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Everything posted by overwraith

  1. So I have been learning about databases for a couple of years now, and I have been wondering about database security. How do most of the database breaches occur in businesses? If you leave open an sql connection tool like sqldeveloper or sqlplus, etc, on a terminal is there any possibliltity of the database being breached through sql, (physical attack) or does an attacker have to copy the entire database file, and then decrypt it offsite? Frequently you hear about SQL injection attacks, those occurr over the web, and I am pretty familiar with how those work. I was under the impression that the majority of database vendors built in a layer of encryption into their database files, but I could be wrong. If anyone knows anything I would appreciate learning about how database security works.
  2. I am actually not interested in admonishing you, I am only interested in you not getting in trouble.
  3. A much better way of phrasing the question is I set up a wpa network on "my own" router in an attempt to gain the password via capturing a handshake and brute forcing the password... Think please. Not all features of the pineapple are legal if you use them without consent of the target.
  4. So, It has come to my attention that some of the payloads have a flaw in their processing, whereby the ducky drive finding code will not run correctly if it is not on an admin machine. I have known for a while, but haven't found a way to fix it. The other day I found out about the "vol" command in batch. So if any of you are knowledgable in batch, I have at least one question, does the "vol" command work on more than one platform, ex windows 7, xp, vista etc. If it does we can retool the code to use "vol" instead of diskpart which has a crippling error when running on non admin computers. Here is some code I have been working on, executes in the command prompt, not a batch file yet. It doesn't work right yet, I am having trouble with the DuckyDrive variable not setting. If any of you know how to fix this, then please post. for %d in (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z) do ( for /f "tokens=6 delims= " %i in ('Vol %d:') do if %i NEQ "Drive" if %i EQU "DUCKY" echo set DuckyDrive=%d: )
  5. I wonder if there's a rainbow table for this. Also you should check if this is illegal or not. Probably shouldn't connect to neighbor, that probably would be illegal "usually" unenforcable.
  6. On screen activity is pretty much a given, there is no way to start a DOS prompt below the bottom of the screen that I know about. The trick is to minimize the footprint (Ex. arrowing down a lot). Another individual discussed a while back how it was possible to use the drivers on the Windows machine to start the computer's screen saver while the script was running. The objective is to be able to execute code on the machine in an automated manner hopefully on an admin machine, unless you have a payload which can elevate privilages. Also, Twin duck can allow you to run directly off the micro SD, but unless the current versions have become a lot better than what I have (red version), there is going to be wait time involved (the micro sd connecting is slow, not the keyboard operation). It is pretty slow. I remember this while I was developing on mine. I would invest in a usb splitter that looks cool, and thus combine the ducky with a higher speed USB flash drive for exfil/upload purposes. Another option is to put your hack tools online, and download them via a downloader script. The best application of a USB rubber ducky is attacking machines which are unattended. Is very simple to have a usb rubber ducky on your person at all times where the user of a machine just has to slip up once. You should check the USB rubber ducky forum, that is where a lot of the discussion on it occurrs, and there is a wealth of information in past posts. You should also check out Darren's Github page for the ducky where a lot of payloads are. Instillation of the twin duck should be covered in at least one discussion in the forum, as well as the flashing tutorial on the Github page. I am a little out of practice posting on the ducky I am currently looking for a job, amongst other things. Ducky users generally never post in the USB hack forum, that is for antiquated stuff like the USB hacksaw and switchblade which hasn't worked for years. Unless someone finds a flaw in Windows drivers again (I am looking at you equation group), there is probably not much possiblity of using the USB hacks forum.
  7. You could also do some color swapping, ex red, blue, green, etc balls which you would swap/sort.
  8. That's really cool cooper, thanks for the share.
  9. Can that USB armory thing be used as a portable computer for pen testing and such? How does it work, does the OS boot up, and you can ssh or putty into it? Is there any option to get GUI input from it to appear on screen? Does the host PC then have to be configured to pass traffic through it's NIC? If it were my money I would find a few good programming books on interesting topics in computer programming. Java and C# are modern programming languages, Data security, and crypto are some interesting topics in computer programming, but you want to make sure that you buy ones on 'practical' security, not the 'mathemtatical' side, the mathematical side will quickly go over your head, best to use the books on already implemented crypto apis, and not to create your own. Network programming is interesting, but you gotta find a well vetted book. I like Java Network Programming by Mr. Harold. Some other interesting topics are PDF manipulation libraries, aswell as anything that allows you to utilize word documents and Excel. From what I hear, the COM libraries in C# are pretty complex, but I really do want to learn how word document parsing and creation works. If you want to learn how to create shellcode and such for actual hacking, there was a forum around here somewhere about good places to start for hacking, a good assembly language (be aware that assembly language is one of the oldest and hardest to understand languages) book would be required in order to understand anything in the shell coder's handbook (you might need to save up a little more money). I recently got the most recent "Assembly Language for x86 processors" by Irvine, but be aware, there is no associated online sourcecode, you have to type in everything. I think Irvine is pretty much the de-facto authority on the subject however. Distributed computing is also an interesting topic, but there are not many current books on the topic. Make sure you have the compiler before you commit to any programming languages, java stuff is pretty much free, anything Microsoft (C#) will quickly eat up your money (I have to get a new visual studio compiler for my home, I can't even play with the new asynchronous keywords or .NET 4.5 features yet, so that rules out the compression lib).
  10. Diskpart does not work correctly on machines which are not running as administrator. There are about 2 or 3 different methods of parsing the attached drives on a system, they all should be out there on the website you link to. REM The highly specific and in my opinion better version. for /f %%d in ('wmic volume get driveletter^, label ^| findstr "DUCKY"') do set myd=%%d REM A simple example of a more brute force approach, will work every time. You need to modify. for %%d in (A, B, C) do echo %d:\ You may need to do a little modification, but here is where you start, and provided you look at some of the examples on the ducky payloads page you should be able to hash it out. When learning batch just remember, one % is in the regular command prompt, two %% is in a batch file, ! is used when you reference a variable twice in a specific statement and you have enabled delayed expansion. One technique for not having to get the drive's label is to place a file or folder on the ducky and see if it exists. Just found this today; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8649934/how-to-read-the-label-of-a-drive-or-volume-in-a-batch-file
  11. Give it time, humans can be very innovative, especially when it comes to reading other people's mail.
  12. Next thing you know somebody's going to build the proverbial bread truck (you know, the one the spook types use?).
  13. I am sure it is possible, if somebody really wanted to do it, but I would think that there would need to be some kind of visual or auditory cue that whatever operation you were preforming was accomplished, ex collecting handshakes. If you were actually riding the bike however, you would end up with the pineapple passing the network zone before it actually had a chance to do anything. You would probably have to park outside wherever it was and give the pineapple time to work. I think it takes 5 to 15 minutes to collect a handshake depending on how many clients are connected. If you are just talking about connecting to open networks, even that takes a little bit of time, doesn't it? I could be wrong though, I seem to remember something about pineapples and aircraft (actual aircraft) in one of the episodes.
  14. oh, more RAM. That is always useful. Didn't check the processor mhz, but that is probably better too. So what kind of applications do you plan on trying to implement on your cluster (code wise)? Have you given any thought to what kinds of libraries or frameworks you will be using? Which language? Tools?
  15. You're absolutely right about the whole homing device thing, one of the things I most hate about modern cell phone technology. I learned in one of my intro forensics classes that there are, or there have been sites which you could literally track people via their phone numbers of their cell phones. It preformed the triangulation. The thing about a lot of our modern computers is that they use public infrastructure. There is no way around this really, and it is unfortunate. The internet is not built to be anonymous, or at least it isn't now. Phones do have another thing going for them though, I heard that they change IP addresses every time they boot up, which could be a good thing.
  16. You can never truly trust anything computerized, I have heard that there have been hardware hacks imposed on some products on the market, not necessarily from the NSA. China likes to do this too. As a computer programmer with a newly minted bachelors degree in Computer Information Systems I can tell you that computers are absolutely stupid, and will act on whatever garbage data they are given if the programmer doesn't explicitly set safeguards. Buffer overflows etc, are good examples, you are redirecting program flow via shellcode(machine code) in a buffer that the length is not checked. You also have to take into account that cell phones rely on a public infrastructure owned by company conglomerates. Some of these companies have better track records than others, for instance, did you catch that article on Ars Technica a while back that was talking about how Apple was making it so that not even they could recover phone passwords once they were assigned? By doing this, they are essentially making it more difficult for government organizations such as the NSA to gain access to one's phone files (not impossible, just not practical to hack everybody's). Each of the phones is crypto locked. I would by far trust Apple more than Google, or other companies. As far as PC's being more reliable, I have had instances where my computer was pwned, and I literally saw the mouse cursor move on my screen out of my control, and started doing things. Wanna bet what that did for my sense security? Of course that was a while back and has been resolved via a rebuild. Phones are new, which is a con for using them for your personal security token, but on the other hand they are also portable, so theoretically if the NSA or someone more nefarious raids your house while you are gone, your security token is theoretically still sound. If it gets stolen out of your back pocket, then your security is breached. I read an article once about how people black hats were putting their tools and such on live USB keys, and I have heard some forensics students (they probably had experience with this at work) complaining that they couldn't get the bad guy's data or pwn his box because there was no operating system there to pwn. Portability does have it's own value. Of course you shouldn't do any black hat stuff anyway, just a discussion.
  17. I don't think the autorun.inf files or Sandisk cruiser software works anymore on modern Windows boxes.
  18. Actually some states suppressors are legal, type this query into google, and be amazed. "which states are suppressors legal" I am in a state which it is legal, happy day!
  19. The objective doesn't seem to be having the most power, if you wanted that you would shell out millions for an actual cluster. The objective at least in my mind is testing distributed code cheaply. That's what I would do if I had one.
  20. I think the military has some sentry guns actually built for the DMZ in Korea. Have also seen sniper bot setups also. I actually like the military robotics stuff, hence my jab at the actual robotics rules at the bottom of all my posts.
  21. I don't see why it couldn't be done, isn't this already possible? I know that the C# cryptographic classes allow if properly implemented to upgrade algorithms based on what Microsoft deems to be secure given their current information. Periodic updates to the .NET framework allow for this. Insecure algorithms will be programmatically deprecated. Now the servers might not be coded in C# .NET, but it is surely possible from a programmatic standpoint to implement such functionality in the web server whether it be IIS or other.
  22. That's one way to secure your evil base of operations. I like it! I suppose if you wanted to you could make another flavor which is teleoperated so you can put the bullets where you want to only.
  23. So I am wondering if the OS and tools (most of which is open source) were freely available they would really only be able to ban the hardware, but since it's just a router really they wouldn't have any ground to stand on. Computer software can fall under freedom of speech and or expression. The only part that really isn't open source is the OS (that and the hardware, but it's just hardware. ).
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