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Everything posted by Deags

  1. You could talk about possible legal issues that may arise. For example the mac osx thing you did in s01. What happened if anything. How you should or shouldn't go about doing something like that.
  2. Deags

    Hak5 Darknet

    Okay so here is a quick setup guide. Download WASTE again. https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.p...lease_id=582988 Extract .zip to C:\WASTE for example. Run waste.exe Set you name and identify. Generate Your Private Key. Set downloads dir. Now open preferences. Goto Network. Set the port you wish to use and forward if possible. Now goto Password enter "hak5" Goto Pending Keys. Auto-Accept is not checked by default it is safe to check is as we are all friends(for now at least). Goto your IP Addr. and set that up Now under File transfers goto Receiving. It is a good idea to check "Prompt before accepting". Now goto sending. Check rescan ever 320 and rescan at startup. Add a folder or two and hit the Rescan Button. OKAY NOW that WASTE is SETUP. LETS CONNECT. In order to connect you need a friend on the inside(like me for example). From your friend you will need their ip(or host), port, public key. (Your friend needs ports forwarded). You will need to give them you public key. To get your public key press the copy to clipboard button and privmsg it to your friend. Now you need to add your friends key. It can be done by going to public keys and pressing Add. Paste the key into the box and press Load key text. You should now see you friend. Now that you and your friend have added each others keys. You then goto your network window and connect to your friend or your friend connects to you. For example: Once connected you will see the other members of the network.
  3. Deags


    Great Southern Land
  4. Deags

    Hak5 Darknet

    pm DropThatClutch on hak5 irc for details.
  5. It's bullshit like that which the media and everyone in Australia goes on about causing the problems. Home buyers don't need to be hearing that Australia is going down the same path as America. We are in a much better position. panic never ends well.
  6. Deags

    Hak5 Darknet

    okay to network two computers. you need to swap public keys and each have the same networkname/password.
  7. Costs 500 bucks to register a party. 12 members i think as well. i looked at this a while ago(been looking into it alot more lately.... i fucking hate day light saving!). This is very conservative of the labor party to consider this. Kevin Rudd will tell his ministers to talk this up(keep those few conservatives on board) but he will not act. At present K Dudd is just annoying nerds. Now lets just face it. Nerds are normally not rich or working some awesome job. They are inclined to vote for the labor party because it believes in power among unions not individuals(when you work a shit job like everyone around you it is easy to get lost in this belief you have no power). The few nerds this pisses off does not compare to the parents and church goers of the country jumping on board! How ever if the labor party were to implement this they would lose much votes as more than nerds start caring. As soon as the media compares this to Saudi Arabia once the people(media/not nerds) start caring it will go away. The Government: If you think the problems we create are bad, just wait till you see our solutions. Finishing notes :) Fuck the LNP. Go the Nationals(kinda)! Fuck city people. Fuck recycled water. Fuck NSW VIC WA TAS ACT SA for using DST bullshit. Fuck Nuclear power. Fuck this years Wheat prices. Fuck Wayne Swan and the others! Fuck the Greens. Fuck selling off of power/telstra/everything useful. Fuck the Liberals. One Nation was onto something! Fuck the American Australians. Fuck Toyota. Go Ford/Holden. Go Freedom Of Religion! Fuck USA - AUS free trade agreement! Fuck Soccer(fucking football means everything else over here!). That's just so you know where i come from.
  8. Glenn Robbins Arj Barker Glenn Wool Stephen Curry Chris Lilly Stephen K Amos
  9. i assume you haven disconnect your internet and sold your laptop yet?
  10. Deags

    Hak5 Darknet

    have a chat in irc://irc.420pwners.net/chan1 if you are interested
  11. 19 :D. Because the chicks dig it!
  12. Deags

    Hak5 Darknet

    Hi guys if anyone wants to start a bit of a Darknet using WASTE again. Please show some interest here and we can swap some details in #hak5 or on the forums.
  13. Oh JESUS. I'm older than O. Wine.
  14. Fair Go! I have a house and in that house there is a fridge full of liquid gold.
  15. less pineapples and more game cubes that play DVD's!
  16. Good man! Bathurst is today :D (atm ford is winning(the race) :(). I drive a Diahatsu Applause from time to time. My primary vehicle is a '93 Triton 2WD. (136 000km on the clock*) *Speedo Broken for 7 years. http://photos-g.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-...294814_1264.jpg http://photos-g.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-...294974_3670.jpg I also ride my brother motorbike a bit which is a 250ZZR. This is the Diahatsu and Mitsub in the 1 picture. (Includes dads Moke and Citcrap C5) Thanks to my brother:
  17. Okay. the rules are: Celebrities only. 1 per post. The idea came up at work when someone goes u2 + the fray in a plane crash would be great. Then from the other room someone shouted "the whole cyrus family too" and it just grew from there. (myself i don't mind any of those people) But i'll start. Tom Cruise
  18. on the topic of beer: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=2YB_pE6CPXI Razor512: goto that video and skip to 2:18.
  19. XXXX Bitter Tooheys Extra Dry Tooheys Extra Dry Platnium XXXX Gold
  20. I'm glad someone watched those.
  21. I formatted my box after 80 days of uptime and loaded on vista x64.
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