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Everything posted by sud0nick

  1. I have a GS4 as well and I've tried multiple times to no avail. I even posted a question about it awhile back with zero response so if you get it working please let me know. I may take another shot at it again soon.
  2. Merry Christmas! I got a Rubber Ducky as a gift! =)
  3. I can't get to the webpage right now (at work) but it looks like it is the same as the Pineapple Juice 6800 mah pack. It should work just fine.
  4. You should have received adapters with your kit that you can swap with the US plug on the power supply. I have left mine charging all night before without a problem. Yes. In order for the battery to charge the power must be on.
  5. I'm not sure I understand your question because Sony doesn't have anything to do with Kali or any other Linux distro.
  6. First connect through Ethernet. That is probably going to be the most stable connection. Then SSH into it. If you are using Windows then I would use PuTTY, if you are on Linux then use the ssh command. ssh root@ It will ask for your password and you're in! PuTTY is pretty much the same on Windows but there is a GUI.
  7. SCP is Secure Copy. If you are running Windows you can download WinSCP from http://winscp.net/eng/download.php. If you have Linux it should already be built in but if not you should be able to find it easily with apt-get. EDIT Here is a page with examples of using SCP in Linux if that's what you have. http://www.hypexr.org/linux_scp_help.php
  8. Based on what you have said you did not receive a used Pineapple.
  9. You're right, but I could have sworn I've done it that way before. As you can tell I don't write many shell scripts.
  10. If they offer .mobi files for Kindle then this is a great deal. If not then I just stick with it-ebooks.info and get PDF versions for free. They look just as good on my Kindle when I turn it to the side.
  11. So I found this other thread in the forums that makes a suggestion (https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/32753-trouble-running-stuff-in-background-dip-switches/?hl=%2Bshell+%2Bscript+%2Bdip+%2Bswitch#entry246037). The command fields may be weird and not accept a command that calls a script directly. In the thread I linked to there is a suggestion that one should try echoing the command like so: echo "./root/pine-ap-start.sh" or echo "./root/pine-ap-start.sh" | at now This seems ridiculous to me but it's worth a shot to try everything. I also should have mentioned this before but try changing your script to /bin/bash instead of /bin/ash. Just a thought...
  12. What I meant was have you tried putting a period at the beginning of the absolute path? It needs to path the find the script and the period to know you want to execute it.
  13. DIP switches are boot mode switches. This means they execute scripts upon startup and not in the middle of operations, AFAIK. Check out the wiki (http://wiki.wifipineapple.com/index.php/DIP_Switches) for more information. The wiki states only BASH commands are acceptable in command fields so shouldn't your command look like ./root/pine-ap-start.sh with the period at the beginning so it will execute?
  14. I'm not 100% certain on this but according to this site https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsug_html_chunked/AppToolstcpdump.html you have to specify both an interface AND a file in order to save output. It's worth a shot.
  15. My Pineapple came with the sd card inserted as well. As for the memory issue I have no answer but I generally install infusions on the sd card for two reasons. One, because I don't want to fill up my internal storage, and two, because for things like Evil Portal II, where I have many different web pages and associated files, I want to keep everything across firmware upgrades. I also switched my sd card to a 16GB so I can't really compare my resources tile to yours.
  16. Good point. Unless if jnkfile really is running on 1.2.0 and that wasn't a typo.
  17. ISOHunt also stood up a site called oldpiratebay. I guess they copied TPBs database a while back and now they are hosting their own version.
  18. Your PineappleJuice battery may have appeared fully charged but most likely wasn't. Mine was that way when I got it but it worked perfectly after charging it properly. I believe the shipping has changed because I don't recall getting firmware notes either but you really don't need them...
  19. Have you tried a manual upgrade? Follow the instructions here: https://wifipineapple.com/?flashing
  20. That sounds right because clients won't have an SSID.
  21. I would double check your connections. I've had this happen before where I connected the Pineapple as a client to an AP but it would get kicked off a few seconds later. I wouldn't realize it until I connected a client to the Pineapple and it couldn't get out to the internet. I know you said it had an internet connection but the best thing to do in these situations is start from the beginning and take your time. You will most likely figure out the problem along the way.
  22. I think you are missing the point of the secure AP. It is for configuration. Not to browse the internet through your Pineapple while conducting attacks. Obviously, since the interfaces are bridged other machines can ping/port scan/etc across them. By configuring your Pineapple through the secure AP your data is encrypted so if anyone in the area is using Wireshark and capturing your packets they won't be able to see the username and password, or any other data, that is intended for your Pineapple.
  23. Are you sure you bricked it? The LED sequence you mentioned sounds normal. Try connecting through Ethernet and see if you can get back in.
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