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Posts posted by stingwray

  1. Its just that Intel now has a better CPU, before that AMD did, then Intel did and then AMD did.

    PC manufacturers won't sell less AMD CPUs because the average consumer doesn't know anything about the difference, and now that AMD have slashed their prices so their CPUs are in performace+price line with the Intel ones, for all but the people who spend £1000's on a new system AMD is still in my opinion a better platform.

    AMD have 4x4 coming out to bridge the gap until their 4-core CPU, then theirs a revision to the current architecture possibly coming out with AM3 which will support DDR3.

    The more interesting stuff will happen in 2/3 years when the AMD+ATi ideas kick in, hopefully with GPU on the CPU die. I think Intel are the ones that are and should be worrying. Their already rushing their 4-core CPU and brought it forward 6 months.

  2. You not likely to get this to work. Laptop LCDs usually are working on propreitry connections already and use different technologies to VGA and DVI which means your GFX card is unlikely to be able to support the Laptop LCD.

    You can get around this but it is individual to each screen sometimes and not an easy process.

    You can get GFX cards that support them sometimes but they usually carry a premium because it is a limited market base.

    You would be better getting a cheap screen of ebay which used VGA probably then try and get a laptop screen to work.

    If you've got more money to spend then go for a touch-screen one which takes 12V in as standard, you won't regret it.

  3. LOl, I need to lower my standards to what I think is a "beautiful" girl. I've always gone after these hot ass girls, and occasionally it worked but more often than not, I get denied which really sucks. Now I'm kinda realizing that if I want any meaningful relationship with a girl, I need to lower my standards.

    btw..did I say being denied sucks? Crying or Very sad

    I'm sorry but I think you should get a life and stop being such a bastard.

    Stop treating girls as trophy's and objects.

    You might have some luck then but I doubt you'll be able to do anything about being such a pig.

  4. Why do you say monitors don't make long term good tv screens?

    Because computer monitors don't have video processors in them, this makes them very poor at sorting out the picture and making it look good.

    If you watch video on a computer (using a computer monitor) it doesn't look bad because the computer is sorting out the picture and then sending it to the monitor. But you are talking about feeding it with external source which is also very unlikely to have a video processor as they expect the monitor to do it.

    You can get some computer monitors that have TV tuners in them, so if you are desperate for that idea then I would go with that, they often have a lot more inputs so you can plug in a cable/digital tuner.

    Also if the TV has component in then it might have a video processor so wouldn't be so bad.

  5. PS3 now isn't getting to the UK market until March 07 now.

    You've also got to look at Sony's standards history.

    BetaMax vs. VHS - VHS one, BetaMax was Sony's technology.

    MiniDisc vs. CD - CD one, MiniDisc was Sony's technology.

    Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD - Well going on the past two examples HD-DVD is going to win, as Blu-Ray is Sony's technology.

    The problem with the Wii is that its not next generation enough for most people. I see it as more of a aesthetic change and a very gimick features added in.

    The 360 is already out, and proven itself, it will be even better when the HD-DVD internal version comes out (i don't really want an external one).

    Also Microsoft is doing a lot of cool things with services that people already use on the Windows platform which link in with the 360.

    So this round goes to the 360.

    (P.S. - i've never owned a console and probably never will, PCs will always win against any console.)

  6. I've used ProFTPd in the past and was happen with it. But I mainly choose that because it was supported by another piece of software that I wanted to use.

    I've heard good thinkgs about vsFTP, i'll have to have a look at it sometime as well. But at the moment i'm in the process of selling out.

  7. You can check out the Thecus Nano N1050 (

    That allows you to plug in another USB mass storage device and then it can copy the contents over to the hard drive inside it. Useful if your on the run without a laptop and need to back up your digital photos etc.

    Even more fun if you only have 30 seconds to grab your mates USB stick and clone it.

    However the only people that I would count as having anything interesting on their memory sticks are the people that know how to protect themselves from this kind of thing.

    Yes children, lets make Mr. NSA agent who is reading this cry by mentioing the 'Encryption' word.

  8. FreeNAS's performance is pretty poor. Fine for the average user, but then the average user wouldn't want to set it up their own and run it, they would rather buy an intergrated system.

    However if people like the ideas behind FreeNAS (small image and CF booting) then I recommend you check out Monowall (http://www.m0n0.ch/wall/).

    Thats what FreeNAS is based on and is an excellent router/gateway/server solution.

  9. If never liked software imaging solutions. If I have a large number of computers that I need to get running all with the same software (OS and APPs) then use a hard drive cloner.

    Then all that is required is a small script that will change hostname and a number of other things to make the system individual.

  10. To put it simply the motherboard is what makes or breaks the system.

    Its also the thing your least likely to want to change.

    If you have a bad one with few features then you may find your computer slow and buggy without many options.

    If you have a good one with lots of features then you will always have room to upgrade and your pc will hopefully run without problems.

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