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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. I'll guess that's the usual response then?
  2. You know we're all gonna wanna add you as a friend now, right? ;)
  3. ah yeah I hadn't thought of that... so 'tis!
  4. oh cool :) my fave is the top one, but then I like the died hair in the second ... and the third one's just cool :D
  5. ...erm... would I sound out of place if I was to say that despite that, you know you did it?
  6. *innocently swings head from left to right and back* I wasn't! I'm a totally odd/naughty/twisted thought free zone! *cough*Inaparalleluniverse*cough*
  7. coolness :) I wasn't thinking anything... erm... I just wasn't thinking anything! :D
  8. heheh :D I'll start now! Oh, wait... there's nothing to correct... *idles*
  9. I dread to think, but I'm guessing it's gonna be going through Photoshop ;) Yeah I know what you mean! People don't seem to understand copyright and other such issues which can be a rear-end based annoyance... they can be vaguely amusing, but sometimes it's a little tough to hold your tounge when they're persistant... I'm doing work experience with a youth service down here in England and we have to be very careful about using pictures of the kids on activities and stuff... it's usually ok, but all you need is one time when someone didn't get permission and you could have a problem... edit: @Vako: erm.. not sure... try it and see ;)
  10. yeah it's unfortunate that the discussion of drugs is frowned upon and has an image just as much as the consuming of them, but that's how it is... I couldn't agree more though, know about these things in great detail before you even consider doing anything with them. I do not actively encourage the use of illegal substances but I am very well aware that people do take them and do so often without knowledge of what they are, their effects or what side-effects they can cause.
  11. heheh I'll take that as... a neutral comment ;) I must say though that I myself am not keen on it some days... depends on my mood and I think it's kind of an acquitred taste anyhow, so... Besides that, I'm using Paint Shop Pro as opposed to Photoshop, which gets me by but I really should switch to PS sometime for good... I've used it but keep slipping back to PSP... @VaKo: Hope you're gonna delete that photo, since KainChick didn't give you permission to take that photo ;) @KainChick: I didn't see it... I don't think anyone else did... *nudges VaKo*
  12. I am afraid that I must say that I am not a great fan of this thread. It is the second I have seen that I have not been keen on. How's that do ya? ;)
  13. I guess that could work... cheers for the input Darren!
  14. yeah that'd be cool if you did feel like posting some of your creative musings, and yeah maybe we should have somewhere to put our creative stuffs... I think that could be quite nice :) *coughs and points politely* - erm... kainchick? halo... slipping... ;)
  15. perhaps your happy multilingual forums sysop? :D glad you liked the healthy discussion though, and good idea to add the disclaimer in there :)
  16. heheh yeah I'm used to doing more romantic/cynical stuff... see http://spaces.msn.com/dblhell for my real poetry and some of my 'art' lol
  17. well thanks :) and yeah! we're a community... almost borderline being a new breed in some respects...!
  18. I quite agree! I love group discussions, so it stands to reason that I'd like forums, but I do think we should all keep it a bit sensible... humour is good but at least keep it reasonably sensible...
  19. meh... well either way, I think we should all stick together in our little world we create - and the great thing is we choose what goes in, comes out or gets thrown away :D we sit alone with bleary square eyes, caffeine fuelled, at ease, watch the outside world ignore, our pleasant destinies, another world we've built ourselves, we create and we destroy, the outside world deems us unsocial, just playing with our toys, alone, yet all connected, we all log on, submit, discuss the world at large online, together we created this, with your IP and username, you have exclusive right, to access this exclusive club, while we all live at night. man, I can't write this time of the morning!
  20. well you seem pretty ok to me, so you've got one vote :) thing is though, do the people who make negative comments choose to taget specific people? are they just a little... socially challeged? ;)
  21. lol well I for one am glad to have girls on board in this scene, I think it needs a few more females so welcome again! glad you still take comments in good humour, I'm sure you do get plenty... I guess we all do but moreso for girls... ho-hum - comes with the territory I s'pose... hope you enjoy your stay! *returns to /.*
  22. Meh... all personal choice and machine spec... how's that? ;) I have heard good things about using Linux on media boxes though, but haven't tried...
  23. Interesting... though it wasn't put there for me specifically, thanks for the link VaKo.
  24. Nah my caffeine intake comes from energy drinks... 1 litre can be purchased from certain UK supermarkets for around 99p per bottle... though offers are often available: 2 x 1l Kick from Tesco Stores Ltd. for £1.50 (~$2.60 US, $3.00 CAN, $3.60 AUS, €2.20 EUR, 310¥ JAP) 3 x 1l Blue Charge from Asda for £2.50 (~$4.40 US, $5.00 CAN, $6.00 AUS, €3.60 EUR, 520¥ JAP) Both have a ceffeine content of 32mg per 100ml and come in several flavours.
  25. Yeah caffeine is no longer a luxury, it's an essential part of one's daily diet...
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