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Posts posted by stingwray

  1. You can make traffic sent of a network secure without using a secure protocol. HTTP has a secure variant, its called HTTPS and it uses SSL to protect the information. You should use this.

    There are plenty of other things to do with security of web applications which you need to do, but encrypting transported data is not one of them.

    Also, stick to what is tried and tested. Average joe creating their own security specification ends up in epic fail with them being broken trivially. Security systems are put together by groups of extremely intelligent people and are tested and verified to destruction. Not to say that problems won't be found, but most of them are found in the testing phase.

  2. ...

    if you are selling tv's at $500 and a lot of people buy it, then you increase the price to $600 and a lot of people still buy it then you made profits. and greed will cause you to increase the price to 700 and higher, as a way ot testing the limits of peoples wallets


    Example about different pricing.

    Your wrong again, on both counts.

    If sony make a TV in 2008 which costs them $250 to make, they then sell it to the distributor, who sells its to the Electronics store that you buy it from. Now everyone needs to make a decent profit and has their own costs of storing and shipping the TV. So its now $500.

    Now sony make the same TV in 2009, but because of the spike in commodity prices, they've been hedging their price, unfortunately prices have gone down, which means that have lost out some what and paying a little more than the market price. This means that it now costs sony $300 to make the TV, it goes through the same supply chain, but again hedging of oil prices means fuel is still quite expensive and also rent and a electricity prices have gone up. This means that by the time the shop has got it they have to put prices up to $600 just to survive. This is not profiteering, this is naturally progression. Prices go up every year because of inflation anyway.

    Your example about the crisps is an even worse example, its simply scale. Your large supermarket can buy millions of them, directly from the manufacturer at the lowest possible price, they then make a small profit on selling them, because when you go to their shop you buy lots of other things and that all adds up to a nice tidy profit which they can survive on.

    Now your local school or small shop, can't buy from the manufacture, they have to buy through a distributor, this adds to the cost. Also the customers don't buy nearly as much, which means they have to make more money on the crisps so that they can pay for the rent on the location, the couple of staff, the electricity, the water, cleaning... the list goes on.

    You have absolutely no concept of the different economic variables or how the world actually works.

    Your telling people not to spend their money, which is the worst thing to do in a recession.

    Perhaps you should move to a communist state, I think you'd enjoy that more.

  3. 99% of home computers don't run virtualized computers on them, nor have £2,000+ Adobe creative suits install on them. Once your doing those things your looking for more of a workstation that home computer.

    Also consider that more people buy laptops now than laptops, for their daily usage and the majority of laptops only support up to 4GB of memory.

    For video, you'll want a fast processor and lots of hard drive space.

    For gaming, you'll want a decent graphics card.

  4. Don't take what you won't use, or take too much because you will end up hauling it around all day.

    Plan what you want to do and what you want to take accordingly, but standard things like laptop and camera are on most peoples lists. If you plan on using the wifi, then if its anything like the C3 then get a 802.11n 5GHz card as that will provide you the best service, the wireless networks can get very overloaded.

  5. Look at the DNS records for the web address for the website and then that's going to tell you who you are talking to for the website, if your connect to the server by other means then you already know where it is, then you can compare the two.

  6. Don't you mean "640K ought to be enough for anybody"? :)

    Nope, given that the average memory foot print used by a system as barely increased in the last 8 years, but memory has become significantly cheaper its tailing off. For the majority of home computers, the most intensive application they will run is a game. Which have never been very dependent on memory for a long time (since dedicated graphics chips have been around) and see far more benefit from a decent amount of graphics memory, especially when working with large resolutions, 1440x900+ for example.

  7. Firstly, its no where near free money. Your paying for it, not only in taxes but in monetary inflation. The government printing more money, makes your money worth less.

    You say you want prices to come down, this will cause even more problems with the economy as it could lead to deflation in products, which is were people stop spending, because in a short time the price will be less and they will save money. This causes even more major problems.

    Many of the reasons why prices in core commodities have been inflated is because people have been speculating on the price of the products and profiting on this rather than letting simple supply and demand take place.

    Also, the problem with the economy now is that people aren't spending because they are fearful of losing their jobs, this prevents them from spending, not the fact that prices may be or may not be too high. Job security will help reduce the effect of the recession, this is why Obama is trying to create a huge public works effort. People not being afraid of losing their jobs will spend their money.

    The knock on effect of the so called "credit crunch", which was created by banks buying their own securitised loans, as they were making money at one point, but ended up taking on a huge amount of risk. This is because the people who give the loans out, sold them on almost immediately, making money and reducing their risk to near zero. This is what lead to too many loans being handed out, especially in the sub-prime markets. So now the banks have already lost a lot of money and now don't want to buy so many loans to securitise as they have been bitten by it. This means that less loans are being given out and people who need them, like small business who perhaps want to expand because they are doing well. The knock on effect of this is less jobs and possibly people loosing them. Vicious Cycle.

    People are also now stuck with the problem that they bought a house for £500,000, that is now worth £350,000 because of the housing market slump, but they had to take a loan out for £400,000 to pay for the house with the rest of money coming from their savings. This means the people have lost in the region of ~£150,000 because of the value decrease. This is not helped by the fact that people can't get loans to buy houses now so the price falls further still.

    The stimulus packages will work, if they are applied properly and prevent job losses, which is the problem at the moment. When the job market picks up again, then the recession will be ending.

    Also your theories on not accepting prices which increase are just going to cause more economic problems. People have to buy their core commodities to survive. The people who produce them have to make a profit to survive. Prices will fluctuate naturally anyway and if I'm going to pay slightly more for my bread, because the wheat farmer had to spend more money on oil last year for the diesel in his tractor then I'm going to, because it means he is going to stay growing wheat and employing the people that work for him. Perhaps it'll be a bumper year and be able to take on more people, helping to end this recession.

    Also, consumers feel like they have little control over the price, because they have absolutely no control over the price. That price is decided by the major retail giants, such as WalMart or Tesco in the UK. Their price is a war between them and their competition, prices which are already as low as they can go. If you want a bargin, then find the loss leaders, which are the products they choose to sell under what they paid for it, to get you into the store, in the hope they make more money on the other things you buy. Giving up any sort of brand loyalty is the best cause of action for the consumer at the moment.

    Here endth the lesson.

  8. If it hasn't been fixed then it would be polite to write a letter to them, detailing everything and some of the implications of it, then also send a copy to the headmaster (say that you are doing this in the letter), and keep a copy for yourself.

    Remember to be polite and re-iterate that you are informing them because of the risks and possibly to see this as a free service that many companies and institutions pay for. You can also suggestion ways to resolve the problems if you can think of something.

    If this doesn't worth then you may want to get the parent's association (or equivalent) involved if it is serious enough. I.e. you believe people could delete or alter other peoples work etc.

    But what ever you do, do not tell any of your friends or people not previously mentioned in this post.

  9. Couldn't one run a 32-bit VM inside of 64-bit OS for compatiability for 32-bit apps?

    That is a disgusting way of getting around it.

    Even with 32-bit operating systems, placing 4GB of memory on the motherboard will give you the best performance, especially with dual channel kits. Memory will be mapped evenly across the DIMMs giving the best performance.

    I still think if you using more than 4GB of memory in a desktop computer then your doing it wrong.

  10. Can I see the list of other headphones that you have reviewed and what you have used as a base line for the review so I can understand whether they are good or not.

    You seem to have voiced an opinion which is based on only using one product and not comparing it to anything. Its very easy to say something is good when you can't compare it to anything.

  11. There's absolutely no point in this.

    Yes SSD prices will go down and speed increase, however RAM will also do the same. The majority of recent motherboards support 16GB of memory which is by far too much for a desktop or gaming pc at the moment and with large amounts of RAM, windows doesn't even make us of a PageFile.

    Given that you can get 8GB of memory for less than £100 at the moment and thats plenty enough there will never be a need for a SSD pagefile drive, in fact Samsung recently announced that they can make 4Gbit memory chips allow for a single dimm to hold up to 32GB of memory.

    As for the server market, SSDs do support ECC, but only a handful of them. But the problem now is that the speed of an SSD is nowhere as fast as memory, looking alone at DDR2 800MHz, its peak transfer rate is 6400 MB/s, which is miles ahead of SSDs currently and in 2 years time. Also given that in the architecture it is designed to be as close and fast to the processor as possible without a horrible SATA interface and the into memory for transfers. I think your forgetting that people don't buy servers because they are "cheap", spending a couple of grand on memory in a server is nothing.

    As for RAM disks, they never caught on because of their previously prohibitive price and now they won't carry on because SSDs exist. Tom's Hardware recent did a review of a Gigabyte iRAM type device which performed about the same as an SSD, for the same price, but offered less storage and also required backup to a Compact Flash card for persistence which was very slow.

    Your also forgetting that servers currently have access to extremely fast hard drives in the form of 15,000 rpm SAS drives which when in RAID arrangements provide better performance figures, greater storage and fault protection. SSDs in servers won't be seen for a while yet until reliability and lifespan has been properly evaluated.

    In short, memory performance will always be considerable better than an SSD and given the availability of memory now and the cheap price, most computers will come with more memory than people can use. I know in real world examples from my MacBook Pro which only has 2GB memory, that its rare that I see it paging out to the disk, and I'm not easy of my computers.

  12. If there not coming in at any sort of rate which is affecting your performance then its not a DoS.

    Looks like to me someone is playing with spoofing their IP address.

    DoS attacks are extremely easy to identify, if its malicious though then identifying legitimate traffic is near impossible.

  13. Which one do you think will keep up for 5 years of 24/7 usage, Intel or AMD.

    Both and neither. They both have the ability to run for decades, however it depends on how you treat them, their setup and also luck of the draw on whether you will get one that lasts long.

    The most likely components to fail are the motherboard and the psu, invest well in them and you'll limit your problems significantly.

  14. Its word aligned, for a number of reasons, including simplicity and speed. If you were to allow mutiple pieces of data to be stored in the same word how would you tell where the first ended and the second began? You can't without more data to signify so, given this is small bits of data much cleaner to keep things word aligned.

  15. Given this is Wifi and we are looking at security measures other than wireless encryption so for this we shall assume that it doesn't exist or it has been broken.

    With a good card you can simply sniff the packets in the air and from that read what IP it was sent from, as well as a host of other information, and its plain sailing from there on in.

    The best additional or only security measure on wireless in my opinion is a VPN, as they are designed to traverse insecure and untrusted networks in a secure manner.

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