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Whistle Master

Pineapple Moderators
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Everything posted by Whistle Master

  1. The module has not been approved yet by Seb but will be soon ;)
  2. This issue is fixed in the module. Version is pending approval.
  3. Quick update: I'm still working on it but it is not yet ready ;)
  4. If you want, I can support you putting all together in a module ;) Drop me a PM if you are interested !
  5. Version 1.7 is out ;) http://www.mediafire.com/view/?5bses49c8lo20pv'>
  6. Thanks duckmanjbr for your testing. I will add a drop down list to be able to choose this parameter in the next version :)
  7. Try to re-flash your pineapple: from the GUI, you can do it. Then, I guess your issue is that you don't use a powered USB hud, it has already been discussed in other threads. Try to use a powered one :)
  8. I'm still looking for some beta testers :P
  9. Start urlsnarf FROM the module, then you will be able to view the logs from the module. Could be a bug. I will have a look at it.
  10. Please post in Urlsnarf module thread only next time ;)
  11. You can also install a sftp server: opkg update opkg install openssh-sftp-server [/CODE]
  12. Your imagination is the only limit ;) Use imagemagik, PIL for python, etc. EDIT: I will complete the upsidedown.py script to reverse pictures as well :) EDIT 2: I added imagemagick and updated the script Upsidedown.py to flip all images. This is however CPU intensive, so the traffic is a little bit slow down -_-
  13. The module is almost ready. If you are interested to beta test it, send me a PM ^_^
  14. All the modules are working with v2.7.0. If you experience any issues with one of them, don't hesitate to post in the appropriate forum :)
  15. multiple -d flags not allowed ;) However, -d <local-IP>[/CODE] only should work
  16. I will investigate the iptables issue. The module already installs all the necessary requirements to run correctly on the pineapple. EDIT: After discussions with Digininja, he found that to have the proxy working on bridged interfaces we need ebtables not iptables. He asked Seb to build a package.
  17. Just a clarification: the module does not install or modify wpa_suppliment ;)
  18. For this module, I'm using another proxy in Python :) but the keylogger module will still exist.
  19. This module will be discontinue as I'm actually working on a more generic and powerfull Man-in-the-middle module which will offer the same beef helper feature :)
  20. Hi guys ! I wanted to share my current module project for the pineapple: a "man-in-the-middle" module :) Features: - based on mitmdump and extendable through python scripts - log history - helpers to install javascript - editor to edit scripts Scripts Sample: - Simple_Alert.py -> Will trigger an alert to the user. - BeEF.py -> This would actually replace the BeEF Helper module ^_^ - Upsidedown.py -> Will reverse all web page, nice for April fool day - Snow_storm.py -> Will insert snow on all web page.
  21. Last version with new feature is out :)
  22. Quick update. I'll use digininja's proxy for the BeEF Helper to inject the hook in every page, without breaking normal navigation. Stay tuned !
  23. I'm almost done with the packaging of Digininja's proxy. Stay tuned ! A Beta should be available soon ;)
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