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Everything posted by ZigZagJoe

  1. Why not just use grooveshark's data? if it provides genre, artist, album, and track name, i'd say its good enough. As for the play from search results, you could spawn a thread which starts the download and then just spits the output at mplayer. I'm not familiar with python, but there must be some way to do partial reads from downloads. (streams, basically). Or you could use wget with the "--post-data=(data)" switch and have that piped to mplayer. Probably simpler, but controlling it would be more difficult because you'd have to use a fifo for slave control (or maybe pipe the data to the fifo? not used them much tbh) BTW, if you do pipe data to mplayer, make sure to add "-cache 320 -demuxer audio". This is not necessary if playing from a file. Otherwise mplayer behaves very oddly, the most obvious things is it skips the first 30 seconds or so and plays back with some degree of time distortion (fast or slow). This one was a thorn in my side for a while.
  2. No, not really atm... you might check out zimmer's app.
  3. sproxy and saver2 are a possibility under mono. however, the problem lays with the pandora plugin (specificly, the client portion) because it's not pure c#. btw, mono is a runtime, not something that you need to compile against - if you want to try, as i understand it you do something like "mono sproxy.exe". i'm not sure if it would die outright or work fine if you avoided the client portion - worth testing.
  4. Yeah, i think that is the executable verification going batshit. Probably end up adding that to be disabled when in "linux hacks mode", as well as checking for duplicate processes (causes failure in sproxy), and finally minimize to tray (minimize to tray -> no way to get the window back save the show call on the web interface). Something else fails occasionally in the client, but i forgot what it was. I'm still a bit disgusted by it turning out to be a 450mb footprint, but i suppose that should be expected =/ On closer inspection, yeah, something's gone wrong: err:ole:CoWaitForMultipleHandles Unexpected wait termination: 192, 0 I'll just disable it then. The chances of download corruption are honestly very low.
  5. I used the crypto code in specific - that was the "missing link". I eventually ended up translating it into C#. AFAIK, it doesn't cache files anywhere except ram. It handles all the playback stuff internally (uses faad and mad). If it was run through a proxy it would be the same as any other pandora client and yes the data could be intercepted. BTW, i wrote sproxy as well, if you have any questions about it or what it does. Also, if you have a windows PC somewhere, you could run sproxy on that PC and then configure pianobar to use that PC as a proxy - so music is saved as well. If you were really fancy you could share a music folder on the linux computer w/ samba, mount it on windows as a drive share, and have saver2 use that drive to save in. You'd need to modify two settings in SProxy config: AllowNonLocal to true (allow connections from non-localhost) and change servername to be a valid hostname or ip address (used for the web interface stuff).
  6. Heh, thanks :) Not to hijack the thread, but there is a open-source pandora client for linux called pianobar. Written in C; it might be worth checking into as far as ripping/listening goes. Mono wouldn't work (unless dllimports can work with wine to get the job done?) because the player relys on named pipes to feed mplayer data (requires the use of win32 functions). Might try anyways, for shits and giggles. SProxy/Saver2 on the other hand, I'm not sure. Last guy that tried it hit \ on windows vs / on *nix killing it. I'm also contemplating attempting to write a saving-only pandora dealie in php. Not the best language for this, I know, but the only cross platform language I'm rather comfortable with. Perl scares us, want nothing to do with python, and i'm not even going to mention java. Btw, a suggestion (on topic): You might look into a ID3 library or command line tagging program, as the ID3 tags on grooveshark are VERY inconsistent. Some have none, others have odd capitalization, missing tags, outright wrong tags, and so on. The first plugin i wrote for ripping from grooveshark worked, but only just (caught the stream download, read tags, wrote file). Invalid chars/bad encodings (char) were rampant. http://id3lib.sourceforge.net/ could work, though it isn't a native solution (I.E in python)
  7. I did not look into old posts (2 years old...) because I've only started reading this forum however many months ago when i first made changes to the old fiddler plugin. So you did something there. Good. Once upon a time, you did in fact make something useful. Why stop? Or perhaps are you working on the Next Big Thing as far as pandora on linux is concerned? What was/is there to gain by posting in most threads relavant to pandora about some ill concieved livecd that you'd evidently like someone to make for you. (what i've surmised by reading your posts over time; feel free to correct me) It's like a broken record, lol. It's a forum. You posted words. Words were read. Opinions were made. Words were written. Did you read them? Just to be an ass: Again, to judge by reads is foolish. For all you know, 80 of those reads were a bot. Or a bug in the forum software. Or people who have no interest in such a thing. Etc. To repeat what i've said in some other thread i can't remeber: Why... do you need a livecd so very, very badly? I can understand wanting to listen/rip on linux, and there are options for that.
  8. I did not say I don't see a point to livecds. They're great tools for fixing a computer, running a kiosk, trying out a new dsitro, or otherwise temporary usage. Saved my ass a few times with knoppix actually. On the other hand, they are not designed to facilitate downloading huge amounts of data due to the read-only medium implied by CD. A flash drive distro would be a bit different: I still don't see the point in booting up a separate os just to save music, but it would be cake to setup, and more importantly, doesn't (shouldn't) need much outside help to do. What i detest is posts like: And so on. Stuff does not happen by wishing for it - it gets done when people work on it. Install python, use one of the various scripts, or install gcc and mess about with pianobar. Bam. You're on your way to ripping from pandora on linux. Guess you didn't need that livecd that badly anyways, eh? Well, that's your decision.
  9. Well... there already is a pandora client for linux... wouldn't be too hard to mangle that to make it dump the audio data to a file on the disk with metadata.... have some other app mangle it idk What i've been trying to get across that just trolling (yes, i would regard what you are doing as trolling now) for some guy to put a tool on a livecd simply because you are lazy and cba to either make your own/modify something/get another working etc will not get it done and honestly it's annoying. Never mind the whole premise of a livecd for ripping music from pandora is flawed. First, as a livecd is by definition a read only medium it is thusly ill-suited for downloading files; flash drive or not, it's not a typical situation to have a large amount of storage available on a livecd much less persistent. Actually, I've never even heard of someone using a livecd for much more than a temporary "solution" or to try something. Maybe if you were at a school which allows booting off of cds (rare) and didn't have a laptop.... but I'd be more concerned with getting work done. It's a niche product. Something to rip music on linux isn't a bad idea, there's even been posts on how to do it with scripts, there's my "solution" and there is an open source client in c just asking to be modified. If you want something - try it yourself, don't simply ask in every single thread for someone to wipe your ass. If you were asking for help, I wouldn't even mind doing that because i rather like (some) challenges. But trolling for someone to make you a livecd is just annoying. Completely off topic, I have wondered about making a hardware pandora client... take a microprocessor, a dedicated i2c mp3 decoder, wifi, and some ram for a buffer and something might just happen. As well as taking one of the original zipits and putting pianobar on it (77mhz arm, 16mb ram, 2mb flash, wifi, audio output). The difficult bit is about 32mb of ram is needed for the biggest files... it's seemingly possible to just download as needed (aka the remote server only sends data as needed... "throttled" dont have much experience with the annals of net stuff so i am not sure)
  10. Views are hardly a good way to tell interest.... bots, noobs, and people who just check every thread because having unread annoys them (me). A poll would be a better idea. That being said, the linux portion does seem to be possible (livecd, not). I've managed to get both the pandora client and saver2 working under wine with some work... see the last page in my thread. However, as it's 450mb, and contains stuff that needs a windows license to use, a livecd can't be done. Be silly to have a livecd for it at any rate because you need hard storage (and lots of it) to save downloaded music.
  11. amazingly, as far as saver2 on linux goes it doesn't seem it will be bad as i thought. Currently, the pandora client hairballs due to SSL failing (which can be avoied by not using ssl....not the best idea, but tis worth a shot), and sproxy + saver2 seems to work fine until the listbox reaches 32 items (the same place it was "freezing" on vista w/ double buffer on, funilly enough). If minimized, it functions fine (!) Tested on mac os x 10.6.2 - basicly, installed darwine, then macports, then used macports to install cabextract, set wine to be in the path, then used winetricks to install packages ie6, fontfix, dotnet20, msxml6. the good news is, i should be able to zip up my wine folder which assuming you are using wine for the first time might work out of the box. Not the best plan.... but it should work. i find when launching they tend to fail with an odd error about every other time (they being my programs) but still, better than i expected.... the real test for the client will be will it work with ssl off (named pipes and dllimport tested here). As for sproxy, might just do a dirty hack to disable the main listbox. Not pretty, but it would get the job done. disabling the listbox does indeed do it.... seems to work fine. The pipe support in wine seems to be wonky - when it should be doing a synchronous operations it's doing async. with a 5 second wait inserted...it works! amazing! hotkeys don't work, predictable, but ah well. if someone wants to play about with their own wine: http://zzj.itf-inc.com/downloads/Saver2nix.zip Don't bother downloading this if you are on windows: it's the same as the normal zip, except it has the linux hacks mode enabled. How to duplicate (hopefully): * Get wine installed (darwine for mac), and winetricks. * Install cabextract via your package manager (on mac, you need to install macports and Xcode) * Run "winetricks ie6 fontfix dotnet20 msxml6" preferably on a clean wineprefix * Once you're done with winetricks, extract the linked file above somewhere. Then run wine Pandora.exe or wine SProxy.exe (if you want to listen to music only, do the former, otherwise do the latter) With any luck, it will download the required files (mplayer etc) and startup. If it doesn't (might error on lame) or display some other error try relaunching a few times... I've had it do that. Kinda weird. i'd upload my wineprefix, except, it's 450megs. lol. so much for a livecd.
  12. Hmm, can you use shared stations when you have 100 of your own? From what i can tell the shared station is being added when createstation is called... the question is, are shared stations usable/remembered when you already have 100 stations? I'm starting to lean towards making the shared station functionality into allowing creates from shared station IDs/urls but maintaining a complete registry of shared stations. If they do function at 100, how many shared stations does it remeber? (if you reload pandora, how many shared stations remain) If you can create a folder named "Pandora" in the sproxy folder, stuff that would be useful to me will be saved in it. If you could do this while you are testing, and send me the files, it would be much appreciated. (not user/pass or anything; just results of various calls like createstation, getstations, etc.) isCreator seems to be the deciding factor on shared stations: a shared station that you "took" has a value of 1 while all known shared stations don't.
  13. Yeah, encoding is not done yet. I was working at it on the time of uploading so the bit that has it die horribly is commented out... hence what you saw. To download all songs: Go into saver2 config, common tab, and check save it immediately. Changelog so far: Toggle On Top mode by double left clicking anywhere in pandora window Minimize window by double right clicking in the pandora window Pandora saver module: supports rename of stations now and will also rename playlist files Pandora client now supports rename of stations Pandora client now has a visual representation of song download percentage Save button on pandora client made more obvious in function (IE. only visible when a song can be saved and is not in auto mode) Other small improvements. Vastly improved playback start time After I get station deletion done (be easy), i plan to take a look at grooveshark. After that: Encoding Shared stations
  14. Red x simply means it's turned off. Uh, re download it to allow waiting again... accidentally uncommented something that should not be uncommented.
  15. Ah, yeah, that's (way) outdated. This was caused by the connection being too slow for pandora. I'd recommend you upgrade to (pandora) saver2 at any rate, as that version is old and unsupported.
  16. Ah. i have no interest in making a client because while GS has a good selection it's not that good for outright listening. So i plan to stick to ripping only. i really don't forsee making a client for other services because i've not worked with them nearly as long and moreover they're more obtuse than pandora. I'd found the search, but i've not found where it gets metadata (along with songids) for playlists, queues, recently played, etc.
  17. What version are you using (legacy or saver2) ? I assume you are using a browser instead of my client to listen, so it's probably flash failing somewhere (no audio driver can cause this i find). If you provide a log it would help me figure out what exactly is going on. BTW, this exists normally in the form of turbo mode. Maybe you turned that on by accident?
  18. Make sure you are running as admin (or move the folder out of the program file folder). Don't need that. Need to find where it gets the metadata for a songid.
  19. yeah, one would assume so. I'm looking for that. (not found it yet, and i've checked all the requests for metadata.
  20. Yeah, this much remains the same. (streams and streamkey, which you get by sending a getStreamKeyFromSongID with songid) What gets me is somehow it's finding out about your recently played songs and playlist songs some other way - this would lead to unknown song if it only knew of searches (though, this would do for what I use grooveshark for). Looking for a request that contains the song title, artist, and songid at minimum in i t. @brofix: added station playlists to slacker. Re-download it; writing playlists defaults to on but can be changed in advanced settings.
  21. Having a bit of trouble finding out how it gets metadata outside of searches.... there's always the option of just using the built-in metadata (each file typically has id3 tags), but they're very inconsistent.
  22. You are likely getting tempbanned by pandora - are you using turbo mode?
  23. Re-download at the normal link (see above posts)
  24. BE sure you are re-downloading, and the file is actually getting replaced. date should be 10/29 4:21pm (CST)
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