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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. Yeah that did cross my mind at some point. But will check it out from here in Australia. Thanks Moonlit!
  2. As I am a security oriented person, it would be a real pleasure for me to take on this challenge. But I won't be able to do it since, I don't leave in the UK and don't have the time to flight over.
  3. Knock Knock, whose there?
  4. Make sure you have the correct drivers and the drive is properly installed. Also make sure, the Zero wireless service is running on your laptop.
  5. http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-use-gre...-in-linux-unix/ http://lowfatlinux.com/linux-grep.html
  6. Nice set up. How did you go with Smoothwall installation any issues encountered?
  7. @Kapeea, I would recommend you reading this article. http://www.esecurityplanet.com/features/ar...DoS-Attacks.htm
  8. Have you contacted your ISP, to find out if there are any issues at their end. You might want to get them to run some tests on your phone line, to determine if there is any problems.
  9. Situations like this can happen, but they are very remote. I am a paranoid person, but not to this extent.
  10. Have you made any alterations/modification on your system recently? Any new software or hardware installation?
  11. With all due respect, you are not trying to be racist are you? Honestly I hate racist people? I am sorry if I am offending you, but I hate when people asks me this type of question.

  12. You mean what forum I come from, or what country I come from?

  13. @Digip, since RIP has a maximum count of 15 hops. What would be a good protocol to use instead? Would the 802.1Q protocol be ideal in situations where the destination is more than 15 hops away?
  14. I like your computer case, made out of a suit case. Very creative and nice work. Edit: Just out of curiosity, do you ever plan on publishing info on Solar Panel system set ups?
  15. The only issue I see with this set up is, having multiple terminal windows (CMD) opened all at once. That is if the OP, wants to control the PC's individually. If not, imagine trying to control x10 pcs at once from x10 different terminal windows a daunting task, unless there is a batch script to automate the process. Another note, how to control multiple PCs at once from a single console and how NetCat gonna know which computer is which computer, since you can only have one connection at the time. Correct me if I am wrong.
  16. Yeah I was referring to that option. Since I don't know whether the OP will want to jail break his Ipod or not.
  17. No man, I was never referring to Matt.
  18. Normally ports 80 and 443 are not blocked by most hotspots. But the problem at hand is that by design PPTP won't allow you to change its default port. So if that's really the case, that the hotspot is blocking it. You have two options, use Spipe I would recommend reading up on that to get a general idea of it does. Or use OpenVPN since it does allow its port to be changed.
  19. I was reading in one of the Hak5 forums that someone was leaving the team. I can't remember what his name was, but I don't know if that's what is about? I am may be wrong, so don't quote me on that.
  20. Yeah, I noticed that too. I don't think its anything major. Perhaps Darren got caught up on something important and needed to postpone the show to another day. I also noticed that someone left the team, so I don't know if that has something to do with the show not airing.
  21. You're doing what? What makes you say that?
  22. Check this link out http://www.stationripper.com/record_lastfm...tfm_details.htm
  23. If you click on the link "static routing" on the right hand side of the router page, does it take you to another page?
  24. I hope this new release of backtrack 5 addresses the compatibility issues that it has with the Alfa AWUS036NH wireless adapter.
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