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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. http://crak5.org http://darrenkitchen.com http://darrenkitchen.net http://failbus.com http://hak5live.org http://infive.tv http://lamesauce.info http://livingonthecloud.com http://nooblube.com http://nooboff.com http://omniotaku.com http://omniotaku.tv http://paulthecameraguy.com http://rentanoob.com http://technolustproductions.com http://twitterphisher.com http://twitterphishr.com Ok so they weren't purchased with our coupon code but they're all hosted at GoDaddy :)
  2. Damn, if only I were eligible to enter this: http://becksbeer2.young-america.com/EntryForm1.asp
  3. Awesome! We really need a fan creation board for stuff like this.
  4. Sadly not that I've seen which is the primary reason why I haven't sprung for it. I don't mind shelling out $65 for a decent gallery if it integrates well with the existing forums but not sight unseen.
  5. I like the idea of bringing back the photoshop competitions. We could choose a winner every week and feature 'em on the show. It would also become a much easier place to manage than the notoriously fugly Wiki/Goodies page. Hell I'd even link to the board from the site's navigation header. Now the only question is do we go with just a simple sub-board to spring for something fancy like IP.Gallery ( http://www.invisionpower.com/community/gallery/ )
  6. Agreed. Are we done here? Can we lock the thread already?
  7. Where are you getting this idea? I think you're reading it wrong because that's not the case at all.
  8. I think I posted it in the two boards most likely to frequent programmers. I'm not sure if it's possible to symlink one thread to another but I'd like it to display under Everything Else and Coding. @kickarse, how does DopplePrinter differ from CleanCPL from the Win2003 resource kit?
  9. It's a combination of more people involved, less time wasted on business, post production, distribution, marketing, etc. It also really helps that we've perfected live-to-tape. For example, episode 402, a nearly 40 minute episode, was shot in 70 minutes on the same day as 401. That's not to say all episodes will be that easy to shoot, especially for things like the pineapple where you've got on-location stuff (yes, more locations this season), but you get the idea. Everyone necessary has communicated on the subject and as far as I'm concerned it's resolved. Case closed, move along. That's not to say we weren't gung-hu on the first two of season3, but yeah that third episode --the 1984 arcade documentary-- wasn't your typical Hak5 then the following show, 3x04: rock out with your cock out, probably didn't help. Though I really do think we brought it back with 3x06-9. Everything Wess said is true and I'm glad we've both spoken on it now cause I feel the air is much clearer. Sorry I tossed ya under the failbus that was unprofessional. Guess we're both human. Wanna grab a beer? I've got a decent supply of Beck's ;)
  10. The hands of the law? Since when is security research a crime? You don't see the authors of metasploit, ettercap, aircrack, bluesnarf, airpwn, karma, or a million other "hack" tools being arrested do you? Hell last time I was at a "hacker conference" I met a Fed. I didn't see this kinda freak out when I did a segment on cracking WPA keys using brute force dictionary attacks on episode 3x06. Firearms aren't illegal yet killing people is. Name one piece of security software that is illegal and I'll give you $100. You can apply that towards a copy of Nessus -- an commercial vulnerability scanning tool.
  11. We would love to support the coders in our midst so if you've been banging out a sweet app or a little utility let us know we'd love to check it out.
  12. We would love to support the coders in our midst so if you've been banging out a sweet app or a little utility let us know we'd love to check it out.
  13. DeGrijze, I can't change your mind about the ethics of the Wi-Fi pineapple / Jasager device. You've obviously made that up and I guess I've gotta give you credit for sticking to your guns. However, I must state a few things about the project. First of all at the coffee shop the device wasn't even armed -- it wasn't set to associate any clients with the AP with DHCP. Hell, it wasn't even on. (on a side note it now smells like fruit) Also the Jasager project is intended for penetration testers. Obviously I'd never advocate using the device in an illegal manner. For security professionals, educators, researchers, or systems administrators it's a great tool. Also, it's nothing new. Honestly the Karma project has been around for a while. See here: http://theta44.org/karma/index.html -- Jasager just puts it together on the Fon with a nice, extensible, ajaxy interface. You're basing all of your opinions on the first in a multi-multi-part series which looks sorta like this: - Introduce the project / gather feedback / build awareness - Demo the device in a controlled environment / how it works - Building your own - Interview with developer - Defending yourself from honey pots like this - Expand and extend Now I must say I understand where you're coming from on the Fon community thing. The more people that use the Fon routers they own for the Fon community Wi-Fi the better. However, like others have said above, we haven't broken any EULAs or laws here and educating our audience about tech is just what we do.
  14. Zac B wrote feedback@hak5.org to inform us that woot.com has a special on the battery pack I'm using to power the fon in the pineapple. So if you're following along at home and want to make this sucker portable ya might wanna head over there. :)
  15. I think you'll enjoy what we've got coming up TomB. WiFi Pineapples, open-source forensics and intelligence gathering, casual music games, and a nifty windows utility on 401 then infrastructure mapping, reverse engineering, opendns and a color calibration tool on 402. 403 and 404 has more reverse engineering and wifi pineapples, a firewall configuration gui, the hak5 bbs, the multi-touch mini, the anatomy of viruses, photosynth and something about chrome. If that tickles your technolust by all means tune in :) I've been assured by the engineers at Rev3 that 401 is ready for launch tonight, about 5.5 hours from this post. It'll be on both revision3.com and hak5.org
  16. We're shooting 2 episode back to back every other Saturday. We worked out all the season 4 production kinks this shoot and totally nailed 403/404. I had a blast doing 404, great content and great energy. If you're on the fence about the new season stick around for the first 4 episodes before making up your mind. It took a little bit but we hit our stride. Anyway, pics from the shoot... Shannon has too much fun with the whiteboard Chris preps while Paul sets up Shannon's set View of main and window sets, Chris rocking a securabit t-shirt. Matt attempts to color balance. Supposedly the modded guitar isn't NTSC ;) Can't wait for these to air. Got great segments, sketches, tips and banter. I'm having the best time ever doing the show this way. I can't believe we've shot the what used to be 4 months worth of content in the course of 10 days. 4 segments in each episode plus the usual trivia, lan party, sketches and banter that make up an episode. It's amazing we're able to deliver this amount every week.
  17. That's fine by me Tom I truly see your point and unfortunately we got better on camera, figured out video production and took it more seriously. I'm still as passionate about the show, the content and the community but yes the lights and lenses got better. However, I must point out that the couch was only seen briefly in 1x01 and from then on we had a set (though it was just a poster on the wall to begin with) that eventually evolved into a bigger set + a homegrown production studio in a coffin case. And come on, how is this not homegrown hacker badass?
  18. I've decided to give it a shot. I'll use it for a week or so and see if its to my liking. Already I'm noticing little things that seem a bit more intuitive than FF, like the way it handles ctrl+F, or downloads. On the other hand there are little things I'm missing like the FF shortcut "/" Regardless, I'm giving it an honest go just as I did with Opera last year.
  19. Maybe next year we can get Revision3 to send us there and get it sponsored by a German brewery or something :)
  20. @VaKo, dude we're all over that white-hat systems administrator stuff. Matt's your guy there. :)
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