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Posts posted by stingwray

  1. Even if its part of a domain at work, local administration access is no problem.

    It should still have all the other security features on it to stop other people using it in a manner that was not intended, but as your Dad is a trusted employee of the company why shouldn't he have admin access on his laptop.

    Its very hard to install programs that he may need or do many simple tasks on windows without being an admin, and his sysadmin at work is probably sane, or insane after the complaints when they didn't have administrative access.

    The only time I would limit people to limited users on computers that I maintain is that if I don't trust them, examples would be school children or computers available for any member of the public to use.

  2. Sorry about the delay, but been having problems getting onto the website, as I'm sure we're all aware.

    I've look around and there are a few, but not having stayed in a hostel before, I'm only making guesses here.

    First: http://www.hostellondon.com/hosteldetails....rloo-London-528

    Second: http://www.hostellondon.com/hosteldetails....n)-London-10044

    Third: http://www.hostellondon.com/hosteldetails....stelNumber=4483

    First, is in tube zone 1, Second and Third are in tube zone 2.

    I think they all have what we want, and prices are good.

    Need some more input on what people think.

  3. Requires getting a mac for the show, which is slightly expensive.

    You could download the Mac OS X for x86 Proccessors (Goatsecx or Jas). This is legal if you own a legal copy of Mac OS X. I saw you had some Apple TV's which are just cut down Mac Mini's with a Cut Down version of Mac OS X.

    If you read above you will realize that the AppleTV is useless in this case, they require more video outputs than it'll support, plus for showing apps which require more power it would be useless at it.

    As for running mac on a PC, its not legal, even if you buy a copy of Mac OS X for the machine. The EULA prohibits running the software on anything other than an Apple. Plus it would be horrible because of driver problems, and time-consuming to setup.

  4. The problem here is that its relatively expensive, and limited in what it can do.

    Fun? Yes

    Practical? No

    It sounds like you want to look into Traffic Shaping on your router, its a fairly common feature now of most routers and will allow you to prioritize your network traffic.

  5. Not abuse resources.

    If you school has a cluster then its likely to be in use alot of the time on more important things. Plus the disadvantage of playing around with things is that you may find next time when you need something like this, they may not allow it because you mucked about last time.

    If you really must, then any distributed computing programs will run nicely depending on how the cluster is controlled, such as folding@home.

    Another idea would be to contribute to some rainbow table projects.

  6. Bittorrent is used for a lot more than distributing pirated material.

    But seriously, this isn't the place to look for the information, with a little time you can find anything on the internet with a half decent search engine, and learn a lot more about different things in doing so.

    No one learns anything from having it given to them on a plate.

    Now obviously it doesn't work in this thread, but next time you make a thread about you not knowing something, put some time in before, then come to us saying that i have tried this to solve my problem and its no working, what I am doing wrong? You'll have much better responses.

  7. Do it yourself.

    If you are asking for any interactiveness then the price will be high, very very high.

    There are plenty of OS projects out there for eCommerce systems, many like the many forum and blog software allow you to use templates, which you could alter by changing the CSS.

    You main problem is sorting out payment, paypal or googlecheckout will probably be your best bet.

  8. Doesn't matter with the fact that most ADSL connections prohibit the sharing of the connection with other members of the public in that way. It could be a fast way to get blacklisted by your ISP.

    You might as well pay the £25 for the WRT54G and save your internet connection.

  9. I've used it, but find it very bulky with the minimum install being very large so in the end didn't play with it that much.

    I've recently though received a promotional pack with 3 DVDs of all the latest stuff so I may begin playing with it again.

  10. Well I'm currently living in London until the 24th of June, my exams have finished now as well which means that I have plenty of free time.

    I think we need to decide firstly on the hostel. Are we all just going to book at the same one, are we going to try and get a booking for a whole dorm (depending on numbers etc.) or other options.

    Most hostels come with a self-catering kitchen for meals, with breakfast being supplied inclusive of the price.

    Some hostels have a lock in / curfew, which we would obviously not want as it would make it extremely boring.

    The only other question I have is that is it just the one night on the saturday (the 11th I believe) or are we making friday night / saturday night as well?

    Finding a hostel which meets the requirements of that shouldn't be too hard, there are tons in London, we really want to be inside of zone 1 of the tub network, that way a day rider is about £5 so we can hop on and off all day at our pleasure.

    I'll look into the BBQ legalities, I know of friends that have had small ones in parks in london before, but being a big group brings more attention to us.

    --- Opinions on Discussions now. ---

    It seems that we have agreed that under 18s will be allowed to join us during the day, which is great and makes everybody happy. We do still need to decide somethings though.

    Firstly, if we are visiting pubs etc in the day, then whether under 18s get in or not will be purely on whether the establishment allow it, so during the day, those places should be avoided so as not to divide the group. The other thing is that it has to be made clear that if at a pub, then no one which can buy alcohol will be buying for anyone who is not old enough. I don't want to sit and listen to a 16 year old going around and asking all the 18+ if they will buy them a drink.

    The other thing to mention about the age discussion is parents. Some will allow their children to go on their own, which makes easy, some will come to london with them for the day, but go off and do their own thing then meet their child(ren) up again to go home, fine. However personally I don't want to have the parents following around with us all day (unless of course they are Hak5 fans as well), plus it is so very uncool. As all ways I suppose there is nothing to stop this, but more of a if you parents won't to join you, then for your own good decide not to go.

    As for food I think a BBQ if possible would be great, at the end of the day on saturday, after which the under 18s can leave after that. Breakfast will probably be provided from the hostel, which leaves lunch, so if people want to bring something, great, if they want to get something thats fine as well.

    The one thing to note about restaurants and take-out in london is that they can be more expensive than normal, not always, and as usually it depends on where you go to.

    --- Edit ---

    Just looked, in all of the royal parks (so hyde park, Kensington park etc.) the consumption or sale of alcohol, and the cooking or BBQing of food in the park is forbidden. So that counts that idea out really.

    Obviously could be else where but I have no ideas on that.

  11. I thought as I will be attending the event to meet all you lovely people, that I should put some of my infinite wisdom into the topic.  :P

    Firstly on the age topic. I'm quite happy to allow people of any age to join in some of the events/activities during the day, but for staying the whole weekend/while during evenings/night should be limited to 18 and over only. This is mainly because of legalities of the matter and the fact that i'm pretty sure that no one at the event is going to want to take responsibility for the under 18s.

    This makes it for the under 18s effectively a day out to london which with reasonable parents they would be allowed to do. While still giving freedom for the evenings and nights and making legalities easier.

    On the issue of hostel, having a base would be useful, unfortunately I won't have a flat in london in august (unlikely) as its summer holidays and I'm not at Uni then  :D I'll have a look at what I can find to make some suggestions, obviously not being too far away from center of london would be great, although tube fares arn't too bad if you buy day tickets.

    If the worst came to the worst, we could always join the polish immigrants in Hyde Park and camp  :P

    Food will probably consist of whatever you fancy I would say, if your out and about during the day then you can either get something while out, or take something with you. I doubt we would be having big meals as such, unless we organize them before. Speaking of which, BBQ in Hyde Park anyone? We'll just get a ton of those portable one use BBQs. But in general, find out what facilities we'll have.

    Just to end with, 2nd weekend of august is fine with me.

    --- EDIT ---

    I've done some looking around at hostels, there are a good number around and the good ones seem to have some nice facilities, such a secure lockers, and internet (could be interesting  :P)

    Prices seem to be from £15 - £35 depending on type of 'room', group bookings are possible as well it seems, but have to be by application.

    It is worth noting that many hostels do not allow people under 18 to stay there, and those that do, have an age limit on 16, or that you must be with your legal guardian. Also depending whether dorm rooms are booked, people under 16 are not allowed to stay in unisex dorms. Just worth noting.

  12. Quite easy to do, although I would recommend that you have a separate machine for the Honey Pot.

    Try using OpenBSD for the operating system, it hard work but worth it.

    For wireless just find a card which is supported by the OS and that can go into AP mode which has some connections for external antennas.

  13. ITX is a for standard, and the only reason why I see that you would want to go for say mATX or bigger is the need for lots of PCI/PCIe slots. Which a cluster isn't going to need and most people only ever use one and that is for a GFX card.

    If you are after power in that size then look at some of the Commell ITX boards which allow you to use Core 2 Duos in them. Obviously they don't have the benefit of lower power usage but they are very small and run extremely quickly.

    If you want low power usage then the Via Eden CPUs are what you want, 12w for a 1.5GHz CPU is pretty impressive.

  14. London is good for me.

    I'm currently at Imperial College London as well at the moment,

    Living in London until the 24th June, buts its easy for me to get there.

    I can do anything needed (within reason) that the organizers need doing.

  15. You wouldn't be able to make one yourself unless you produced these kind of electronics anyway because you need a number of chips to control the USB.

    However it could such a device could exist so have a look around and you might get lucky.

    If not you could always shell out for a ExpressCard 34 slot Wifi Card or a USB one.

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