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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. That was Dr Dre - Next Episode. :)
  2. I love that track, it's been a while...
  3. Don't forget the permanent fix: Delete all NTFS partitions, Install Linux/BSD ;) Urgh. People who can't keep their system clear of bollocks aren't gonna get on well with *BSD or Linux... But I know you say that every time, so I'm just going to ignore you ;)
  4. *sigh* ... *heavy sigh*
  5. A compromised machine will show symptoms in Internet Explorer but it's usually a sign that the complete Windows install has been wrecked from the inside out. Tips to help after your reformat: - Don't use Internet Explorer - Make sure you've got adequate virus and malware protection - Don't visit sites containing questionable content - Don't click Yes unless you're 100% sure what is going to happen - Pay attention to what's running on your system, take note if it seems unreasonably sluggish - Don't run weird stuff people send you and don't click odd links on emails you weren't expecting
  6. Arg. You didn't need a thread for this... You're in EST which is GMT-5, the same as the Hak5 guys. You need to tune in at 3pm.
  7. Luzaked?I just have no idea what that is supposed to be. Lucozade, a 'sports drink'.
  8. Personally, I'm the one who keeps tabs on the connection in this house, and the only one who knows how to reconfig the router so what I did is kept my DSL extention lead leading upstairs and replaced the modem with the router. This way I get a wired ethernet connection to the router and everyone else in the house connects wirelessly.
  9. Yes, with that router that setup will work.
  10. Even though my monitors are really badly mismatched (19" CRT + 15" widescreen LCD) I find 2 monitors much better than 1 big one for multitasking... A large monitor's great for photoshop, but I like to be able to see as much as possible, so I might have IRC or a browser open on the other monitor, it just feels much nicer than Alt+Tabbing.
  11. Depends, what's the router model? If it's an ADSL router then you can plug it in to the phone line as in the first picture. If it's not an ADSL router then it will need an external modem like in the second picture (that connects via ethernet, a USB modem like most of them in the UK *will not work*). Your other option is to set up your ADSL modem on a machine and then use that machine as a gateway on the LAN. I think you'll find the router option a lot easier though.
  12. 911alertme: Please shorten your avatar.
  13. Nice, clouds are a great thing to photograph, many people have laid upon the ground and wondered about just about everything while watching clouds. :) Nice work. :)
  14. Wordpad does most of the things necessary for most documents...
  15. Just got Office 2007 Beta in the post this morning, so that. I don't use Office software a great deal, I get by without it but since MS gave me a copy of the beta I might as well use it.
  16. Any router will work with Ubuntu, it's the NIC that has to interact with Ubuntu, the router's a remote device communicated with via ethernet...
  17. I think that's 'RAZR'... Most data cables come with or are compatible with some software that can pull text messages. Varies by phone/cable.
  18. I think I prefer the Chinese clone to the real thing. That says something, I think.
  19. Locked. Nah, I'm kidding, carry on. As SomeoneElse said, if a thread needs locking it will be, no need to ask. :)
  20. When all is said and all is done, High post counts aren't really fun, Pointless posts, redundant threads, I pronounce this subject dead!
  21. there's a Best Of Season 1 torrent with extra features and stuff, but no official complete Season 1 DVD as yet
  22. It is legal and allowed, Hak.5 is released under the CC license mentioned at the end of each show... blah, blah, blah, do what you like with them, give credit, yadda yadda, more info on the CC site.
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