm not sure, probably not.
  7. $1000.00+ Don't think I'll be paying that much, when I can get an Eee PC for $400 in the UK.
  8. Linux and BSD ar variations of Unix. Neither are variations of Unix. They're Unix-like.
  9. I am assuming the cool part is still to come for this post.
  10. Chuck Prison Break House M.D. Lost One Tree Hill Grey's Anatomy Scrubs Extras The Office (UK) Top Gear The I.T. Crowd Smallville Californication Dexter The Simpsons Futurama Numb3rs Heroes Anything else that's random or interesting.
  11. Pretty Good Privacy.. the title alone makes it sound just not that good enough.
  12. Don't celebrate Christmas. But on the day of the 25th.. 0GB.
  13. jollyrancher82


    I'm sure it has, it's not something I've looked into deeply.
  14. nUbuntu phails because the dev team dropped the project making them suck teh cock once the next version comes out the dev team can stop the cock suckerage I wouldn't make such slanderous comments, said dev team may feel the need to take you to court.
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