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Posts posted by stingwray

  1. Cool, but only if you have the money.

    For most people (including myself) I don't feel that they are flexible and mainstream enough.

    I would use them if I needed them in a situation which the excelled in, (there was an interested comparion between the Apple G5 and the new Mac Pro and the Mac Pro sucked on quite a few benchmarks).

  2. During Windows installation, drive letters are assigned as drives (and the partitions on them) are found. And when finding drives the order is Primary Master, Primary Slave, Secondary Master, Secondary Slave.

    These days that's followed by SATA1 and up.

    Windows doesn't actually assign drive letters like this.

    Windows detects all the drives and then the first partition of the first drive gets 'C' then the first partition on the second drive gets 'D' etc. until all the first partition are done. Then windows goes back to the first drive and assigns the rest of the partitions say 'E' and 'F' then it will look at the second drive and assign the other partitions in order.

    Its different if windows 'created' the partition in the installation as it will then assign drive letters in the order that the partitions are created.

  3. I know a lot of universities get MS products for free if they tell MS that they are going open-source. This is because MS don't want graduates going through their education not being exposed to MS products because hopefully they will recommend them when they graduate.

    The only computer course i've taken was a full GCSE in ICT, that was a waste of time, also because the coursework was worth 60% of the final mark and the exam had nothing to do with IT in it and was more general knowledge I only managed to get a 'C'!

    Hopefully (I will know tomorrow for definite), I'll be attending ICL from october and taking a MEng in Computing which looks excellent.

  4. I try not to n00b bash but it probably depends on what mood I am in.

    As i have said in previous topics I don't have a problem with people that don't know much and put some effort into finding out the information that they need.

    I don't want to have to do all the work for them because they expect the answers. Part of learning is figuring it and finding it yourself, you'll never learn anything if people tell you everything.

  5. Vmware is far from perfect though... as you'll always get one just exporting the VMware 'Drive' mounting it and copying out the encrypted file.

    That was the point of saying if it was done like this then the only way to win would be also to right how you did it and this method would not be allowed.

    having a seperate Inet connection, with a server and then a dedicated firewall.. only letting new connections IN, not out.. would stop the box being used for naughtynesses after penetration.

    Wouldn't solve the problem, there would be plenty of ways around this.

  6. Also programs are not blocked because of their names, they are blocked because of their location.

    Yes they are, Active Directory will be quite happy to do this.

    OtterFox, hacking a school is one of the worst things you can do, School Admins are sometimes the worst as they often have very little funds and therefore protect what they have heavily. Also you can forget about higher education if you get into problems. You can also ruin hundreds of other peopls futures by deleting certain things. All of this Hacking is not about.

  7. Sorry, didn't quite understand that post.

    But i'm guessing your asking what forums are for.

    Well forums are for people for communicate by, other communcations methods include e-mail/letters and talking to people.

    I don't have a problem with people asking questions on forums. But questions which are very easliy answered by simply reading the documentation that they should have read or can easily be found from other resources are a waste of space.

  8. You can't use an ATX mobo in a mATX case. mATX specification has room for 4 slots (PCI/PCIe) were ATX has room for 7 slots. Therefore impossible.

    The smallest case you can probably get for a ATX mobo is one where the PSU sits basically on top of the CPU HSF.

    Like this: http://lian-li.com/Product/Chassis/Middle_...C_PS_PC-G50.htm

    So you loose the PSU height off the total height of the case.

    Other than that you'll have to trade in your ATX mobo and get a mATX mobo if you want to go any smaller.

  9. Using two PSUs in a computer isn't that hard. You just have to create a modified ATX power cable which will plug in between one PSU and the mobo and then have the pins that tell the PSU to turn on doubled and go to the other PSU. Then they can power seperate devices.

  10. Nice case metatron.

    Coolermaster used to make a case like that which looked very good and had the price to match. I think it was the ATC-01 if I remember.

    Would have been nice to have a whole rack of them.

  11. You could just buy a fairly decent case for £40 or less and pay more attention to the insides of it rather than the looks.

    Your computer could look good but I would prefer it had speed.

    You've just got to look at my car for that.

  12. I have to agree with metatron, war games are fun, but you have to be really careful in setting them up and then who you give access to.

    You'd have to have a separate internet connection so there is absolutely no risk of someone gaining access to your LAN. Then theres the problem that someone comes along, gains access and then uses that computer and connection for other uses, such as botnets or open relay.

    So nice idea, not very practical.

  13. There are going to be no more torrents, Hak5 needs to know exactly how many viewers they are getting so they can tell the advertisers and hopefully get some more money.

    If you want an automatic method then I presume you can still use iTunes or another program that supplies those features.

  14. The person that suggested Norton should be shot.

    Firing Squad at dawn.

    No need to bring your own rifle I'll lend them out.

    (Not to be completely off topic, but Disk Defragmenter, i.e. the one that comes with windows really isn't that bad.)

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