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Everything posted by hpr

  1. i get my body every seven years, like most people i know, but am still waiting to get the brain switched out to the updated version, so until then this analogy still doesn't work because i still have all of my "c:/" drive unformatted, /thinks of Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind/ and then looks up that number
  2. advice to darren, block all TREND-MICRO emploees from using the site or accessing the IRC, like Maddox did when this happened to him, BTW maddox is the guy behind the best site in the universe and if you don't already know where to find the site you suxx big wess's dick for free EDIT i should clear it up that the part about wess's dick is to anyone who doesn't know about maddox's site
  3. it cant be that important if, hold on, WAIT A MINUTE..... and..... CORRELATION? she is a Sado-Masochistic Depressant Homicidal Bloodsucking Whore Goth, no offense to you, but WTF WTF WTF? she appearantly doesn't need the account, afterall she has been inactive from the site long enough for the account to go inactive, so SCREW HER!!!!!!!!!! and..... What did you do about that?
  4. whats the name of that site that allows downloads but puts you account info and stuff on the disc you burn it to? now i want to see them advertise this way, lol
  5. the TOS says he cant post it on the site that the adsense is for or offer incentives to click on them, correct me if im wrong, but i dont believe that asking on another web site is expressly forbidden, but then again i haven't read the full TOS and btw good luck on the ploti'll make sure i click one or two. EDIT: WTF the ads are all for drugs and bancrupcy/ thinks to self why that combination?
  6. i think if the guy who did this was all that bad why isn't he more active?
  7. i would be insane to believe that NONE of you play world of warcraft, after all over 8 million do, so if you do let your passion be know, and follow my lead: Server: Warsong chars: Deprui lvl 20 Priest <Lords of Darkness> Jimmbo lvl 16 Warrior <Lords of Darkness> Magicmage lvl 7 Mage <Lords of Darkness> i spend the most time exploring the map and doing things like going under the map and checking out exploits.
  8. this is me, after about 10 minutes of jumping up a wall in Stormwind, i play on the Warsong Server, in case you wanted to know.
  9. i got stuck on which version of windows, i have a 2 year old comp, but i run win 98 to avoid WGA, DMCA and all that other crap
  10. hpr

    CD Crack

    i need a program that will copy copyrighted programs so i can make backups of my software. and thats all you need to know.
  11. hpr

    Evil Hacks

    HAHAHA!!!!!HA!! just randomly logged on to the site and noticed this
  12. i've also had my gmail for about three years now, and i have only used about a half gig, and i save them all also, anyway, when i do fill it up i'll just download the stuff i need, and delete all my old mail.
  13. thank you for the education on the grammar of 1337
  14. Forum Etiquette: These Fantasy Sports Community forums were created with the intention of providing a comfortable place for people with a common interest in Fantasy Sports Games to meet, exchange ideas, share information and enjoy each other's company. These forums are maintained in that spirit and members are expected to honour those goals. The basic guide to etiquette is this: be polite, be mature, keep your language clean and respect the opinions of others (even if you disagree). You are reminded that you agreed to our Terms and Conditions when signing up to the forum - a copy of the T&Cs can be accessed from the forum top menu bar. The forum administrator will browse the forums from time to time to ensure that the guidelines are being followed. Anyone not following the guidelines may find their posts deleted and risk being banned if the problem continues. If you notice any posts that do not adhere to these guidelines, please notify the forum administrator by internal mail to 'Admin' or email (Webmaster@fiso.co.uk). LURK TO START WITH Lurk (anonymously observe) before you leap. When you jump into a forum, do not post any comments right away. Try to read and catch up with what is going on and observe what people are saying. After you feel comfortable and think you are ready to add useful information/comments to the conversation, please do so. If you are looking for certain information (e.g. a transfer password) you may find it has already been posted on the relevant forum so have a look through the recent topic titles. Consider using the forums' search facility -located via the top menu bar. At the very least, please read the Latest Topics page before posting - you may find your question/information has already recently been answered/posted. 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They include: * Read any rules and guidelines established by the community; some may have different regulations on a particular subject. Always be courteous. * Before creating a new topic thread, search to see if a similar topic already exists. * Follow standard grammar/spelling rules and try not to use slang. * If the forum is categorized, post in the correct section. * Include as much technical information as possible if posting a technical inquiry, especially in the subject line. * Stay on-topic. * Avoid double posting and Crossposting. * Respond to topics started by others more often than starting topics of your own so that you don't appear self-absorbed. * Avoid the use of all CAPITAL LETTERS in posts. (All CAPS is considered "shouting" and causes readability issues.) * Do not resurrect a very old topic if you have nothing significant to add. 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Refrain from using 1337$p34|< unless absolutely necessary for humour or examples when quoting, remove images, we saw them in the post you are quoting, also try removing things that that are unimportant to YOUR post, esp. if the original post is, oh say, 4000 paragraphs long.
  15. leet speek, wo knows wat tis shit means? you misspelled 4 words, just to let you know, and i used no translators
  16. i knew the first two and the last one but i think they maid the third one up What the Fuck Does That Mean
  17. http://search.ebay.com/vending-machine_W0Q...rdsreturnedZ300
  18. i've noticed a few of you people have posted your heights in the imperial form, i am nobody to say " don't do that, just use metric like most the rest of the world" but if your going to post it as imperial at least get it right, ie and you two just said that you are 6 inches One Foot and Five inches 8 feet, please, people who have made this mistake please correct it, btw, i am Canadian but i currently live in the US where i am frequently asked to use the '''ENGLISH?''' system of measurement by the retarded imbeciles at the hardware store when i asked for 5 "yards" of 2x6s so as to build a new railing for my porch. i live at my grams house, which is why i am in the us the correct way to post like that is 5'8" or 6'2" 4'3" if your a midg-errrr-i mean little person
  19. My name is hpr (hpr for those of you who don't know me, and your crazy if you think i'm going to tell you my fing name in reality, however, you could email me and ask *hint hint*) Favourite game: WoW Favourite OS: (any operating system that does not come with Explorer.exe) Favourite console: Intellivision Nationality: Canadian Accent: Canadian Sex: Male Age:17 Race: Caucazoidial Immigrant Height: 1.8 meters Status: whacking it in your milkshake Build: Fat Slob Favourite band: what is this "band" i like orchestras and John Lennon Favourite book: The Gospel According to Larry Favourite author: JRR Tolkien, JK Rowling Favourite movie: See Above for clues Favourite director: "" Favourite TV Show: Hak.5 Favourite actor: Darren Kitchen Favourite actress: any Asian girl with low self esteem and wait "actress" right, never mind. Favourite Pinup: "" Favourite Comedian: Tommy v2 Other hobbies: gaming Car: -- Occupation: --
  20. http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/1573/screentz4.png
  21. i have that game, its pretty fun.
  22. verse two: and surely you'll have your old print-outs and surely i'll have mine and we'll talk an app of kindness yet and edit for all of time
  23. does anybody know of a good opensource, minimalist sever OS, i tried finding one but no luck yet.
  24. if i make a suggestion: transition from the solid orange to the white that is the page, and as a thought, also try making the hak5 logo high gloss, just to see how it looks.
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