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Everything posted by Sitwon

  1. I can't remember which ep it was but Mubix explained the origins of "tack" as having something to do with military terminology for command-line switches. (It can mean either - on Unix or / on Windows.) "Wakka" was made up by Darren because the < and > remind him of Pacman. "Bang" is actually and old but common word for ! in the IT world (particularly among Unix programmers and admins). The # character has the most aliases: pound, hash, splat, crunch, octothorpe (various spellings), and others. In Unix scripting (Bash, Perl, Python, Ruby, etc.) scripts typically begin with "#!/path/to/interpreter". This line is often referred to as "pound bang", "hash bang", "crunch bang" or "shebang".
  2. Sitwon


    If you're going to be serious about mining, you should probably checkout http://cuttingedgegamer.com/ If you upgrade your card every 2-3 months you'll save a lot of cash with these guys.
  3. Sitwon


    I think it's silly how people learn about bitcoin and think "I can make my own free money" because it currently costs more to mine bitcoins then the mined coins would be worth, and I am extremely skeptical that the value of bitcoins will ever increase enough to offset that loss.
  4. Why not compile it on the host device? It's usually easier than cross-compiling.
  5. http://learnproglang.couch.it/ <-- list of good resources for learning to program.
  6. Sounds like your web server is not configured correctly and it's sending the wrong doctype. It's also probably hosting up the raw PHP script instead of executing it. Make sure the script has execute permission and double check your server's configuration.
  7. I have a Backwoods Bone Machete from these guys (actually the first one they shipped) and it's a really really nice blade. I highly recommend their work.
  8. Have you ever installed a package from source?
  9. On a *nix system I would use rsync. There is probably an rsync-like utility for Windows.
  10. Why don't you just hit up a Hackerspace out there in the Bay Area? At a minimum you have Noisebridge and Hacker Dojo to checkout. https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/Noisebridge http://wiki.hackerdojo.com/w/page/25437/FrontPage
  11. Apparently Kryptos is selling an updated version, where as the free version is no longer receiving updates.
  12. Just so long as you don't use double-XOR encryption. ;-)
  13. In order to get the name you basically just need to sniff a connection attempt. Which is easy to do because you can just forge a de-auth packet to kick a client off the network and it will usually try to reconnect immediately.
  14. Yes and no. Yes, it is possible for a person to create code that is more optimized than the compiler would have generated, but in the vast majority of cases they aren't more efficient at it. The difference in time and effort of optimizing and hand-tuning assembly code versus writing it in C and using the compiler's optimizations is staggering. It takes a very exceptional project to justify the added costs of all those man-hours. After having some caffeine, reading Jason's post, and re-reading what you wrote I realized that I was parsing this sentence completely wrong before. (If everyone learned Lojban we wouldn't have these problems. :-P)Ok, so you want to save on bits (at the expense of man-hours). Well I've pointed out that you have other options for compiling to native code. And I doubt you're getting smaller binaries from freebasic than you could get with 'gcc -Os'. I'd still like to see some freebasic examples that demonstrate how it's easier than importing a module.
  15. You keep making this claim but not giving a clear explanation or showing demonstrative examples. Again, you make it sound hard. It's not. The vast majority of developers are trained to indent whether the language cares or not. This is like complaining that a language requires you to use text files instead of Word docs. http://effbot.org/zone/python-compile.htm http://code.google.com/p/shedskin/Of course, I'm not trying to argue that Python is "better" for creating native executables. But if that's your goal, there are still some better languages than BASIC available. I'm not sure what you mean by this. See next post. It's not about what CPU sees, it's about the time and effort required to create and maintain the source code. Optimizing for the developers time, rather than the CPU time, because good compilers/assemblers will optimize for the CPU more efficiently than a human could. I'm not sure what exactly you are referring to as 'elitist' here. I'm not advocating using Gnome or Windows. I never referenced them at all. Impossible? Basic is Turing Complete so I have no doubt that it could do anything and everything that C can do. What's in question isn't whether or not it's possible but whether or not it's practical. If you need native binaries there are, of course, C and C++... but also Objective-C, D, Go, Lisp (and family), Haskell, and Java (and a number of other JVM langs) via gcj.
  16. Yet both are being used in production. What exactly do you find "not production worthy" about them? It's mostly just your GPU that's getting a workout. In a traditional window manager your CPU would be doing a lot more work and the GPU would be sitting mostly idle. Since the CPU time is more valuable than GPU and the GPU is just going to waste, it makes sense to push the WM workload to the GPU. Furthermore, Unity aims to be much more economical with screen real estate, which is becoming more valuable as netbook and laptop manufacturers are shipping a measly 1024x600 or 1366x786 resolution on many models. That's a disingenuous comment. First of all, Unity isn't just a copy of Apple. It draws on design elements from Windows 7 and one or two good ideas from the Linux WMs as well. Sure, it's not packed full of innovation, but it's cherry-picking good ideas from a variety of successful UIs. It could be argued that it's convergent evolution. Also, it's not "Linux GUI makers", it's just a few relatively high-profile projects. The Linux WM space is incredibly crowded and diverse. From the feature-packed environments like KDE or Gnome, to the device-friendly ones (Enlightenment, Matchbox), to the minimalist WM of the *box family (blackbox, openbox, fluxbox), to the tiling window managers (ratpoison, XMonad, dwm, wmii, awesomewm), to the compositing WMs (Beryl, Compiz). Linux WMs are full of variety and innovation, and very very few are at all reminiscent of OS X or Windows. You should explore just a few of the many many alternatives out there before writing them all off as Apple clones.
  17. This sound to me like a lack of a decent text editor. If you're using a text editor that displays whitespace (like Vim or Notepad++) and folds on indents you won't have any headaches about indentation or where blocks begin/end. For Vim, just add this to your ~/.vimrc set list listchars=tab:&gt;-,trail:- set foldmethod=indent Also, to be clear, Python doesn't mandate the use of tabs. It requires that you indent, but you can use either tabs or spaces (and any number of spaces you like) as long as you are consistent within each block. By convention, most Python coders prefer four spaces. The standard libraries are standard. If you have the Python interpreter it's a safe bet you have the standard libraries as well. Most of the those libraries are portable across platforms as well (with obvious exceptions for OS-dependent features like Unix-permissions or forking). Your explanation doesn't make it clear to me how freebasic handles things any better than Python or C. If you want dependency-free code just compile it to a static binary. BASIC, in nearly all of it's variants, is a syntactically and grammatically bankrupt language. I can't see why someone would choose to use it over alternatives unless they simply didn't know any better. If you have legacy code, write a shim or wrapper around it so you can make calls from more sophisticated languages. Of course, learning BASIC is all well and good. I highly recommend it. However using it in production is generally ill-advised.
  18. Fluxbox is more than I need.
  19. While PGP was never widely adopted, it was never replaced either. It is still the best available tool for the job it fills, it's just that a majority of users either don't know about it or don't consider that particular job to be valuable enough for the effort required to use PGP. I am planning a series of projects to lower the barriers to entry for public-key cryptography and building webs of trust. PGP was something of a black eye for the security community in the '90s and early '00s, but there's no reason in 2011 that we should still be sending unsigned/unencrypted messages. Many of the challenges to adoption that PGP faced have been solved. Back then, it was all potential and theories. Today, there are enough implementations and skilled people who understand it to turn PGP into recognizable consumer benefits without complicating their current usage patterns in any way.
  20. Java aimed to have a C-like syntax so that it would feel familiar to the C/C++ programmers who were in the majority of their target demographic at the time. So the syntax will be similar to any of the curly-brace languages. It also has a strong bias towards it's own vision of the OOP model. OOP in Java isn't the same as OOP in C++ or Python or Ruby. However, learning OOP in any language should help you out a lot in learning to use Java.
  21. You don't indent code blocks in whatever language you're using? Indenting code blocks is a standard practice in all languages, even if just for readability. Oh? On Linux you don't need to load any modules to access the serial or parallel port... but even still, is it really that hard to add an import line at the top of your file? How does freebasic do it?
  22. C++ is a very complicated language. And C is easier, but still depends on you knowing a lot about the underlying hardware implementation (which is often not taught or only glossed over). I recommend getting the book for The Elements of Computing Systems course and working through it. It gives you all the foundational understanding you need to immediately grok C (or any other language) at it's core.
  23. Actually, I think this is an argument for standardization of cloud APIs so that customers with failing nodes on EC2 can quickly and easily replicate their nodes over to another server in the event of a failure a their primary cloud provider.
  24. http://couch.it/K4SzyQ4k/
  25. If you're not going to use SLI/Crossfire then the models don't have to match. You could even mix Nvidia and ATI if you're not going to link them.
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