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Posts posted by stingwray

  1. I don't even think people who are leet, know they are leet. Most great hackers don't really know how good they are.

    Its so hard for people to see when they are good at something and not many people can do it, let alone when they discover something that no one else in the world has found.

  2. Hahhahahaha.

    I think this must have been the most obvious post asking for someone else to hack something for someone.

    I'll do it, I need your external IP and your administrator password. Otherwise when I get admin at your school I can't give you the details.

    Posting it in here should be fine, no need to PM me.

  3. Linux can do it, sort of.

    I had a similar problem with my crucial thumb drive where i wanted to delete the protected encrypted partition, i tried a lot of things in windows no luck.

    Tried deleting the partition in Linux and I thought it did it but didn't, put it in XP and it was still there, however the protection had been lifted and i could format it.

    So just have a play around is all I can suggest.

  4. Why don't you have a go at doing it, there are plenty of resources around for modding. Bit-tech.net has very good forums so would be a good place to start.

    I can't see this appealing to more than a very small number of people.

  5. tx, the only problem with that is that you need a network, not everybody has one. From the sound of his question I thought perhaps he had one computer with internet access (probably because if he had his own then this wouldn't be a problem).

    Also I wanted to keep this internal, Sparda's suggestion of using the NAT is probably the best for quick set up, anything requiring ports will have to be run on the host machines, but those services arn't likely to be affected by the software.

  6. I would say Vista would probably run it, just install the XP version, i can't think of any problems you would have but haven't tested it.

    I don't know about the different key layouts, you'll have to give it ago, won't take you that long to try.

  7. Build two of your own antennas which as high dBi as possible. Then you'll need to text them out in a field that is big enough to check they work, don't want to put them up and buy more stuff with them not working.

    If your mounting them externally then you need to buy a lightening protector for them.

    Your last problem is that you'll want a really nice wireless card, and probably not a cheap SOHO wireless AP. We're talking 300-400mWs here, most cheap cards are 50mW which some going up to 100mW, you could then get an amplifer which would boost it, but then check what your local laws are on radio frequencys.

    So the problem is that you probably need a nice new wlan card, which means you'll have to make your own router, so probably an old pc if you have one.

    You could go with an amplifier on a SOHO router but I wouldn't trust it to do the job.

    Obviously this needs to be done at boths ends.

  8. It shoulds like he's trying to get people access to his website because its been banned. Most proxy's work on a URL black list for blocking, so if you have another domain which is completely different and you use that also for your website it may work, as that domain will hopefully not be in the black list.

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