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Posts posted by stingwray

  1. I would tell you but you would find my list completely useless as it would be british companies.

    Also might I suggest, if you don't buy a cheap PSU then perhaps it won't blow up (at least quickly).

  2. I think the new Express card slot is based on the PCIe interface which isn't used that much yet. The old PCMCIA was based on PCI which is still being used a lot today.

    You best bet is either going with a USB wireless adaptor, or seeing if your motherboard has a Mini-PCI slot inside, my guess would be that it does and its occupied by your current wlan adaptor. If you can access it, some laptop manufactures have a little flap you can unscrew to get to it, then you could buy a new one to go in there. Getting external antennas might be a bit of a mod though.

    I recommend Atheros chipsets usually as they work well. You best bet though is if you want to do some serious sniffing with linux is find out which cards work well with that Operating system.

  3. I used to be quite good with sleeping patterns and tended to sleep well.

    But that was before I started using IRC more and more, then waiting for releases from america etc.

    Time zones are bad.

    But yes, pulling a 32-hour day usually sorts you out.

    Most days I only sleep 2 hours now.

  4. I finally got the video downloaded, but I had to use itunes. The links still stop at around 50% for me in all of my browsers.

    I suggest you use a download manager next time then. There much better than using a standard browser download.

    Firefox has some good extension like that if you don't want to go with a seperate program.

  5. You can reinstall OEM versions of windows as many times as you want on the same computer, just that after the 5th (or so) time you have to call Microsoft to do it. You can change any hardware except the motherboard for it to count as the same computer btw.

    You can't OEM license allows you use that license once, so if you have to re-activate it again, microsoft can refuse you. Thats why you'll need to phone them up to get it activate if you want to go about the legitmate way.

    Also you can't change vast amounts of the hardware, XP gives values to pieces of hardware and if they change then that value is added to a counter, when that reaches a certain level then you have to re-activate, which with OEM means a new license. In retail licenses this is removed.

  6. Odd if it is soldered onto the motherboard, the only laptop i have seen like that was one with a Via C3 in which is really and embedded platform chip.

    Then tend not to solder them in, because that has to be done at the factory and then they have to order X amount of a certain speed grade and Y amount of another speed grade. If everybody wants the X group and not the Y group they are left with a load of useless laptops they'll have to sell at a lower price.

  7. You can remove anything on any laptop, you just have to take it completely apart.

    You just can't get anything that isn't supported by the motherboard. So you say its 1.7mhz which i take it you mean 1.7GHz, so i'm guess that you have a Centrino or worse Celeron D.

    You need to look at your documentation and manual, this will tell you what you can put in it. Your options will be servely limited. The most you will probably be able to do is get one which is the same but clocked slightly faster, but even then it probably won't be more than 400MHz speed increase.

    But I don't think it'll really pointful, you'd be better off saving for a new laptop.

    If you want to increase the speed, then considers formating XP regularly and install Gentoo running Fluxbox or some other lightweight Linux Distro.

  8. Yeah I couldn't remember which software it was, but i believe the code from RealVNC was used in a couple of other projects and they were vulnerable.

    And also, even if the latest version hasn't got the problem his friend might not be running the latest version so its always worth a quick try.

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