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Everything posted by puredistortion

  1. if you are going to look at hacking the WRT's a great resource on the web is Paul and Larry over at www.pauldotcom.com. These guys have released a great book called 'Linksys WRT54G Ultimate Hacking' a great book about all of the things you can do to the WRT's. Alongside this there is a site http://www.wrt54ghacks.com/ check that out for useful info also.
  2. That is a massibe back pack kwinchee :)
  3. Very cool, It is not peverted though I must be LOL as no matter what the picture ended up as my eye was still drawn to the perverted shapes in the pic, or maybe I amjust like a school kid as I giggled at most iof them hehehehe.
  4. Can you white list the domain in the smooth wall GUI? If you can I can go hunting and give you Amavis config options that will white list hak5,org from spam and AV filtering.
  5. You could use sockets and connect on port 80 to the server and then issue your requests and stuff straight to the HTTP server.
  6. That Wifi Tee is awesome I am sop going to get one when they come in that is crazy.
  7. That was my thought as well make a great portable Fire wall. Though if they would take 12 volts they may make good rouge access points to test your Wifi defences in your network or for pen testing. As they would be small enough to hide.
  8. Thank heaps for being so nice. I have sent you a PM. Cant wait to have a play with this project.
  9. For Security and administration Of Redhat products I found that the RHCE study guide by Mc Graw Hill was a good book, though it does lean more towards the Administration. Though I did not find the book that great as a primer for my RHEL 5 RHCE For a good book on basic Liunx Security principals I still lile Real World Linux Security: Intrusion Prevention, Detection, and Recovery by Rob Toxen, this book is a little dated as it was written in 2001, though it does have some great fundimental principals that still apply to Security and system defence today. Things such as a Layered Security and othe Defence in Depth principals.
  10. Yeah this looks sweet as the amount of sons for this game is huge.
  11. do you need to apply for an invite? or do you need to know some one. Will they sell the devices to Australia? Oh I could look all this up do you have a URL?
  12. This is awesome, is ebay the only place where you can get these Fonera devices from?
  13. No, good idea. However, how do I go about doing this :oops:? My mobo is a Gigabyte GA-K8n pro sli... Go to the Gigabyte web site and down load the latest NIC drivers for you MOBOARD and then find the device in Device Manager and upgrade the driver. Though the driver fole may be in a .EXE file in that case just run the .EXE file. Also Check Layer 1 stuff like use a new network cable between your PC and Rooter/Modem also tray a nother LAN port on this device if it has one.
  14. A cool way to do it would be to use amavis and sendmail. I have used this on gateways and it is sweet as it will do mutiple AV filters.
  15. To do this you would need to encapsulate the USB data into TCP/IP and have it routedin the same way as any other TCP packet the re assemble the ransmission. If you were wanting to do that there are Cheap NAS boxes out there you can buy that support NFS or samba.
  16. it really confuses me why people use I'm not in shape as an excuse to go out and exercise... No I am a very active person, dont get me wrong here. Though to have the strength and balance that this guy has you have to be extremly fit and that I am no longer LOL.
  17. One Question, What the Hell are you doing? Trying to download the internet? Yeah just grabbing a quick backup to be safe :D
  18. That guy is awesome such control of his body and ballance. I wish i was fitter to give it a go.
  19. This looks great and it also has a great email option as well which is cool. I can feel a widget coming on to send files for Gnome.
  20. This is really scary if it possible for Microsoft to patch your PC's with out the knowledge of users what will stop hackers ect from "UPDATING" your system with exploits, malware, root kits ect. Makes me glad I dont have a Windows box that is not air gapped from the Internet.
  21. Here is an example all done in bash so you can use on system with no perl. ${string/replace/parttern/} With that pattern is just a standard REGEX I .have included an example that will clear out the 1 for a string 1234. [bash]$ a=1234 [bash]$ echo ${a//[^2-4]/} 234 [bash]$
  22. That is what the pranksters at MIT got up to LOL. Found it on digg.
  23. If you can reboot the machine stuff in a live CD and go from there.
  24. I have had a quick look and Smoothwall is using Clam AV for it email filtering and most likley that is being called through Amavis or Milter. I think the logs for clam by default are in /var/log/clamd.log Also updates are done through cron for this using the command 'freshclam' which will go down and upload new signature files as they are released by the Clam community. I use this in our Linux Gate way product for SMTP filtering and it does a great job especially when used with Spamassasin. Also you may find logging a bit different as it is part of smoothwall and it may handle logging differently.
  25. I am going to work on my grammar now I have this insight into how seriously forum administrators take there job :-)
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