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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. I don't know if Vista still uses Boot.ini, but if it does it'll be hidden away... open a command prompt and go to the root of the drive you found boot.bak in and type: attrib boot.ini -r -s -h Then you should be able to open and edit it in notepad. Once it's edited, save it, then go back to the command prompt, change to the root of the drive you found boot.ini (or boot.bak, since boot.ini will probably be in the same place) in and type: attrib boot.ini +r +s +h Try rebooting, see if it worked, if not then it Vista probably doesn't use that method.
  2. Locked. Not only is this thread now a bit pointless, it's one of the many recently that have made me want to scream at the top of my lungs. Thanks for playing, catch you again next week on Annoy the Mod!
  3. * Screwdriver, as many as you can find because you'll always need the one you don't have *As has been said a swiss army knife or something, and mybe some pliers *All the adapters you can gather up (VGA->DVI, serial->PS/2, USB->PS/2, Mac video->VGA, USB->IDE/SATA, etc) *A multimeter *Some blank floppies/CDs *A pen and paper for notes *A USB stick full of anti-crapware tools and testing tools (SiSoft Sandra or AIDA32 for checking hardware specs without opening the box) and network diagnostics stuff if required *A couple of film cannisters for screws *A mouse *Compressed air There's probably stuff I've forgotten, but that should be enough to comfortably fix most machines without realising you need something you don't have.
  4. I suggest you both be quiet, and operator, stop bringing back dead threads.
  5. A stolen screenshot badly edited, and unless that was SP1 or R2 it's about 2 years too old... better luck next time ;) Edit: If we're going the whole Win2k3 route though: My main desktop, resolution reduced because I usually run at 1600x1200 which isn't so good for forum posting :) It's WS2k3 R2, so it was released 6 December 2005.
  6. This is getting harder and harder...
  7. Was covered in an early episode of Hak5, if somewhat briefly. Just a note though, if you are in a country whose laws prohibit the use of software that is written to break copy protection or the use of software that has had copy protection removed or broken then OSX86 is illegal full stop, there is no way to install it legally on a non-Apple computer.
  8. ~£312.38 (~$620 USD) per month by that logic for an assymetric 100Mb line with unlimited download.
  9. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You're paranoid about the health of your hardware. Don't be. It's confusing you, it's going to get in the way. STOP WORRYING ABOUT THE HARDWARE. *exhales* What I mean is the software might just be telling you that because it doesn't know what else to say. In some cases (but not this one most likely) it could be that a program can't find a file it needs, yet tells you it's out of memory. It wasn't really out of memory, it just couldn't find the file and decided not to tell you the real reason. Could be the same here (but probably isn't, iTunes for Windows is full of bugs even now, post bugfixes).
  10. 1) We're not in the show, Darren, Wess, Alli and guests are. 2) You can't fix a buffer overflow in a closed source application unless you what's causing it, where it is, and are able to write a patch to change the binary... and frankly I'd have to say it's out of the league of most people who've signed up to this forum. (Before you start saying "don't insult me", I said *most*). 3) half the time the error message isn't related to the problem, like MS Paint or Visual Basic's "Out Of Memory" error when really there's plenty of memory, it just fubar'd.
  11. By hot you mean smoking? I say give up and start collecting stamps or take up hockey...
  12. It's probably also mentioned in the registry.
  13. Answer questions, sure, but only answer questions like this if the user's been around a while... We don't wanna be any more skiddy central than we already are, and we certainly don't wanna breed kids that run around exploiting stuff for fun and profit... Breaking things is cool, but only if they're yours to break. We don't know if you're going to take an exploit talked about here and run around owning the living daylights out of every website, network or workstation you come across. You might not plan to do that, but we don't know that. Oh, and telling us it's for someone else and you're only gonna use it on your mum's web server who gave you permission ages ago because she doesn't know she even owns one won't work either... In short (I'm running low on sarcasm and dry wit tonight) we don't wanna be responsible to helping you fuck people over.
  14. You're ober-protecting it. Chill. A virus isn't going to come and destroy your computer. Right, that said: 1) How does still being able to browse YouTube have any relevance to the problem? It's based on Adobe Flash. 2) Why does Kodak EasyShare require QuickTime to download your photos? Also you should be able to retrieve the photos without half a HDD full of crap software, I seem to remember being able to do so on my old Kodak. ...and now to the main course. Apple couldn't really care less about Windows users, the only reason they provide iTunes is so we will go buy stuff from the music store. As for the application itself, uninstall iTunes and QuickTime *completely* (including all registry entries) and reinstall the last version you know worked. 0.1 of a version won't make a huge difference and they'll probably fix it by the time iTunes 8 comes out...
  15. QFE! If you need to break out more tools than a bouncer on friday night down the club then something's wrong, it's gone too far. 1 AV and 1 anti-spyware application should do it, and personally I don't even need them most of the time unless I've done something stupid... Fixing others' computers though, if it really is that far gone then just format. Set everything up to scan often and regularly and if they complain about it slowing down their games or quarantining their porn then tough luck really... If some of us can do it then so can everyone else with a little coaching.
  16. If you're gonna have Doritos and salsa you can't miss the cream cheese too...
  17. Someone elsewhere mentioned that Linux on the PS3 apparently can't access the GPU... or something... so replace "Linux" with "dodgy video player disc".
  18. This isn't that sort of community I'm afraid. Google would be more able to help you there.
  19. [me=moonlit]picks up pieces of his body and begins applying superglue...[/me]
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