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Posts posted by stingwray

  1. You don't need to setup ICS stingwray, VMware player installs it's own NAT service.

    Ok, i've never played with Player or the NAT with Player or Sever, so it didn't cross my mind. The NAT option definitely makes more sense, unless you needed to forward ports to the VM, or can it do that as well?

  2. VNC.

    There are lots of flavours about, alot open-source and cross platform for client and server. Google around.

    Hak5 have done some segments on securing VNC connections as well with SSH tunneling.

    Some that excist are TightVNC, RealVNC as well as many others.

    I don't really use one so can't recommend any in particular.

  3. Get your own computer and be your own admin.

    Just thought of this, you could install VMware Server/Player, make a VMware machine running say Linux or BSD (because you'll need to buy another copy of XP if you want to run that). Then set up a network between, using internet connection sharing (i imagine you are running windows).

    Then you'll have a virtual PC you could use which wouldn't have the software on it.

    Unless somehow the software blocks network traffic as well, which I would doubt.

  4. Unless your TV doesn't have a built in tuner, which would make it a monitor I suppose. Don't the EU tax monitors that have DVI connectors becasue they desided that DVI connectors are for TVs not PCs?

    Yes they do, god knows why because i've seen more TVs (of the LCD/Plasma kind) with VGA rather than DVI (obviously high-end ones have this usually).

    Its also worth noting that the Government is considering changing the TV License to a Computer License so you will have to pay it if you own a computer. Should be interesting to see if this happens.

  5. ... So from the horses mouth: Payed your fee? Downloaded away!

    Wow, thats amazing, did you tape the conversation as that would have been excellent if you had.

    Now if the BBC would start releasing their content via bittorrent we'd be sorted.

    Although still the problem with people getting it without paying the license.

  6. The problem is in the T&C of the licensing agreement, if you tape things of the TV (which we will parrallel with downloading them off the net) your arn't supposed to keep them for long, a couple of months at the most.

    Obviously people do keep them for longer and the BBC would be a prime candidate for releasing their content freely on the internet, the problem is stopping it get into the hands of people that will distribute it to people who don't pay the license fee (i.e. people in other countries.)

    This would probably be in the form of some horrible DRM which nobody would want and would require that you connect to the net to watch the content and check you are in the UK (even then there are ways round it).

  7. Well if its copyrighted and not released under Creative commons or some other license that allows you to freely distribute it then your not allowed to download it.

    I don't know BCC but if you mean BBC then your not allowed to download that, apart from if it is released on the website, but even then you need to read the T&C carefully.

  8. My equipment is uploading and downloading shit 24/7, I run servers and my Asterisk box is running my whole phone system, I could never go with any company that has a bandwidth cap.

    Exactly, plus when you go over their limit and you charge you a £1 per GB it really does kill your wallet.

  9. I know the search function doesn't always bring back the results that your looking, esp. if you looking for somehting you know excists.

    I suppose the way to get round this is that we will have to use the Wiki more, and convert good threads to a section on the wiki. That way they would be easy to find and a good resource.

  10. Blueyonder

    Bulldog I'm with them now their service is pretty crap tho

    Sky for £10 a month you get unlimited 16Mb I'm getting it soon

    Bulldog are a really bad ISP and with Sky you have to have their TV already, and then over half the country still can't get BB from them.

    Also hardly any exchanges in england have been upgraded to ADSL2 which is faster than 8Mb BB.

  11. Personally I think its a waste of time and space. With the Season Box Sets you going to have all the content anyway, and they will come with lists of what is in each episode anyway. So a quick look there and you'll be able to find out where it is and watch it.

  12. *cough*'scuse me?

    You can set the proxy up to make the HTTPS connection with the server you are talking to, so that connection uses the SSL cert. between the server and the proxy, then the proxy will create another SSL connection using its own SSL cert. which will have been bought/generate by the admin, between the proxy and your computer.

    Therefore, not secure, because the admin can read your traffic.

  13. You could do it over DNS as well, that would be cool, also a dual purpose for when your on APs as that apparantly can get through without authentication.

    Also, HTTPS isn't that great, you network admin could be reading your HTTPS traffic if he really wanted to.

  14. an idea, DL all teh hak5 episods, and edit them yourself, its relesed under a creative commons liscense so you can do what you want with it.

    as long as its not for commercial use.

    also, the best of dvd was released on bittorrent first, but there were some problems which is why it ended up as a http download in the end.

  15. I'm sorry but 6KB is fine, i don't want to have to download your avatar loads of times and it be more than 6KB, what a waste of bandwidth that would be, not to mention making the page take longer to load.

    Yes you can have caches in web browsers but you can't always have them on.

    I suggest you lower the quality of your avatar.

    An avatar is something that can look at an instantly remember where i have seen it before, not some master piece of computer artwork which i want to spend hours looking at.

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