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Everything posted by remkow

  1. It's indeed quite useful, but the only problem is that you have to have your own computer running all the time, to accept the incoming connections. Anyways, here's the link http://www.uvnc.com/addons/singleclick.html
  2. You can just remove them from the go.cmd
  3. It's not necessary to make it into a vbe, it will run as vbs too, but you can always download the windows script encoder from microsoft.
  4. It doesn't necessarily have to be a vbe script, it can also be vbs. Use the following vbs script to decode a vbe file, and then just change go.cmd to whatever you want. option explicit Dim oArgs, NomFichier 'Optional argument : the encoded filename NomFichier="" Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments Select Case oArgs.Count Case 0 'No Arg, popup a dialog box to choose the file NomFichier=BrowseForFolder("Choose an encoded file", &H4031, &H0011) Case 1 If Instr(oArgs(0),"?")=0 Then '-? ou /? => aide NomFichier=oArgs(0) End If Case Else WScript.Echo "Too many parameters" End Select Set oArgs = Nothing If NomFichier<>"" Then Dim fso Set fso=WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If fso.FileExists(NomFichier) Then Dim fic,contenu Set fic = fso.OpenTextFile(NomFichier, 1) Contenu=fic.readAll fic.close Set fic=Nothing Const TagInit="#@~^" '#@~^awQAAA== Const TagFin="==^#~@" '& chr(0) Dim DebutCode, FinCode Do FinCode=0 DebutCode=Instr(Contenu,TagInit) If DebutCode>0 Then If (Instr(DebutCode,Contenu,"==")-DebutCode)=10 Then 'If "==" follows the tag FinCode=Instr(DebutCode,Contenu,TagFin) If FinCode>0 Then Contenu=Left(Contenu,DebutCode-1) & _ Decode(Mid(Contenu,DebutCode+12,FinCode-DebutCode-12-6)) & _ Mid(Contenu,FinCode+6) End If End If End If Loop Until FinCode=0 WScript.Echo Contenu Else WScript.Echo Nomfichier & " not found" End If Set fso=Nothing Else WScript.Echo "Please give a filename" WScript.Echo "Usage : " & wscript.fullname & " " & WScript.ScriptFullName & " <filename>" End If Function Decode(Chaine) Dim se,i,c,j,index,ChaineTemp Dim tDecode(127) Const Combinaison="1231232332321323132311233213233211323231311231321323112331123132" Set se=WSCript.CreateObject("Scripting.Encoder") For i=9 to 127 tDecode(i)="JLA" Next For i=9 to 127 ChaineTemp=Mid(se.EncodeScriptFile(".vbs",string(3,i),0,""),13,3) For j=1 to 3 c=Asc(Mid(ChaineTemp,j,1)) tDecode(c)=Left(tDecode(c),j-1) & chr(i) & Mid(tDecode(c),j+1) Next Next 'Next line we correct a bug, otherwise a ")" could be decoded to a ">" tDecode(42)=Left(tDecode(42),1) & ")" & Right(tDecode(42),1) Set se=Nothing Chaine=Replace(Replace(Chaine,"@&",chr(10)),"@#",chr(13)) Chaine=Replace(Replace(Chaine,"@*",">"),"@!","<") Chaine=Replace(Chaine,"@$","@") index=-1 For i=1 to Len(Chaine) c=asc(Mid(Chaine,i,1)) If c<128 Then index=index+1 If (c=9) or ((c>31) and (c<128)) Then If (c<>60) and (c<>62) and (c<>64) Then Chaine=Left(Chaine,i-1) & Mid(tDecode(c),Mid(Combinaison,(index mod 64)+1,1),1) & Mid(Chaine,i+1) End If End If Next Decode=Chaine End Function Function BrowseForFolder(ByVal pstrPrompt, ByVal pintBrowseType, ByVal pintLocation) Dim ShellObject, pstrTempFolder, x Set ShellObject=WScript.CreateObject("Shell.Application") On Error Resume Next Set pstrTempFolder=ShellObject.BrowseForFolder(&H0,pstrPrompt,pintBrowseType,pintLocation) BrowseForFolder=pstrTempFolder.ParentFolder.ParseName(pstrTempFolder.Title).Path If Err.Number<>0 Then BrowseForFolder="" Set pstrTempFolder=Nothing Set ShellObject=Nothing End Function PS. I didn't write this myself, but found it somewhere. I don't know who the original author is, but all creditz go to him (or her).
  5. There is a post which is exactly similar to this one: http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4294
  6. I have no idea what it is, but I have exactly the same problem
  7. Lets just ban everything w/ a scientific name
  8. I thought so too, but in this post it is being done, and he's using the same type of USB drive you have, so you might give this a try: http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3989
  9. Go to start>run and type in cmd type in "reg /?" without the quotes read the stuff it says in the little black screen.
  10. Mastermovies FTW :P I don't think that these scripts are really useful, since it will take ages to copy everything to your USB drive/external HDD. Maybe the USB/MP3 one could be done, if you'd buy one of those 4 gig cruzer micro's, that would take care of most of the problems
  11. You need that, and you need to make sure to enable autorun for CDROMs, in the registry. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesCdrom] "AutoRun"=dword:00000001 This will enable CDROM autorun
  12. Maybe you downloaded the wrong payload, or the CD partition is not working correctly
  13. remkow

    CMD codes

    Just truecrypt everything you don't want them to see, and make sure the password you choose is something completely random which they'll never guess..
  14. He never said they were copyrighted, they could aswell be some home made videos...
  15. It's a custom theme called Royale, I'm using it myself too. PS. You can download it here if you want: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Enhan...for-WinXP.shtml
  16. lol :D I made something like this myself, using an old book and webcam.. I currently have it pointing at my door, and I use a program called "GOTCHA! video surveillance" which acts as a movement detector and starts recording as soon as the door opens..
  17. Do you mean a site which hosts all those shows, or a site which just links to the websites of those shows?? please be more specific if you want us to help..
  18. You have to edit the send.bat file, and add your own email address. It should then work just fine, but it's always better to first learn exactly what it does, and mod it until you think it's at its best, and then start using it. That way you learn something from it too.
  19. I had this small script somewhere, and I think it might help you.. it's a kinda lame netbios bruteforcer, but what it does is it reads the user/passes from netbios.txt, and then interprets them as variables, which I think is what you want. FOR /F "token=1,2*" %i in (netbios.txt) DO net use$ %i /u: %j
  20. 10 seconds on google gave me this: http://compsimgames.about.com/od/thesims2s...backupfiles.htm
  21. Yeah sure, just edit the WIPgo.cmd, and change this: :: a simple checkdisk chkdsk C: /F :: defragmenting the hard drive defrag C: into this: :: a simple checkdisk :: chkdsk C: /F :: defragmenting the hard drive :: defrag C:
  22. Try using the most recent version of stunnel, it might help.. http://www.stunnel.org/download/binaries.html
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