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Everything posted by Sitwon

  1. Try this http://couch.it/K4SzyQ4k/. If you can manage to watch YouTube out there, the Richard Buckland videos are a really great way to learn the basics of the C programming language (upon which Python was based). Once you have a bit of an idea about C, learning other languages (like Python) from books should be easier. Richard Buckland is actually a really good teacher and several people I know have learned to program by watching his lectures. If you're in a hurry or can't get YouTube, try http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Non-Programmer's_Tutorial_for_Python_2.6.
  2. The Alienware M11x is actually a pretty good value if you need an ultra-portable gaming system. If you want a bigger screen I would look at the Asus G-series laptops. I'd be wary of HP/Toshiba. I've seen some of their models melt after a few hours of gaming.
  3. Learning a new language is always a worthwhile thing to do. You have no idea how much you are limiting yourself by only knowing C#/Java. I would recommend starting here: http://couch.it/K4SzyQ4k/ But if you're in a hurry, just skip to here: http://mislav.uniqpath.com/poignant-guide/
  4. And what are the odds that whatever he is looking for in RAM would be in the first 512b of RAM? Or even in the first 1MB? If you were looking for a hard drive decryption key then that would be a legitimate concern, but in the scenario that was described I am fairly certain that the OS wouldn't allocate that memory to anything that would be interesting to look at. The beginning of the address space is High Memory which is addressed exclusively by the OS kernel.
  5. Yes, but that involves rebooting or pulling the RAM from a running system and then dumping it from a specialized OS or Linux box. Not something you can do from within Windows while it's running. You'd probably want to clone the active memory first and then do cold-boot last (because even under ideal conditions there could be some degradation).
  6. No. Keyloggers are fairly conspicuous and easy to detect. Anyone with a bit of debugging knowledge and access to a Samsung laptop could have easily tested whether or not there was an active keylogger on the system. In fact, anyone with access to a Samsung system could have opened the C:\Windows\SL folder and checked out what the file in there actually was. People were all too eager to accept this one at face value and nobody bothered to verify it before re-posting it all over the place.
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_boot_attack I'm not sure that you can do a bit-for-bit copy of physical RAM from within Windows.
  8. A company called PacSafe makes a line of products for exactly that scenario. They're designed to deter casual theft. However, I own one of their laptop messenger bags and I have to say, while the idea is good, and the security seems reasonable... it was really a rather poor messenger bag for daily use. After about a year it started coming apart. Also, the lock that it comes with might be sufficient as a theft deterrent, but not theft prevention. I found that with a screw driver and my bare hands I was able to force it open.
  9. Considering Samsung, StarLogger, VIPER, F-Secure, and Microsoft are all saying that there's nothing there... I'm inclined to believe that there's nothing there. If it was just two of those companies, then I would entertain the idea of a conspiracy, but StarLogger, VIPER, and F-Secure certainly have nothing to gain by covering it up. Edit: Besides, there was never a smoking gun here. If Samsung laptops have keyloggers on them, how come nobody who owned a Samsung laptop came forward to confirm it with a packet capture or log file showing the recorded keystrokes?
  10. According to the latest reports, Samsung never installed a keylogger on their laptops. A commercial security tool flagged on the directory path alone and gave a false-positive for a folder that was created by Microsoft for multilingual support ('SL' being the language code for Sloveian). Samsung, VIPER (the product that gave the false-positive), StarLogger (the falsely identified key logger), and F-Secure have all confirmed that StarLogger was not installed by default on an Samsung laptops and it was a false-positive due to the similarity of the directory path alone. https://threatpost.com/en_us/blogs/samsung-keylogger-case-turns-out-be-false-positive-033111 http://www.engadget.com/2011/03/31/samsung-reportedly-installing-keylogger-software-on-r525-privac/ http://www.networkworld.com/newsletters/sec/2011/032811sec2.html
  11. The popular languages these days (PHP, Ruby, Python, Java, C/C++, etc.) all have well documented online references for all the standard libraries/modules and their functions. It sounds like you have had either no teacher or bad teachers. I would recommend checkout out the stuff in Step 1 of my wiki page. http://couch.it/K4SzyQ4k/ The Richard Buckland videos aren't the same as having a teacher/tutor in-person to explain it to you, but it's the next best thing (as far as I have seen). The Elements of Computing Systems (TECS) is also a great introduction for people who have some programming knowledge but haven't yet jumped the gap from theory to practice. I teach the TECS course every Wednesday night at HacDC. It's a very common problem to find people who have had a year or two of formal programming lessons and are competent at their assignments but feel helpless when they're trying to do stuff on their own. There is a lot of discussion and theory about it, but I think that any way you cut it the teacher is to blame. Learning to program is no more difficult than learning to read or write, if it's taught properly.
  12. SSH? Yes, you could do VNC too, but it's more work than it's worth to setup. VNC is sslllloooooowwww and usually you just need a terminal anyways.
  13. Vegemite was just a scam to feed people with the otherwise wasted byproducts of all that beer the Aussies drink. Aussies only think it's good because they were force-fed Vegemite during WWII and it tasted good when compared to starvation. It's now marketed solely on Australian nationalism.
  14. The IP tables rule will look something like this: # iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o tun0 -j MASQUERADE Where 'tun0' is the device that has an internet connection. If you're using wireless tethering you might need 'wlan0' instead of 'tun0'. MASQUERADE tells it to do NAT for any packets that would be routed out the interface you specified. (Make sure you have packet forwarding turned on in your kernel or this rule won't do anything useful for you.) Then next thing you'll probably want to do is setup DHCP on the interface that connect to your "internal" network. The easiest way to do that is with dnsmasq. I'm not going to describe the setup in detail, but it's not hard and you can find plenty of docs/tutorials online. The config file is pretty well documented as well. Once you have DNS setup and you've done 'ifup' on the interface you're sharing on, just connect to your router's WAN port (set it to DHCP, not PPPoE or any of that) and it will pull an IP (from your laptop) and begin sharing out to the rest of your devices automatically.
  15. Then use the Ethernet port? Maybe add a switch to the mix if you need to connect a lot of devices.
  16. On line 21 you need to put a space between [ and $address. Same with line 27. Spaces after [ are essential to the syntax of Bash. [ is just an alias for /bin/test, so anywhere you see a [ imagine it replaced with /bin/test. For example, you wouldn't write "until test$address..." so the same applies to [. (Actually, when you use '[' or 'test' it doesn't really call /bin/test. For efficiency reasons it uses a shell built-in instead. But the idea is the same.) http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/
  17. How about using mind-mapping software like Freemind to create your own map of symptoms to causes.
  18. Why bother with a router? I tether my droid to my laptop all the time and share it out using my laptop's wifi card.
  19. http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/computers-technology/spyware-adware-virus-trojan-rootkit-keylogger-removal-guide/t.56156111/ Ignore for a moment that it's hosted on Gaia Online. It's actually one of the most complete guides to cleaning up a Windows system I've ever seen.
  20. I own an Alienware M17x_R2 and I haven't had any issues with it. It works great, it plays my games, it's got two GPUs for running Pyrit. With regards to pricing, Alienware is actually priced pretty competitively. They're not the absolute cheapest, but they're not that much more expensive when you compare them against the same hardware. You can certainly spend more money for less system at some of the boutique vendors.
  21. That message means that the document has not been modified since it was signed, but the certificate's issuer (eg, the root CA, or the certificate itself if it's self-signed) is not in your list of trusted authorities. Edit: I should mention, that by default the only "trusted CA" in Adobe Reader is Adobe's own CA. But it's easy to add new CAs or certificates to the trusted identities.
  22. For PDF signing, check out Rainbow PDF Digital Signature. http://rainbowpdf.com/digital-signature/ It's a library and command-line utility for automating digital signature operations on PDFs.
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