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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. I quite agree... I shut off drink for quite a while and now I jsut have to odd few here and there... I like getting a slight buzz but I don't want to get absolutely hammered again for a very long time, if at all... As far as other substances go, I also agree... if you aren't a person that can handle it (and I don't mean that in a mocking sense) then kep away... they can really do you damage if your brain can't handle the kind of thing VaKo mentioned... the unfortunate thing is that you never know if you can handle it (again, not in a 'lightweight!' way) until it's too late... if you handled it, great but don't push it further than you know you can take it and if you haven't touched them, my general advice is don't...
  2. hookahs/shishas? they are bloody great!
  3. well they fuck anyone up really, but often irrepairably for undeveloped bodies/minds/souls etc...
  4. ... ... ... ... You'd have to ask him, but personally if I were that way inclined I'd probably choose Darre... *clears throat* Yes... well... better ask Wess that...
  5. Very sound advice there VaKo... I'm glad someone still gives a monkey's...
  6. I think I could live with a cigar rather than a cigarette!
  7. Quite... but I'm sure there wouldn't be any requirement for viagra...
  8. Heheh ... yeah ... cleansing the gene pool ... that's it ... :D That could ease the concience for a minute or two ;)
  9. ahaha yeah I hadn't thought of that! hehe would be kinda funny though if we all managed to do that... on the count of three, ready with the Return key... ;)
  10. A Pentium M @ 1.73GHz and 512MB RAM IIRC, Technologique :D @stingwray: yeah that would be awful nice... *drools*
  11. What, horse pr0n? Oh, and VaKo... you say we need certificates... do you have a link to the PDF? ;)
  12. Liquid Nitrogen? That could be very unfortunate if linked to pr0n... Hydrofluoric Acid? You know, the pH0 stuff? ;) Ow... ouch... ow... ow...
  13. Yeah I agree with Darren about being a little oldschool aboot it... it's nicer, I think to go to the page/site and read and view pictures and leisurely download the cast... much nicer that way! @lama: yeah, that's us Brits for ya, eh? ;) Edit: *considers making a weekly schedule, tv-listings style of all the cool vidcast/podcast stuff he can find - one lot for 'radio', one lot for 'tv'... then have the TV hooked to the TV out, the radio hooked to the audio out and et viola! never have to use the real media again! 24/7 cool stuff! maybe Darren wasn't dreaming... maybe we can have several hundred channels of cool stuff :D*
  14. Yep I quite agree melodic! Gimme a beer, a cigarette, some IPTV and some munchies and Easter'll be over before I knew it even got here...
  15. now I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but ONLY BLOG IF YOU'RE REMOTELY MATURE ABOUT IT! Sure, have loads of fun with it, but don't go scrapping with someone about it or insulting them for the damn blog host they use! Edit: *cough* Spelling error? Where...? ;)
  16. Nobody on this forum would do that though... ...would they? ;)
  17. I'm an AMD guy ever since the K6-2 (with 3DNow! Technology... ;)) I'm currently running an AthlonXP and have been through a few Athlons, a K6/K6-2 or two and I've been very happy with the speed and stability... the Intels I have owned however have not been so productive... from 486s to PII/PIIIs, I gave up on them... granted, I haven't tried a P4 yet but I made my choice - AMD all the way! As for the Mac issue, I've used a few and owned a few (mostly older generation models) but I must say that I've been happy with their perfomance too... the operating systems on the whole are generally stable, the mouse having one button is actually ok when you're used to it... Windows spoilt us ;) But I must also stand up for Macs here... I'm mainly a PC guy but they've taken quite a bashing from Intel, Microsoft and the whole Wintel crowd... shame really, they don't deserve that reputation!
  18. heheh *wanders in the vague direction of the topic*
  19. moonlit


    quite a bit I'd reckon...
  20. meh - my box serves me well enough, and for when I'm out and about I have my MP3 player and lappy, so I'm all good :D
  21. nah I can't afford a PSP lol
  22. Steve Earle - The Devil's Right Hand
  23. KoRn - Falling Away From Me
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