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Posts posted by stingwray

  1. Possible but pointless as you could only implement it on a desktop as there wouldn't be enough room in a laptop to put it in.

    This makes it pointless because most desktops are pushed up against the wall. Second accidently knock the cable out, your computer has just shut down.

    So no thanks.

  2. Apparantly if the vending machines use them you can put it in, select what you want and as its producing the item remove your card and your card won't be charged but you will get the item.

    It asks for you to put the card back in after it has finished to charge it.

    I can't say this is true but thats what I heard.

  3. Don't bother.

    They'll be running AD and should have policies to stop users from killing the process and it will be passworded, which yes you could get quite easily.

    But its not worth it.

    Your education is worth more than doing something stupid at home.

  4. Ja, Shields up is what you want if you want to test incoming connections from the internet.

    Otherwise any port scanner does the job (hence the name), nmap is worthing using even for simple tasks like this as its such a powerful beast.

  5. I Shall be there on wednesday with some friends.

    Its not really that great but you can't compain when it is free.

    If anyone else is going on wednesday then drop me a line. The day will probably end in a suitably british way with large volumes of alcohol.

    (Its even better now that I live in central london)

  6. Haskell :lol:

    primeBetween :: Int-> Int -> [Int]
    -- Outputs all the prime numbers between the two inputs. --
    -- Pre: int > 0 --
    primeBetween int1 int2
        |    int1 == int2 = [ x | x <- [int1], isPrime x ]
        |    int1 < int2 = [ x | x <- [int1..int2], isPrime x ]
        |    int2 < int1 = [ x | x <- [int2..int1], isPrime x ]
    isPrime :: Int -> Bool
    -- Outputs True if Input is Prime, False Otherwise. --
    -- Pre: int > 1 --
    isPrime int
        |    int < 2 = False
        |    otherwise = findPrime 2
                findPrime :: Int -> Bool
                findPrime n
                    | fromIntegral n > sqrt (fromIntegral int) = True
                    | int `mod` n == 0 = False
                    | otherwise = findPrime (n + 1)

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