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Posts posted by stingwray

  1. No problem, however might i suggest perhaps better topic titles next time. Like "Removing Vocals from Music" might have been a better idea for this thread.

    Ask good questions and you'll get good quick answers.

    Hope Audacity comes through for you.

  2. You can buy replacement certificates that are genuine if you lose or damage them, it costs £50 per certificate for GCSE, AS and A2 i know, don't know about degrees though.

    They probably don't deserve the certificate if they stain it anyway, should be more careful.

  3. hey a canon ixus 400 or 500.

    a sony cyber shot p73 is also good

    I can really really recommend the Canon IXUS range, but RobotChild says its for someone that wants to become more professional so there not really practical.

    I don't know a great deal about professional photography but my guess is that you will want to be looking at a Digital SLR.

    As I said previous, i have always found Canon a good make, but this could be different for more high-end cameras.

  4. I'd recommend anything in the Canon range, always been very happy with their cameras. You don't tell use what sort of camera you want though, do you want it just for talking pictures or do you want to become more professional with in and want more features?

  5. Yeah, the Arctic Cooler that Sparda posted a link to is the best HSF around for the K8 architecture atm. I have the Evo33 and it never lived upto the review i read, however that HSF I know people with and it works very well.

  6. So what do you recommend. Using the current Bittorrent file or waiting for the re-release of the iso?

    Probably depends on if you want to wait for it any longer or not. If not then go with the current bittorrent, and the you could always torrent the new version afterwards anyway. If not then probably just wait until the new release.

  7. Usually scammers then forward you on to the legitimate site after you have entered your details so that you think nothing is wrong. Banks etc. are now started to look into where logins come from more to try and stop this. Although the scammers still get the details.

    If your laptop uses the first details that you capture to be authenticated and then everybody else that uses your AP their details are just stored in a document. The radius server might not accept multiple logins from one computer, it looks suspicious.

  8. Perhaps were not answering your question well because either we don't understand your question because you don't write it correctly or leave details out or you don't know what you want for an answer.

  9. Stop what you doing.

    Now disable your DMZ that you have created on your router. You don't need it.

    Download and run uTorrent, in the set up process it will generate a port number for it to work on. This port number will be very high, most likely greater than 30,000. This is good, you should never use the defualt bittorrent ports.

    Forward this port to your computer running uTorrent. If your router is running a DHCP server then you need to give your computer a static IP, by going into the connection properties. This will stop the IP change probably when you turn the machine off for a while.

    Now still in the preferces you need to go to the bittorrent tab and you will see something at the bottom that is to do with the bittorrent encryption protocal. You need to turn that on to enabled.

    You should now see your torrents speed sky rocket.

    Also, get some security software, at least service pack 2, you might be some l33t gamer but if you find your FPS goes down, which is doubt, then you need to turn your graphic down. Most professional gamers run with all the prettyness turned off because you play better that way.

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