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Everything posted by ZigZagJoe

  1. Eh, i decided to go with nsis. Took a bit of wrestling but it's not TOO illogical once you get going. Think i've pretty much got it done, actually... easier than i expected. It does: Installs the core binaries Installs .net 3.5 if necessary (if 2.0 not found) Downloads the 3 binaries required to function (if nonexistant) Create shortcuts if requested It can: Download documentation for sproxy and saver2 Download firefox portable and configure saver2 to launch it Download the vidila tor installer, launch it, and configure sproxy to use tor Enable wine compatibility mode in sproxy Enable IE proxy configuration (when sproxy is launched it will automatically configure IE/chrome to use sproxy) Other stuff of note: I've added command line options to sproxy and the pandora plugin which means you can create a shortcut (the installer does, actually) which will automatically launch the client and hide sproxy, but you can still save music. A browserPAC.js file for configuring sproxy and opera is now extracted (why didn't i put one in the zip before? ...) Still need to do: Update mechanism. At this point, i think a notification would be best, and just use the installer to do the actual updating. Quite happy with how it turned out, actually. New release will be the first one with this (and it will be used from then on) Too bad there is not a graceful way to smack firefox upside the head and say hey use this proxy. (you can either install a custom plugin -ewww!, or edit the user's pref file) I wish there was a better way to do Tor stuff, but there's no easy way to find some US endpoints and force it use them only automatically. I've also added a small set of help pages which can be downloaded and installed.
  2. Make sure the port is set correctly. I can't telnet to that port on that host while i can ping the host, so that's my best guess. If auth was failing it would be somewhere else.
  3. Just an update on what I've been working on: Client: Shared Stations: Create from, 3 different ways: ID, listen link, or station page Catch browser shared station listen requests and prompt the user to listen Stations: Rename and delete Workaround implemented for song search (used when adding and creating station) when running under wine Misc: UI changed about some to accommodate new features Bugfixes in streamplayer Progress bar updated Dialog to rate songs that were played in the past added Saver2: Small functionality improvements/bugfixes Todo: Disk space check in settings dialog/on startup (less than 300mb available) Possibly: add song reaping (automatic and via web interface); Reason: too many songs and the user may run out of disk space May (finally) add encoding Contemplate a blacklist interface Depending on time, release in the next week or so. (have i really nearly made 500 posts oO)
  4. Well, as far as the first bit goes you're in luck: I added a song history dialog in which you can rate songs that have already been played positively or negatively in the current version I'm working on. For larger images, I've taken a look in the past, but the problem is there is no reliable way to get the larger one without going to the album page as you said.. the larger size varies so you can't just replace the size and automatically get a biggert one. Pulling an album page after every track played looks a bit odd, and searching for album art is hardly an optimal solution either.
  5. Saver2 -> Configuration-> Common -> Wait for approval
  6. No - that app uses a different method to do RPCs (last i knew, it was all ssl) and as such really isn't "interceptable" without a LOT of work. However, you might try the standalone client I wrote. After you have launched SProxy, click on Pandora Client, next to the file menu.
  7. You can't: either artwork is saved, or it is not. It will always be with the saved files. Also, I recommend you take a look at the link in my sig as this is well outdated. Has some new features, a stand alone pandora client among those (look ma, no flash).
  8. Sorry for the slow response, been busy with finals. Yeah, at some point I want to go open source with this, but need to sort out a bit first. I really need to stop being lazy and just make a page because as you say it's hard to keep up with updates (I'd actually given up trying to edit the first post, lol). A blog is a good idea, though. As far as the autoupdater goes. I've thought about it, but the main bit is I've not though of a good way to query revisions and such. But an auto-update feature would be good; have another executable that is called to check for updates and actually do the updating. It'd be best as a button to click though; another problem is sometimes I'll update multiple times in one day due to finding bugs of varying severity. btw, you might take a look at http://hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic...st&p=147280 posted some bits in there gonna have to see if i can ahem borrow a version of installshield and/or figure out that installer by the makers of winamp. Don't feel like writing a C program to make sure .net is installed and then a program to go get saver2 unzip it (which requires another program because there is no native C# way to do it) etc etc. Pain in the ass.
  9. From what i can tell, this seems to be related to the .net framework having issues with network drives. Is the path on one? (mapped or otherwise) i also saw a post "Are you using virtualbox? I saw reports of similar problems from people running XP as a guest under virtualbox, with various unixes as a host." also, http://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/3279 Put a workaround in now (it just assumes there are none, shoddy, but will work), but I can't upload the fixed version atm as I'm in the middle of finishing up shared station support.
  10. Saver2. Be much appreciated. Just something to go on the about screen (in config). made sigs for myself before, but i wouldn't inflict them on anyone here (also, they wouldn't make a terrible lot of sense outside of EVE :P)
  11. Options->Advanced Config->Fix IE proxies
  12. Hmm, dunno. I use D: myself with no problems. You said it is working now, though?
  13. is that the pandora key? i know how the blowfish mechanism works as code, but not how it works in the sense of blowfish algorithm.
  14. Ultimate level of portability is a laptop, with 3g, and a hand crank generator :P It's even harder to use a livecd outside of home/environs you control because most machines are locked down in some way or another. As zimmer said, you're more likely to be able to use an app on a flash drive than boot a livecd. Hmm, a pandora client in javascript. Now that would be sweet. Not like it's hard... box some player (quicktime, win media?) in an iframe, and make requests to pandora. Put an object in the iframe with the url and provide a play/pause button and volume. And/or download the file (though, would not be tagged). Too bad xmlhttperequest is crippled so one would need to host it on a server. And the whole :js: bit. Hmm, this would also utterly break pandora's anti-euro check. It wouldn't be hard to do it on a personal server either. Php script to do to cryto shit (could also call a c app) hell it could even do the xmlrpcs... just set headers so it looks like the request was forwarded through a proxy. parse the xml and return only the necessary data in json or what not... dammit now i've got to try it for shits and giggles
  15. Yeah - it uses an alternate method (basically, no SSL). Setting the debug level is one of two ways to cause it to drop into hacks mode. Other one uses a bool key i forgot what i called it
  16. Good to see someone agrees this is what livecds are for [not saving music].
  17. Are you using zzj.itf-inc.com/downloads Saver2nix.zip (outdated)? This one has a config file included which causes a bunch of dirty hacks to be done to improve functionality under wine. If it is failing to do XMLRPC, it sounds like this mode isn't enabled. Alternatively, go into advanced settings and set "DebugLevel" to 100. SProxy's main window will have "Running in wine hacks mode" if it is enabled.
  18. Thanks, it's much appreciated :) Actually, I could use a logo thingie to go on the about page (in config). I have the the artistic talent of a brain-damaged chimp, so... uh, yeah. Right now that page is a bit lonely.
  19. To use it with IE: go into options, check "Set as IE Proxy", and restart both sproxy and IE. Should work. This defaults to disabled now due to it causing problems when it was implemented with a flaw.
  20. It's working now (better than before, even). Is in the latest download. Actually, I plan on making at least parts of this open source (went and posted a bit yesterday actually mostly plugin stuff). Main bit is I need to figure out licensing stuff + find a good place for version control or what not.
  21. Currently, as in implemented i meant. I know they definitely support it. I'll tke a look at the link. Ah, yeah, i saw that code the first time i tried. It's worth a shot. Probably shouldn't post when half asleep that post was really ambiguous :P Uploaded a version which implements basic auth as in that post. Give it a shot. I have no way to test (no proxy), but the header is being added with configured user and pass, base64 encoded as that post had it.
  22. what sort of proxy are you using? if i remember correctly, only SOCKS5 proxies are currently implemented with auth support in sproxy. Http auth was rather.... complicated.. last time i looked. Didn't find a real good example of how it was to be implemented, either.
  23. http://zzj.itf-inc.com/downloads/S2dev.zip Right, i've went and got most of the stuff of interest together. This should be enough to get people started making plugins and such. To start making plugins, you'll need VS Express 2005 at the minimum. http://www.microsoft.com/exPress/download/ For Saver2 plugins: I recommend you start with Saver2.SimpleSaverPlugin.doc and SimplePluginExample.cs I recommend Fiddler2 (http://www.fiddler2.com/fiddler2/version.asp) for looking at metadata and such tossed about by services. Also, since SProxy was originally developed to run a "port" of a fiddler plugin, the APIs are relatively similar in function (not exactly the same, but generally rather close). Post questions and stuff here. All the source in the zip was written by me (EXCEPT ID3.cs). I don't mind if you use it elsewhere, though a credit would be nice. At some point I plan to make atleast portions of saver2 open source, but i need to figure out licensing and version control and all that good stuff first. Will always be free, however, though donations are appreciated.
  24. Shit, thanks for reminding me. I wrote SProxy as well as Saver2, meant to post the interface shit a while ago. Also plan on getting the savers (grooveshark and slacker at any rate) source posted as an example. OK, take a look at http://zzj.itf-inc.com/downloads/Saver2Sproxy2.Docs.zip This should have just about everything you ever wanted (and more!) Post questions and such about it in http://hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=14987
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