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Posts posted by stingwray

  1. There was an exploit in one of the VNC packages a while ago that ment you could log on without needing the password. Look into this.

    Then you could also sniff his password and crack it then. As shown in Hak.5 before.

    I wouldn't go with bruteforcing unless you know he has set it as something simple, otherwise, see you in a couple of thousand years.

  2. I would have to agree with majk on everything but the newspaper point. The sound was differently off, with it being heavy in the left side and not very rounded, also quality lacked I thought.

    But yes, can see the improvements and it is looking very professional. Keep up the good work.

  3. This has been answered many a time, you could search before posting.

    A lot of the show-notes were lost in the great hosting accident of 1778 in which much data was purged.

  4. kline bans them from that specific IRC server, but in the case of irc.hak5.org there are multiple servers, so they would still be able to get onto IRC.

    gline bans them from the network of IRC servers so they can't get on to it all.

  5. You'll cause lots of problems, you'll have to find out their gateway so you don't cause them to loose the internet.

    Then your likely to cause a DoS on that person because your connection is going to be slow.

    You'll likely bring the whole internet down because you'll be messing with the infrastructure.

    We'll all come round and beat the crap out of you.

  6. WEP = is very crackable at the moment

    WPA/WPA2 = is crackable, but harder generally and not known as well

    Mac Filtering = useful, but limited, because its not that hard to steal and then spoof someones Mac to get on the internet.

    VPN is the most secure at the moment.

    Other technologies that WAPs employ is Radius Authentication with a Captive Portal. This makes users login before they can gain access to the internet/network. Not like VPN where you appear on the otherside of the firewall, with this the firewall opens up to you. This is more common at public WAPs that you have to pay for.

    Both of my WAPs are completely unencrypted and on seperate networks from my main network. I then use VPN to gain access to my network from the outside, from there I can use any resource on my network, although I have more security features, like Captive Portal and Proxy running.

    I find WEP and WPA can be a real sod unless you have really expensive hardware. So i simply just don't use them.

    Also its fun to see people appear on the WLAN and try and get the interent, they usually last 5 mins before they give up.

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