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Everything posted by stingwray

  1. I use FileZilla, does the job for me. It also does have drag and drop now.
  2. stingwray

    +4400 amd

    No, because your machine would run like a 2.2GHz Athlon in single threaded appplication. AMD have used a speed rating name system from the Athlon XP era, because they were the underdog to intel who was now pushing clock speed as what makes the CPU faster than others. As AMD had gone the other route making CPUs more efficent and have lower clock speeds if they just simply called it a 2.2GHz CPU most idiots would go and buy a 3.2GHz Intel. So the naming system originally was equivalent to the intel clock speed, so a 3200+ would be similar in speed to a 3.2GHz P4. However this has kind of gone out the window now with dual core and Intel moving also over to a performance rated naming system. Example, if your 4400+ was twice as powerful as a single core CPU it would be called the 7000+ because the 2.2GHz Athlon 64 is called the 3500+.
  3. PC3200 = 400MHz PC4000 = 500MHz PC5400 = 667MHz PC6400 = 800MHz etc, You can basically divide the PC number by 8 to get a rough speed in MHz. But seeming you didn't actually ask a question I can't say more than that.
  4. Then it would also be illegal for you to crack the encryption on the network as well. Also if she's forgotten the password and is on holiday its hardly going to concern her at the moment. Wait until she comes home and then use the reset button.
  5. Look at the top ten posters, that give you a representation of the proportion of users that are from the UK. Although some don't but UK as their location. The simple answer, alot.
  6. I'll watch lectures that I can get my hands on. HitB release their lectures and seminars freely on bittorrent and they are always a fairly interesting watch.
  7. It was a naming convention that was ended in a lawsuit if I remember rightly that decided this. HDD manufactures did use MiB, KiB etc. naming but they had to stop because they were basically told to do so. So thats why the often print on HDD labels 1,000Bytes = 1KiloByte. However since then Kilobyte has been used to represent 1,024Bytes, which makes more sence as everything is based on powers of 2.
  8. Not really that funny, just wasted a couple of Mb of bandwidth on that.
  9. If your not interested in computers at all but want to move to linux rather than windows then go for ubuntu. If your interested in computers start off with a fairly big distro which has excellent support but isn't too hard to get into. I'll recommend Suse and Fedora Core. As for information then you can usually find everything you'll need in the distros documentation, if not then have a look around on the internet by using your favourite search engine. There is plenty of information about, you shouldn't need to buy any books.
  10. If you add a clear coat after applying the transfers it shouldn't be a problem. Yes they might come off otherwise with sweat building up on the fingers.
  11. You could always use Alphabet transfers, like the type of transfers you used to put on Airfix models.
  12. I got 'A' for Mathmatics, 'A' for Physics and 'A' for Product Design (A2s). So i'll now be attending Imperial College London from October taking MEng Computing.
  13. Doesn't mean much without a contexted, also I don't think you mean bytes. Run AVG virus scan with the latest definitions. Run CCleaner. Run Spybot S&D with the latest definitions. Install a free firewall and set it to notify you everytime a program wants to access the internet. Can't say much more than that without information.
  14. I wouldn't say the archechture was much better than x86/x64 processors, but they are certainly better for different things. http://www.anandtech.com/mac/showdoc.aspx?i=2816&p=1 Thats the artical comparing the G5 to the new Mac Pro, it'll give you an idea of how those architectures different.
  15. Cool, but only if you have the money. For most people (including myself) I don't feel that they are flexible and mainstream enough. I would use them if I needed them in a situation which the excelled in, (there was an interested comparion between the Apple G5 and the new Mac Pro and the Mac Pro sucked on quite a few benchmarks).
  16. Windows doesn't actually assign drive letters like this. Windows detects all the drives and then the first partition of the first drive gets 'C' then the first partition on the second drive gets 'D' etc. until all the first partition are done. Then windows goes back to the first drive and assigns the rest of the partitions say 'E' and 'F' then it will look at the second drive and assign the other partitions in order. Its different if windows 'created' the partition in the installation as it will then assign drive letters in the order that the partitions are created.
  17. Don't give her a harddrive, Knoppix in the DVD drive permently, a USB Thumb Drive to store documents on. Done.
  18. Can't you see sticky's? http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=828 All discussion of PJ is kept in there.
  19. I know a lot of universities get MS products for free if they tell MS that they are going open-source. This is because MS don't want graduates going through their education not being exposed to MS products because hopefully they will recommend them when they graduate. The only computer course i've taken was a full GCSE in ICT, that was a waste of time, also because the coursework was worth 60% of the final mark and the exam had nothing to do with IT in it and was more general knowledge I only managed to get a 'C'! Hopefully (I will know tomorrow for definite), I'll be attending ICL from october and taking a MEng in Computing which looks excellent.
  20. OpenBSD - you won't be a n00b at the end of the project.
  21. Format and Reinstall. I find that works best.
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