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Posts posted by stingwray

  1. They're by far the most consistent and best content and quality of any of the shows out there.


    Although it is a bit different from Hak.5 i'll give them that, they have the support of a company. But they do release twice a week still with good quality and excellent content.

  2. The connections not the problem, if you know the layout of the connection the making an adaptor is easy because its just buying the right sockets and wiring them together.

    The problem is that most laptop and pda screens don't work very connections support by desktop graphics cards, which mainly use VGA and DVI. They use other standards, which means that you will need a different graphics card that supports it, which are very rare. Or you need to find an adaptor that will convert one stream into another stream in realtime. Even rarer.

  3. Until you have to fix machines for a wide variety of a people and it's no longer a question of "Are you running windows XP or an earlier version?". What this means is that now to fix machines we have to learn the same operating system three different ways to be able to understand what is potentially generating a problem.

    Okay, it isn't really a problem, it's just annoying.

    Vista is Vista, all the different versions ship on one disc, so you can unlock things by paying later for them.

    Turning features off isn't going to be cause troubleshooters problems. There are hundreds of pretty features in XP, most of which I turn off, doesn't make it difference when fixing it compared to one that is turned on.

    Someone using XP theme rather than Windows Classic theme is still going to have the same problem even if they switch. Just like Home and Professional XP have very few difference.

  4. And you want me to believe that Intel deserves credit because "they saw the problems in the p4 netburst design"?

    Well they did, if they hadn't then they wouldn't have changed from netburst architecture. Also netburst was bad at everything, it was and still is very good a video encoding, although Core 2 does beat it, netburst always beat AMDs range for video encoding.

    What are they like? Back in november I very nearly got a turion based laptop but went with an intel solution after I read some reviews about compartivly poor power consumption.

    Turions are ok, but they didn't do what AMD wanted which was compete with Core Duo, seeming until recently they were only single cored it was no compition. AMD do have problems with the mobile market so hopefully this will change with ATi's expertise.

    I'm not sure how many basic users will bother upgrading there current PC to Vista.

    True I don't think that large numbers of people will upgrade to Vista, unless MS force them to because they want/need vista only features. However people will always be buying new computers rather than upgrading them gradualy. New computers will ship with vista and they will want to run it in pretty mode. I like MS idea of ratings for different levels of prettyness and how much hardware you need, it should make things easier for people to understand, plus it will also mean that people will know what they need to spend more on to get more features. That one area is going to be graphics.

  5. As for graphics, intels graphics may be shit but if you don't game or use multiple monitors, there is very little point in upgrading. I sometimes think that the PC gaming market doesn't realise how much of a niche market it is.

    Simple answer is Vista, people are going to want to run it in pretty mode and they won't be able to do that with Intel Extreme Graphics.

    There is no standard AMD platform along the lines of centrino.

    AMD have had mobile processors for along time, at least for K6 and K7 and now K8 architectures. It was only because Intel brought out a chip designed mainly for laptops which turned out to be better than their desktop processor AMD started having problems. They do now have and had for about a year the Turion processor which is the laptop model of everybodys favorite Athlon64. Its just gone dual-core to, although this was too late as Core Duo has been out quite a while before now.

    but right now I think AMD needs to work on increasing its fab capacity and work on there own chipset designs

    AMD have quite a lot of fab production now after they opened their new factory and they have another one in the final stages of being built. AMD arn't going to do their own chipset design because there is no need for it, they have ATi for doing that now, I just hope to see that the ATi chipset for AMD become very fast because they should know everything about the architecture.

    I feel that AMD really needs to start a new architecture for they quad-core CPUs, something that will be better than the Core 2 architecture as Intel is planning on scaling that same architecture to more cores at the moment.

    I also think the price being put of thermal efficency and power usage now they seriously need to think about making it very similar to a laptop capable CPU, as firstly this would allow a quick and easy port to the mobile side (which AMD serverly lacks in) and it would continue AMDs success in the server market.

  6. Well all I can suggest in a rush is that you follow Darren's instrustions exactly first and then start playing around, if they don't work then my guess is that you have something configured on one of your machines different (perhaps a Local Secuirty Policy) that is causing your problems.

    You could always grap yourself a copy of VMware Server, quickly build two machines on default install and see if it works.

    I've had success in the past with the tutorial so thats all I can guess.

    Also on another note you don't have to worry about posting any IP addresses that begin with 192.168.x.x as that is a private range. You and a couple million people use that range for their home network.

  7. Its been known for at least a month now.

    It should be interesting to see what happens but we're not going to notice any difference for at least 2 years.

    Why would Intel (who make the current shit hot CPU's and have the largest share in the world graphics market) be threatened by the AMD-ATI merger?

    Because it makes AMD-ATi a much bigger force, considering how much of the market share AMD has already stolen from Intel, with the additional facilities it means AMD could have a bigger influence.

    Also it will hopefully mean that there is some innovation in the sector with CPU and GPU working more closely together. Everybody knows that Intel's Graphics solutions are a joke and I think AMD wants to go back after the crown of making the best gaming CPUs along with best GPUs. There are even talk of CPU and GPU occupying single dies which would be excellent for mobile platforms from phones to laptops.

    The other advantage is that it now means the AMD produce a chipset for their CPUs effectively, which makes it a lot more like Intel which has until only recently produced the only chipsets for their CPUs really.

    I personally think that AMD should move more into the networking chip sector, they have produced some not bad wireless chips in the past and I would love to see wired Nics sporting AMD chips that were optmised for use with AMD-ATI chips.

  8. We'll need more information to help you probably. Like what was the command you were using, which vnc software are you trying to puch out etc.

    And if you are a n00b what is your external IP address and password to your administrator account on your computer. :lol:

    Welcome to the forums.

  9. build a web browser from scratch with basic functions. making it superlight and superfast.

    Then you need to learn how to code and read all the source code from all the open-source browsers that you can find so that you can get an idea of what they are doing.

    Making it superlight and superfast is pretty pointless. I don't find that once the browser is running that I spend time waiting for the browser to do something, its usually waiting for the website to load because it needs to be downloaded.

    I also think you are underestimating the amount of work that you will have to do to get the browser to a state that you would like to use it.

  10. Needing Galleries of Defaced Websites, you must be bored.

    Now the information behind them is interesting. Zone-H has some very good stuff, so don't sit there and look at the pretty pictures.

  11. Unfortunatly often the most read and replied to thread on a forum is a complete and utter waste of time (usually some rambling on and then it gets hijacked and taking off topic).

    If you a regualar to the community then you shouldn't have problems keeping track of the forums, there not that big with good number of people that post often with good material.

  12. There was a linux distro a while back (I think it was called Rock) that claimed to be a frame work for building your own linux distro, you could add or remove stuff etc.

    From the sounds of things though you would be better off with a script that you run once you have installed your preferred linux distro which would uninstall what you don't want and install things that you do want from a source.

  13. There was one which let you customise it heavily by removing and adding different modules, then with different skins.

    Perhaps if you let us know more about what you want to do then we might be able to help you.

  14. give up with this 64 bit crazyness untill evryone take it up, drivers are limited for hardware. its till not worth it yet. Now dual core or quad core now were talking Razz

    actually its mainly windows that isn't great with 64-bit drivers, and only then it tends to be peripherals with the main hardware support mostly.

    Linux 64-bit versions run very well I find with nearly all drivers available in 32-bit linux now with 64-bit sisters.

  15. I'm just starting to learn my way around freeBSD, what are the pros of using openBSD and how does it compare to freeBSD in terms of usability and community support for idiots like myself?

    The difference between FreeBSD and OpenBSD is OpenBSD prides itself on security, only one remote security hole in 8 years in a default installation. Which I think anyone has to say is pretty impressive.

    FreeBSD makes a better desktop OS in my opinion and probably wouldn't use OpenBSD as my desktop.

    OpenBSD group is also responsible for things like OpenSSL and pf to name a couple of well know applications.

    OpenBSD is very hard to learn though, you really need a good book and time with a machine and the documentation to use it. I recently found this website that might help, it looks quite good but haven't had a good look yet. http://www.openbsd101.com/

    Probably I would recommend that you stick to FreeBSD and learn that well, you would be then well suited to explore OpenBSD and you should pick it up much quicker.

    Its also worth noting the OpenBSD community can be very unforgiving. There are some really great people out there that will help you but I find the majority of OpenBSD users a tad on the snobbish side. Say you ask for help on a subject, if it is in the documentation they will just tell you to read the documentation, not which documentation or any specifics. And thats a fairly nice responce.

  16. You can use a machine running other services, but you need 2 nics, one which all the other services listen on and communicate on, then the other for Snort to monitor the network traffic on. Snort will then communicate through the first interface if it needs to acces the network.

    I would recommend building a network tap, there not expensive, as most consumer routers/switches don't support port mirroring (i haven't seen a hack for something either). This is how to build a passive network tap http://www.snort.org/docs/tap/.

    Quite simple, and I have one placed between my router and the first switch onto the network. That way all network traffic leaving the network or coming in from the internet is monitored, I considered this the most important area to monitor.

  17. For some reason I think a cluster might be a really pointless application for those two computers.

    VaKo, IDS is usually signiture based and you make all the traffic from your network go into a specific nic on the IDS server (usually be network taps or mirroring ports on switches/routers) and then it looks at all the traffic, compares it to the signitures and rules and if it finds something dodgy, like someone is port scanning your private IP range then you can set it up to warn you or do something. Have a look at Snort for a open-source IDS system, very good documentation. http://www.snort.org/

    And this how a honeypot works: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honeypot_%28computing%29.

  18. Pentium 1 - Turn into a firewall/gateway, with something like M0n0wall and ditch your horrible consumer router (if you have one).

    Pentium 3 - VPN/DNS/IDS/Proxy to make your network run blisteringly fast and have very very good security. (Using Linux/BSD Distro of your choise, my recommendations, FreeBSD/Suse if you want to be able to do it quickly without much knowledge. Or to be uber 1337 use OpenBSD, which unless you know OpenBSD already, has an extremely steep learning curve, i still think its beyond the vertical, i.e. greater than 90 degress.)

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