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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. There are a lot of cheap switches that are capable of creating vlans. Its only a matter of choosing the appropriate one for you current lan set up. I currently have this netgear switch at home. http://www.netgear.com.au/au/Product/Switc...art-Swit/GS108T
  2. What kind of network switch are you using?
  3. Of course, but unless you have a partner accounts you are permitted to upload videos longer than ten minutes, subject to acceptance by YouTube.
  4. I don't know if you have heard, but apparently Amanda is an opensource backup solution, that is widely used. So why don't you give it a try. http://amanda.zmanda.com/
  5. Which device did you set as your DHCP server smoothwall or the ADLS Modem.
  6. Great video, I learned quite a lot with these guys. Thanks for posting that up.
  7. I plan to build a similar server rack in the future. Apart from that, what services are running in the server, or what do you use it mainly for? Furthermore, how much storage capacity have you got at the moment.
  8. I guess we all have to wait until the someone can manage to crack the encryption.
  9. I guess if you install the plug ins than yes, smoothwall will offer these capabilities. Does it come with the plug ins pre-installed or do you have to install them manually. Whereas FVS338 comes with all these functionality out of the box.
  10. I've read in other forums that Cain and Abel is able to capture VOIP and record it to a file.
  11. One thing for sure, FVS338 can provide fail over options: for example if you have two internet connections and one of them fails the other one will take over. Where on the other hand, I don't think Smoothwall offers this capability. FVS338 offers VPN capabilities and Smoothwall doesn't. The FVS338 has a lot more advanced features that, Smoothwall doesn't have. FVS338 has routing capabilities, that exchanges information between two different network segments. Smoothwall doesn't I think FVS338 will be better suited for a business environment rather than a home environment. For a small home network set up, smoothwall will be more than enough. For comperison purposes I think you should read the following links below. http://www.smoothwall.org/about/express-feature-list/ http://www.netgear.com/Products/VPNandSSL/...=Specifications Regards, Infiltrator
  12. Oh my god this is so wrong. Why are people like this.
  13. I've been reading some reviews on Smoothwall and I have to say that there isn't much for you to be concerned, however its important that you keep watching out for any patches or updates as soon as they become available. That's the only way you are going to have a secure smoothwall. Regards, Infiltrator
  14. Take a look at this tutorial, there is a sample php code on how page numbering works. http://www.php-mysql-tutorial.com/wikis/ph...-using-php.aspx
  15. Or lets put this way, different user accounts with different level of access, like read/write/execute. That way you have more control over who's got what and who can do what. If that makes sense.
  16. No problems, let us know how you go.
  17. DD-WRT should be able to block ports as well. Check out this documentation on how to http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Port_Blocking
  18. Yeah I know there are lot of things you can achieve with the raw power of the GPUs nowaday. I've been using some opensource tools to crack WinRAR passwords, though it takes time but its hell a lot faster, than the CPU's raw power alone. Now image setting up a clustered computer system with Cuda that's super computing.
  19. Hahaha very funny "Stormtrooper". Sure I can post my script, I will post it in here when I get some time around. The script is very simple and I am open for suggestions from anyone if they have it. Regards, Infiltrator
  20. This wiki can explain a lot better than I can, what DMZ does. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DMZ_%28computing%29
  21. I don't see it working very well in practice, but you will need definetly two Nics to accomplish what you want. First NIC connected to the Modem (internet) Second NIC connected to the switch. Now if you want to have a DMZ, you will need to install a third NIC. Hope this helps you.
  22. I don't use backup software at all, I have written my own batch script that does all the back up work for me at the end of the day. It first checks for any files that have an archive attribute set, and if it finds any it copies them to my backup server where I have backup tapes and raid solution in place. And it really services me well. Going back to your question: Have you tried the built in Windows backup solution.
  23. I think for games you will be better off with a non-blocking switch if you plan in doing a Lan party, apart from that good luck.
  24. Well that depends what kind of hacker you are, the kind that does good to the community or the kind that causes havoc. Even though I do not support the black hats, I am in favor for the grey hats.
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