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Posts posted by stingwray

  1. Well I was going to have a look at, except there is no code or algorithm to look at.

    They have only provided a sample file and encrypted version, plus an visualization of apparent randomness, all of which is useless, as it provides nothing but proof of being able to sample a random data stream.

    Given what they talk about is just an implementation of a one time pad which is generated by two factors, input from the user, much like what TrueCrypt uses when generating random numbers, eg movement of the mouse and sampling a random number generator. This is nothing new and nothing interesting.

    More to the point, they have done nothing about key distribution, so if it was really so super I still would probably have to use a asymmetric key cryptography system to distribute the keys to people.

    Given the lack of other information all this seems to be is a load of propriety crap (they mention that it will be open source but don't give reference to it) that has no cryptanalysis done on it and will most likely end up like the MiFare crypto issue.

    Finally as the thread owner is a new user with this as a signal post, it points to this being a shameless plug for their pitiful work and highly incredible.

    Steer clear and stick to AES or your favorite tried and tested algorithm.

  2. As a result of its exceptional energy efficiency advances and an affordable price/performance ratio, AMD Phenom II X4 deserves our seldom-granted Recommended Buy award.

    From: Tom's Hardware

    I think that sums it up perfectly, until there are cheaper Core i7 motherboards and DDR3's price drops, an AMD Phenom system is going to give you the best for your money, its faster than the Core 2 Quads by about 10% according to the article above and cheaper.

  3. I was thinking of PHP lol and it does help :)

    if their all the same, then why people use different languages?

    and whats the difference between the languages..sorry i have googled and wikipedia'd but it doesnt give anything that in-dePTH

    There not all the same, however they do fall into a limited number of buckets, mainly imperative programming and functional programming. They all keep the same sort of design and make the same sort of things available to programmers. The difference is in syntax and libraries available for them, then what they are specialised for. For example if I want to write an application to run across Linux, Windows and OS X then I'm likely to look favorable at Java, as this is one of its core abilities. If I want to write a 3D graphics program, then Java is probably not going to be the best idea, because of limited low level control and general slowness in some areas, so I'll look at C++.

    Basically you have to choose the best tool for the job. But put bluntly, I've learned something like 12+ languages in less than 2.5 years, covering functional, imperative and logic programming, by far the hardest was the first. Learning a syntax is easy and comes with practice, learning how to solve a problem which I give to you in english, that is the difficult part of programming.

  4. Biggest difference I think at the moment is that the Phenom can be used with older motherboards, which are plenty, Core i7 requires new motherboards and chipset which are really expensive at the moment as intel hasn't produced any lower end alternatives. Also Core i7 uses DDR3 where Phenom uses DDR2 still, which is considerable cheaper again.

  5. Now that's a nice looking pistol... wish we could legally own and or carry firearms in the UK !!

    What is the kickback like after firing ?

    Erm no thanks, the guns can stay in the US. The UK is bad enough with everyone running around with knives, at least you can out run those people fairly easy.

  6. God! What a load of complete idiots you have here.

    There is nothing wrong with writing viruses, releasing them into the wild and trying to cause damage is the problem. If you find this interesting SigmaStrain then keep going at it.

    As for the rest of you, shut up if you don't have anything constructive to say. I'm looking very hard at nullArray. The guy asked good and complete questions. You want to get your little flame stick out for the person that posts "I want to write viruses, how?" then sure, and I'll join you. But the guy has taken a little time to think about his question and structure his post. Thats more than I normally see on this forum.

    As for H@L0_F00, I'll remember your post here for this question, and make sure that I flame and don't answer your question in any of your threads from now on. Because well I don't think anyone can trust you, for being you.

    I'm sorry SigmaStrain that I don't know much in the area that your asking for help in, i try to stick to the Linux/BSD/OSX platforms and ignore Win32. Good luck with your project though, and if no one is knowledgeable about it here or no one but idiots carry on posting then I hope you find the answers through your own research.

  7. Simply put, not being good a maths won't stop you programming. It will however limit your ability to understand the maths involved with computers which will prevent you from being a good programmer.

    The maths isn't hard, some discrete maths, mathematical methods and statistics is all you really need. Also I would steer clear of anything financial or graphics based if you can't do maths.

    As for what language to learn, learn the one that is best suited to what you want to program. All of them are pretty much the same and once you know one well you can pick up others pretty damn quickly. What will speed up your programming ability then is learning some decent libraries and frameworks for that language and then you should be able to speed.

  8. ExpressCard slots is really useful for people who don't have a WWAN card built into their machine.

    In addition, companies like ASUS are using them for things like their external graphics card, and more.

    The benefit is the amount of bandwidth that the expresscard slot offers. Expresscard slots using the PCI-E bus have a max of 2Gbps, where as those using USB are limited to 480Mbps.

    From the wikipedia entry... "ExpressCard slots can accept Firewire 800 (1394B), Serial ATA external disk drives, Solid-state drives, Wireless network interface cards, TV tuner cards, soundcards, additional memory and memory card readers, among other things. Asus has recently revealed an external graphics card that can be connected to laptops through the interface, the XG Station."

    So while they may not be used everyday by you, there are plenty of reasons for manufacturers to include them so that we the users have some level of expansion.


    I'm not doubting the bandwidth benefits of ExpressCards, however, the number of applications that need that bandwidth is very limited and with USB 3 around the corner, and the expected quick adoption that it will have the bandwidth card is lost.

    ExpressCard slots are not useful for people without WWAN, the majority of WWAN devices are USB powered because of the cheapness of the interface. The majority of people receiving the device will use what they get given because of the subsidy they will receive when signing a monthly contract as they are still quite expensive separately. Also given the poor quality of most WWAN services this isn't a high priority to have a completely separate interface.

    Firewire is dying, 800 was hardly adopted by anyone, eSata ports will eventually become standard on laptops, although the take up on that has been shamefully slow. The only other peripheral there in that list that needs all that bandwidth is the graphics card, external graphics cards have been around for a long time, and never really got anywhere except for in the professional world with things like external Quadro arrays from nVidia which contain multiple graphics cards. Which don't use ExpressCards as they require more bandwidth and arn't designed for mobile applications. Laptops come with inbuilt graphics that can rivial many a desktop computer and unreadability has never been a priority of laptops, with both ATIs and nVidias graphics slots for laptops dying.

    The best use of ExpressCard slots if have seen so far is a place to store your remote for your laptop. Thats about it. Every other application doesn't need it, because there will be a cheaper alternative to it using USB probably.

    The downside to USB, well its something sticking out of your laptop, which most people for the saving, will accept.

  9. USB seems to be how things are going now, because of the ability of being able to use multiple USB ports to get more power to the device.

    Have a look at the Alfa Networks 500mw USB, seems to be the best around at the moment.

    Express Card doesn't really seem to have a place anywhere at the moment, except for tasty FPGA cards. I can see these kind of slots on laptops dying soon, especially with netbooks not having one (I believe the S10 and Mininotes only carry them). I'm surprised Apple haven't killed it on their notebooks yet, seeming how happy they are to kill interfaces.

  10. Another option is that you can block IPs on a certain number of incorrect login attempts. This is what I did when I was running an external SSH server. I set it as 5 attempts and then banned forever (or at least until I would unbanning it), but the number of attempts was reset every two hours. So you could try 4 times every two hours without having to come to me to say sorry for getting yourself blocked.

    Yes its open to some misuse and not perfect but in my situation it worked perfectly.

    If you wanted to have fun you could set up a HoneyPot, which given a number of incorrect tries would take over and then mirror the traffic back to them, record any commands and you can watch them brute force themselves.

  11. for the price of 1 SSD you can buy like 6-10 regular HDD's and an large external drive to perform regular backups to

    Show me a regular hard drive which you can shake violently while it continues to perform at its normal performance and not loose any data on.

    You need to stop thinking of SSDs and HDDs being the same. The perform the same operation, but have very different qualities. If you don't want to pay the premium at the moment for an SSD, thats fine, but many people do because of the benefits and they don't require 6-10 normal hard drives to store all their data.

    One benefit what I would love is the stupidly low response times and the silent operation.

    I'm just waiting for Apple to refresh the Air again, hopefully with a bit more grunt and a 256GB SSD.

  12. but there is 1 problem with SSD, they give no warning when they are dying, they just stop working

    since they use flash memory, you basically see the problem as it working fine 1 moment and the next it is dead or most of the data disappears

    Quite the opposite actually. Yes there are parts that can fail on them which take the whole SSD out but thats no more likely than on a HDD. As SSDs degrade with age they shrink in size as parts of them become unusable. They also move data around and can recover data lost most of the time using similar techniques your HDD does when it encounters a fault (which on modern drives is a lot).

    So you lose capacity slowly but your data will be safe. I suppose this is assuming that you haven't got the drive 100% full which would be stupid anyway. Interesting its also this process that makes many data forensic tools completely useless on SSDs, because their logical mapping to physical mapping is continual changing and SSDs don't allow you that information.

  13. There isn't much added performance to using SSDs with any major operating system right now, according to Slashdot.

    Even still, I doubt formatting would give you any major improvements,... it'd probably have more to do with OS optimization. But of course, I know nothing of this and am basing this on wild conjecture. Personally, at this point in time, I think the $600 you spent on the drive was a waste. For $500 less, you could have gotten a drive that's 2.5 times the capacity, and those are with Apple's insane BTO prices.

    Especially considering in one or two years, that drive will probably be $500 cheaper..., blah. Just my opinion.

    Your missing one big point about SSDs, reliability. You drop that laptop and no physically damage is done to the SSD then your data will still be their. In the case of the hard drive, the shock could very well have killed it.

    Is it worth the money, well I suppose that depends on what your data's worth.

    On another note, hopefully Snow Leopard will bring lots of nice benefits to using things like SSDs.

  14. Strange, I am running 1.6, I thought for a moment I wasn't because I had been working with 1.5 for my previous project, because SWT doesn't support 64-bit JVMs on OS X and Apple don't support Java as 32-bit any more. Plus one developer in the group owned a Core Duo MacBook Pro which isn't 64-bit.

    I shall have to look into this further.

    EDIT: found the problem, I'm using NetBeans at the moment as Eclipse has finally lost all love that I had for it and I hadn't set it up to use 1.6, all works fine now.

    public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> Set<Set<T>> findPowerSet(
                Set<T> set) {
            // Create a result set to hold the result and add the empty set.
            Set<Set<T>> result = new HashSet<Set<T>>();
            result.add(new HashSet<T>());
            // Foreach item in the input set.
            for (T item : set) {
                // Create a set to hold generated sets this iteration.
                Set<Set<T>> iterationresult = new HashSet<Set<T>>() {};
                // Foreach set in the current result.
                for (Set<T> rset : result) {
                    // Copy that set, add the current item to it and place the
                    // result in the iteration result set.
                    Set<T> copyitem = (Set<T>) ((HashSet<T>) rset).clone();
                // Add all of the iteration results to the result set.
            // Return the result set.
            return result;

    Nice little algorithm, want to try and improve it still, but at the moment not sure where to start.

  15. Did you test your code Emeryth?

    Comparable cmp1 = (Comparable) tmp1.pollFirst();
    Comparable cmp2 = (Comparable) tmp2.pollFirst();

    Doesn't compile as the method pollFirst() doesn't exist. TreeSet JavaDoc

    So I changed it to first() making the assumption that's what you meant. However it doesn't not halt now so never returning an answer.

    What JVM are you working with?

  16. Nice simple one, but one I have just had to solve.

    Challenge: Find the power set of an input set.

    Examples: Input Set = {1,2,3}, Power Set = {{},{1},{2},{3},{1,2},{1,3},{2,3},{1,2,3}}

    Points for execution time, code simplicity, code readability and extra features (like working on any object not just integers).

    Implement in your favorite language.

  17. If its ARP cache poisoning, then yes.

    Its not physical layer dependent, with wireless though, if you have a card that will catch all the packets and you know the encryption key (if there is one) then you can just read the packets without needing to do any poisoning.

  18. As previously mentioned True Crypt will do this for you.

    True crypt first encrypts the stuff you want (disk/folder/file) then will create a second hidden encryption section inside the first. Because encrypted data is designed to look like random data, the theory is that you have plausible denability as you can give people the first and say look, its my Tax Returns.

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