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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Ah very good Vako! Also available are other such similar tools... basically they allow your disc image to be used like a real CD or DVD... you can see it in My Computer and you can play it if it's a music CD or DVD or whatever or use it just like normal whatever kind of disc image it is actually... Sorry if everyone knew, just making sure :) That wasn't all that clear, was it? lol
  2. meh - blow away! we'll soon yell if you should stop ;) It was pretty cool though...
  3. *drool* that sounds wonderful VaKo! My meaty recipe isn't so much a recipe as a cheat but it works on a budget... Go to either Tesco, Asda or somewhere else that sells hot food and buy a hot pre-cooked bacon joint... :D a whole joint all to yourself will certainly make a man happy... it tastes great too, though I do find that they aren't often well cooked and occasionally get a slightly dodgy stomach a few hours after but hey... it's all good!
  4. Yeah that's true but despite the resolution of that one I don't think you did a bad job :)
  5. Perhaps if you have a kind friend who has a burner and a connection they might be kind enough to help you out?
  6. That's not bad though VaKo... that might even convince some people... :D
  7. *now wonders what syntax's computer is full of...* Does that imply that since those files on LimeWire are only 32k they're safe? ;)
  8. I... love... that... passage... The Hacker's Manifesto is, for our breed, one of the greatest literary works ever imho...
  9. Then I must mention my college breakfasts! Purchase the following from Asda (or other store that sells this stuff): 2, 4 or 8 pre-cooked Spicy Chicken Fillets (you buy them hot- I generally stick to less since more than you can eat is a waste unless someone is joining you for breakfast), 1 pack of 10 or 20 cheese slices (you know, the plastic stuff?) 1 pack of 4 Ploughman's rolls... large enough and have the misc. seeds on top... Optionally, mayo... again, garlic if preferred... Now open your roll (they come in packs of four) and add mayo if you bought any... place 1 or 2 cheese slices on each roll, now place a chicken fillet on the cheese slices and add more cheese slices... if you fancy, add mayo again now and top with the other half of the roll... If you bought 8 fillets, add two instead of one... Repeat for each roll. by which time the first will be cooling slightly but the cheese slices will have melted... gorge, repeat, go to class! I generally accompany this with a minimum of 1 litre of caffeine drink, since it is required for a college day...
  10. Haha yeah that quote would fit right in!
  11. *worried expression* *spits out the fruit at an alarming rate*
  12. well that woke me up a little...
  13. I guess it could count :)
  14. yeah it does suck... the caffeine shakes aren't so good
  15. haha! I wouldn't suggest such a thing... and I know it wasn't you... 'cos it was me!
  16. erm... not sure actually VaKo, I flunked Electronics lol I'm sure there is a way to do it with transistors, and maybe a few diodes and resistors but I'm hoping someone has more info, 'cos I can't remember much about it...
  17. hear hear! and you forgot to mention your vote Darren ;)
  18. nice to be reminded we all start somewhere, eh? ;) google is useful though - define: is your friend :)
  19. Well there's transistors which do a similar thing, though I'm not sure what the voltages/currents you're using are gonna mean when using transistors...
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