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Everything posted by Garda

  1. *rolls eyes* how old are you guys... actually, have we had a how old is everybody thread yet, /me guesses Computer_Kid and Duelus are 6
  2. aaahhh evilserver has hit the forums, he's like agent smith soon he'll be everywhere
  3. dude. go out and get a gf
  4. what's it for to replace your current avatar?
  5. WOW, chiks with guns that is sooooooooo HOT
  6. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Darren, can i worship you as a rolemodel/mentor/idol etc etc I'm supposed to be studying right now. but stuff that, line integrals and vector functions aren't as important as catching the latest in the range of n00b busting products from Microshaft
  7. ahhh goddammit that IS his sig i feel so retarded /me appologises to Darren whose wisdom and knowledge is was most unwise to question. Duelus. CHANGE YOUR SIG that's gonna get soooo damn annoying
  8. HAHA, the perfect justice for spammers /me predicts a significant decrease in the volume of spam posts from somebody with a little blue avatar in the future
  9. OMG, go check out his other posts. it's not actually his sig
  10. It's a black rapper guy thing. They probably wear them for the same reason they wear unusually baggy jeans and baseball hats sideways
  11. Yeah crazy guy waving guns around who would've thought that'd be scary...
  12. I think that i have stumbled across an epidemic of horrific proportions. I speak of the growing number of retards on the internet, who are featured re-creating, or otherwise singing along to the Nelly song Grillz. If you haven't heard the song before http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-Jk0YS_AY8 I am a particular fan of this type of music and Nelly, and think that Grillz is a totally awesome song. However to see so many people butchering it pains me somewhat. To get an understanding of what i mean, just do a simple search for "Grillz" in google video or youtube http://www.youtube.com/results?search=gril...p;search=Search take a look for yourselves if you can deal with looking at a bunch of retards in their natural environment
  13. something i noticed about these forums, people will usually be real nice and answer any question that you have as long as you D0n7 //R173 l13k 7|-|15 or ask for something like "so my friend forgot his hotmail and i need to help him, honest, not to crack"
  14. hmmmm 74, that's not bad lol spektormax has an interesting voice, although, i've not been in vent so i have just 1 sentance to go by
  15. Oh god that is so brilliant goths/emos are hot. except for the whole lip ring and the general emoness of her behaviour and personality mabey if she was a happy emo /me shouts out to Melodic we found you a gf edit: some words deleted :)
  16. I'm 41st :cry: also is there a reason why Horza and Duelus both have wierd blue blobs as their avatars? what's going on there? Personally, i think that if you've posted more than 10 times on an internet forum dedicated to geekish persuits such as haking, you need to be getting out more and chasing after more chiks.
  17. thanks kinda what the problem was, all the old ones are really crappy, and for example, can't find a cheap one with with dvd burner
  18. lol, windows vista on your computer for the next 10 years. :)
  19. to all the aussie guys. does anybody know of a place that sells barebones laptops. i don't really have that much money, but the problem is that there's some stuff that i want and other stuff that's not really that important to me. unfortunately you only get an expensive laptop with all the good stuff or a crappy one with not that much at all, i found there tends to be no in between. so does anyone know where i can get a barebones one. i'm trying to work out which option will cost me the least basically i'm just looking for a crappy laptop which is obviously going to have linux on it, mabey a bit of warwalking/programming/various internet related activities/must have dvd burner
  20. don't you basically just use assembly for writing viruses and basically not all that much else. what kinda project is your friend doing...
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyW7LfKlyrI looks like starcraft remade in the c&c engine
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