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Everything posted by jollyrancher82

  1. I recently acquired a VPS running x86_64 Fedora Core 1, I was wondering if people had a list of mirrors I could use for Yum. Anyone who replies with "google" fries rice.
  2. I don't see how, Cybereagle looks 15 :P
  3. Good times, good times. Those who missed out, really missed out. DarkSenay couldn't even remember what happened last night.
  4. I wrote my own C++ classes to allow me to create skinned windows for my application, and I can reskin the app just by dropping new images into the resource directory, and recompiling, it's pretty sweet :D
  5. Gather all the information you can about said person, then social his ISP... I don't endorse this method... I swear I've never done this... honestly.
  6. So last night I decided to do another live TomB show on Hak.5 Radio. I had some cool guests joining me to talk about random things. The show started off with an interview/tech talk with Darren Kitchen. The show then followed on with some more tech talk with cybereagle and a little contribution from cheeseburger and finally the show closed with more round table discussion with cheeseburger and CrashandDie. If you want to download and listen the recording is http://tombell.org.uk/~tomb/media/hak.5rad...-and-guests.mp3 it's not the best quality. But who cares no ones paying! Enjoy
  7. I get that the idea is to have the program output a string of your choice every time the program is run but the string must be unique? I would solve this by, outputting the epochs timestamp, then sleeping for 1 second. The output would be unique everytime, because the sleep stops the person running the program quickly. That's the hackers way :D
  8. window menu combo box buttons status bar custom control for rendering the page in Piecing them together is something you'll have to research, and search MSDN for.
  9. If you're gonna code bad HTML like that, I'm not suprised IE crashes.
  10. Funny how many people did take this thread seriously. :)
  11. s0 liek I heard thur w0z th1s 0s c4ll3d Aff1n1ty0s. 1 w0z h0p1ng y0u c0uld t3ll m3 h0w t0 h4x it?!?!?!oneoneoen111.
  12. As James said, you don't put Windows on the PSP, you run Windows within Boches on the PSP, and the lack of keyboard renders it useless.
  13. Cain and Abel is a Windows application so no. As for Nmap, it's not coded for the PSP API, so no.
  14. Well you can’t get Oreo cookies, twinkie, Reese's Cups, Milk Duds and a number of other nice candies in the UK. America also has really nice hot sauce which you can't get in the UK. I say just bring hot sauce or something Mexican as there are no Mexicans in the UK. We have too many Polish though.
  15. want to give it to me? Nope :-).
  16. http://tombell.org.uk/~tomb/images/newcomputer/
  17. DarkSenay and I will be hosting the Hak.5 Live Preshow Warmup live on Hak.5 Radio. For more information you can visit http://hak5radio.com or http://wiki.hak5.org/wiki/Hak.5_Radio We will be talking tech, and other random madness, taking music requests, and hopefully hosting episode two of the infamous Quiz Show 2.0. You may join in the fun in the IRC channel #hak5radio on irc.hak5.org. We hope to see you around and enjoy the 2 hour build up to Hak.5 Live.
  18. I've never seen that function, it's not a standard C function nor Windows API function. So I don't know which library it's from.
  19. The first error picture, means it is missing a library it needs to be linked with.
  20. I bet that wallpaper was set only for the screenshot.
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