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Everything posted by ZigZagJoe

  1. New version deployed! (starting to get reaaaalllly glad i made that update check now) This one adds some features, i've been wanted for a while, namely, transparency (both fixed and fading in and out based on mouse activity/song changed) and collapsing down like winamp does. Also, snap to edges. 01/04/10: 1.2.2 Saver2: Update check can work around a nuked config Saver2: Fixed many songs getting sniffed at once, (impacted: fader, affected: slacker, gs) Saver2: Fixed a bug causing failure with gif albumarts (affected: slacker, gs) Wine: New GUI disabled under wine due to being completely defunct (window not movable, wndproc override not functional, etc.) ----- 01/04/10: 1.2.2 Client: Major changes! Added mini mode! - toggle by double clicking title bar (like winamp) Now borderless Transparency support; variable as well as fixed Snap to edge possible Option to remeber last position on start Client: Fixed various bugs which would cause crashes (image related) Client: Version incremented Client: Added size grip Client: Known "bug" button images will not be resized when window is scaled; mini mode buttons hitbox will not change while scaled Saver2: HTML generation improved SProxy: Fixed crit error dialog (again) SProxy: Added trackbar get/set methods in Settings SProxy: Fixed a bug causing logform to crash ----- 01/01/10: 1.2.2 (internal only) Saver2: Songs which would not be downloaded due to already existing will no longer be put up for approval Saver2: Fixed a bug causing windows to be launched offscreen when launched from the tray Saver2: Loose duplicate checking will allow upgrading now (bugfix) Saver2: Removed code that would be never used Saver2: Fixed songs being "prepared" earlier than they should be Saver2: SongSniffed will only be done once per song now Client: Pandora.exe is now completely standalone, does not require presence of SProxy.exe, Saver2.dll, or Saver.Pandora.dll Client: Less warnings on buffer underflow Client: Borders now properly sized on vista/w7 Client: Added manifest SProxy: Modified implementation of non local listening Grooveshark: Fixed a bug causing an error to be thrown when search results are repeated quickly (GS site bug) --- As always, please post any errors here with a log or screenshot. Client is composed of 5800 lines of source (or thereabouts) the lot of it (Saver2, SProxy, plugins, et all) is just shy of 20000 lines. Over if you count Stage2 and the installer script. Pandora + Client: 7511 (includes client and SP extensions for client) Standalone Client: 4769 (+900 for settings/emu stuff) Saver2: 4173 SProxy: 5724 Grooveshark: 209 Slacker: 423 DatLib: 610 Fader: 307 SongManager: 221 Stage2: 134
  2. Odd, I've always been able to get at a no-ip from my house (which pointed to the same). There most definitely is a way to get apache to behave that way, but I'm not familar with it. Moot anyways, as sproxy isn't apache. Something to keep in mind is that with exposing it to the internet you're allowing anyone(bot) to use it as a proxy. I have a CONNECT sanity check, and there's no way they would be able to get it to do more than crash (aka, not going to delete all your files)... but still not the best idea. Two server instances should work, but it would be nasty as hell (would have to have one to use the other as upstream proxy). Also, a peek at what i've been working at
  3. Well, apache requires a name too... you can put something like mysite.com (or no-ip) in there, it just needs to be a valid address that a user's browser could resolve.
  4. Have you set ServerName to a sensible value (IP or hostname that resolves to your PC)? And as far as the error goes, not quite sure what happened there but I can add a bit to handle that. And yeah, i'm messing about with transparency and some other bits so update will take a lil longer.
  5. Paste the URL it is trying to follow. Yeah, figured as much (in regard to update).
  6. Try Settings.exe when you have a second, it's essentially the same thing as the advanced config; a fallback. But yeah, as you said, I can't find anything in here nor surmise a reason for that behavior (going unresponsive when advanced config is clicked). As far as DNS goes, not really possible as I don't own the domain. (it's a friend of mines) Yeah, the %exnfo% tip is a bit misplaced, but it can't be put on another page because the pandora tab and the other tabs are completely independent of each other. Bunch of weird errors in the log, though nonfatal. Fixed that, for what it's worth, except for the client parent can't be set thing (Parent is not referenced....) though that seems to have gone away by itself. Need to put a tar command in the upload script so i will always have a reference. I think the one where you were launching the updater and having it fail was caused by the current SProxy.conf being generated by an older version of Stage2. Or an old version of SProxy being used with a new Saver2. (getbuilddate was changed). Added a catch, just in case, though. Will put out an update later tonight, biggest thing of note is songs which would not be saved even if you hit approve (because they already exist) will no longer be listed requiring approval in the first place + Pandora.exe is now a completely standalone client (listening only, it has no concept of saving music). current changelog: Saver2: Songs which would not be downloaded due to already existing will no longer be put up for approval Saver2: Fixed a bug causing windows to be launched offscreen when launched from the tray Saver2: Loose duplicate checking will allow upgrading now (bug) Saver2: Removed code that would be never used Saver2: Fixed songs being "prepared" earlier than they should be Saver2: SongSniffed will only be done once per song now Client: Pandora.exe is now completely standalone, it does not require presence of SProxy.exe, Saver2.dll, or Saver.Pandora.dll Client: Less warnings on buffer underflow SProxy: Fixed a bug causing logform to crash SProxy: Modified implementation of non local listening Grooveshark: Fixed a bug causing an error to be thrown when search results are repeated quickly (GS site bug)
  7. Slight bump, aside from the various updates (noted in saver2's changelog) the OP has been updated to include a link to a standalone executable: it only requires mplayer.exe to function (no dlls). It can download mplayer if need be. Pandora.exe has no facility for timeshifting, if you wish to do so, you will need to download+install saver2, launch sproxy, and choose pandora client there. Minimode added.
  8. Nah, gives me something to work for. I've done a few updates today: notably, there is now the facility to add tabs to saver2's config (and i have done as such for pandora). SProxy: Fixed a bug preventing critical errors from being thrown; program would exit silently SProxy: Fixed starting minimized with minimize to tray enabled not forcing sproxy into tray SProxy: standardized timestamps for build dates Saver2: Added option to check for updates on startup Pandora: Added config tab in main saver config Updated build dates for update system in a better way: not based on installer Build dates are standardized across saver2, sproxy, and the "website" (lol): they will be in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS (am/pm) CST Some documentation stuff was also updated. How the config stuff works: Basically, you create a new class which extends Saver2.SaverConfigPage. You then add controls and what not as you like. Be sure to override SaveSettings(); it is called when the user pressed OK on the config and you should save any settings (from your controls). Tooltip is already created for you; named "toolTip". To add it to the config, your class which implements SaverPlugin needs to override SaverConfigPage GetConfigTabPage(). If it returns a non null value, it is expected to be a SaverConfigPage. The reason the tomfoolery with SaverConfigPage is necessary is because of artificial restrictions in C# and VS: Only UserControls can be designed in Visual Studio, but it is not possible to be both a TabPage and a UserControl. Another update. This one was bugfixes and a LOT of documentation. http://zzj.itf-inc.com/s2/docs/ http://zzj.itf-inc.com/s2/Docs_Complete.gif las build of 09, 2 mins before midnight 12/31/09: 1.2.2 Docs: Annotated screens of SProxy, Saver2, and the Pandora client have been added Site: Updated some more. Slacker: Fixed a bug causing songs with malformed metadata (contained newline) to fail parsing Slacker: Fixed a bug causing songs to be tagged with album genre, not song genre SProxy: Documentation now adds cache headers SProxy: Fixed settings causing nested exceptions and crash on startup with bad config file SProxy: Settings: added GetBool, GetValue for CheckBox and TextBox respectively using either a specified name or control's name SProxy: Settings: added SetBool, SetValue and SetInt for CheckBox and TextBoxes using either a specified name or control's name Saver2: Log made more consise when tagging Saver2: Tagging now notes when an extension is not supported (curr. supports AAC, mp3, and mp4) Saver2: Small changes to constant names for SaverPlugin Saver2: Config tab implementation changed slightly Saver2: Changed protection level of various internal vars Saver2: Fixed a bug in encoder (checking for wrong file's existance) Client: Fixed starting at the wrong size causing it to be slightly scaled Client: Fixed a small bug caused by resizing client repeatedly (additional spaces in title) Fader: Improved display Pandora: XML logging now changed to work off of __Pandora_Debug setting Dev: New dialog - TextBoxYNDialog, displays a text box and yes/no (uses dialogresult) Dev: Updated for internal changes in SProxy/Saver2 Site: All old downloads now redirect to the new area and all old downloads archived Perhaps notification system could be dropped entirely in favor of events? Bit late though... oh well. New, completely standalone pandora client available at http://zzj.itf-inc.com/s2/Pandora.zip Requires no other files other than mplayer (which it will download if needed).
  9. The web interface for Saver2 and the client are two completely different things - both are accessible from the status page (see by default). What you described is available from the client's interface - http://zzj.itf-inc.com/downloads/9VtHs72mk...n9hmhDY7wDp.JPG Hmm, yeah, I got the same bug (not hiding when starting minimized) here. Fixed. Go take a look in the log (SPlog.txt) and post what comes up when you press update. Something's causing a catastrophic failure to have that happen. Also, reminds me, It should be popping a message box when something like that happens. Gotta fix that too. Looks like the func to close all the plugin windows was causing it to die horribly. As far as configuration goes, i fully agree it's fairly hostile to use. Optimally, I'd have plugins add a configuration tab (if they deign to do so). The tricky bit is 1. You can't use the forms designer with such an approach and 2. Saving values. Maybe a class which derives tabPage? That could atleast fix the former (i think?), and 2 could probably be done by an event handler. (or hell a method in the tab page itself).
  10. Automatically downloading songs checked as thumbs up is already possible - first, you need to go into Saver2's common settings and set wait for approval. Then, go to Saver2->Pandora->Pandora Config and select DL if already positively rated. (You might also want to select DL when rated as well) As far as sorting songs by rating, that really can't be done given the current structure because Saver2 (the part of the program responsible for organizing, encoding, etc) has no concept of song ratings. I'm not sure about deleting negative songs...? I've not implemented that in Saver2 yet. (rather, Pandora, due to the above reason) However, you could just leave the wait for approval mode active - every song sniffed will be held onto in the temp folder until you either dismiss them, download them, or close SProxy. (unless you enable song reaping in advanced settings, which causes old songs to be deleted). All unapproved songs will be deleted when SProxy is exited. Yeah, I'm looking into setting up a proper site - probably a blog on some common site (blogspot?) would be best, and/or some simple forum software. As far as sizing the player goes, I'll look into it.... possibly sizing the controls based on the ratio (current vs normal) might work? Yeah, I've gotten this working. It's not perfect, but it works pretty good. Though the slider control doesn't resize properly. Button images are also not resized. BTW, you might look at the web interface (if your whatsit has wifi). In advanced settings, set "AllowNonLocal" true, and then set "ServerName" to your IP address on the local network. Then i realize this was broken due to an internal change i had to make to sproxy. Bleh. I'll upload a fixed version in a bit. Alright, fixed one up: 12/29/09: SProxy: Bug preventing non-local listening fixed Client: Main window is now resizable & scales Client: Web interface tweaked Client: Small UI changes Pandora: Will now log XMLRPC Postdata, headers, and response to (SProxy path)/PXMLS/ if the PXMLS dir exists i'm doing my best to keep the changelog up to date, and have went back through the last few pages of this thread and put stuff from the log in there. Well, i did, but fucking piece of shit notepad++ did not save it. So the changelog is back to being out of date. I swear, half the time notepad++ is more trouble than it's worth. All these fancy features and it can't goddamn save properly. Nevermind it crashes when opening files sometimes. The changelog is also shown when the install has been completed. Added a mini site @ http://zzj.itf-inc.com/s2/ Moved all files and symlinked their old locations. The site has a link, modified info, and the current changelog.
  11. Silent install of what? dotnet? Probably shouldn't matter for dotnet. Also, is it a clean wineprefix except for having run "winetricks dotnet20 fontfix" on it? What error in specific happens? If you are running the installer quietly, try running it normally? Also, you could download the new installer which will save the install log to install.log where you installed it.
  12. Are you running on a clean wineprefix, and do you have .net 2.0 installed? If stage2 is crashing as well as sproxy it sounds like you could have a problem with .net --- Slight update uploaded, adds changelog and finish page plus install logging to installer.
  13. You should be still able to select options on sproxy when that comes up - it was quite a headache to get that to work like that. Or maybe i did that recently, and haven't uploaded it yet? New version up! In addition to the bugs listed above, this fixes a hang encountered on first start with a clean config file. (how did no one report this?!) It also adds an update check feature (i shit you not). Update check is manual, located on the about page, but better than none, i figure. If the version you have installed differs from the version on the server, it will tell you so, give you the date, time, and hash of both yours and server installers, and gives the option to download and install the new one. Not perfect, as there is no facility for change notes...but it is a start. Also adds encoding. Incremented a few version numbers, and i think it is finally time i can stop calling this beta.
  14. Oops. Yeah. This also reminded me that i discovered the other day that there is no way to change the value, because deleting a char puts the value below 30 (sanity check) and adding puts it above 100. I'll have a new one out in a day or so i figure. Easy to fix; stupid bug. Current version changes: Installer updated. Help now stored as a dat file and automatically installed Help is better integrated, and accessed by the status site. Added Settings.exe, which will launch an advanced config form (only) to make tweaks to sproxy settings if something renders it unable to start (such as a bad port setting). Added a md5sum to stage2 (precursor to autoupdate/update checking) Various Bugfixes in sproxy and saver2. Fixed bug preventing use of backspace in SP config Fixed bugs causing crash in saver2 AND sp config Prompt to change save folder made a bit more obvious Link to forum thread has been changed to current thread (mega oops) Bug causing hang on first start fixed. Update checking added. Encoding implemented! Multi-core, low priority, etc. I'm honestly quite chuffed with how this (encoding) works. Starts a task, triggers an event when done, which starts a new one (if needed), and if an abort is triggered all the tasks are listening (another event). Soooo nice. Warning updated for while songs are being encoded (and auto closes, too!). Pending files updated to close when none are pending as well. In other news, holy god damn do i7s encode mp3s fast. update checking: checks the hash of the installer used to install your current version of sp/s2 against the hash of the one on the server. also reports dates and filesizes if they differ. Don't delete/remove the Stage2 keys, as this will disable the update checking stuff (stage2 is the name of the postinstall program - it takes the hash of the installer, plus file time, and size, then stores it in the settings, as well as doing stuff like configuring sproxy for tor, firefox, IE, etc.) Also added Settings.exe which essentially the advanced config dialog only (to fix IE proxies, or settings rendering sp unbootable)
  15. As far as porting goes, I'm not familiar with cocoa or objc but it's likely to be too different for a port to work in much more than spirit. (C# vs C/objc). Making something based off of pianobar (another pandora client) would work, though. --- Randomness Tested mono some... amazingly, it will load up sproxy with wine hacks enabled occasionally. Most of the time it seems to get to the main screen then mono just dies in a fire with no clue as to why it died (no log, no exception, nothing). Pandora client from sproxy did not work, however, running the pandora client, it managed to get to point where it plays a song and then died (predictably, due to the dllimport named pipe stuff)
  16. Alright, uploaded a new updated version. Link's the same as usual. This one fixes: Numerous bugs. Lots of bugs. Probably none that you'd run into, but they were fixed nonetheless. Window placements improved globally Web interface of both saver2 and pandora client improved Removes defunct pandorahelper plugin Adds Song Manager plugin (provides a window to approve/dismiss songs) Severe: Server restart bug with client fixed Severe: Crash due to web interface fixed Saver2: Exposed more settings in config Saver2: Disabled tabs removed from config Saver2: API added onto Saver2: Improved load time (not that it was much to begin with) Saver2: Test format added to config - make changes to file name/directory structure and see what they will look like! Saver2: Menu now sorted Saver2: Song reaping added (keep x amount of songs before starting to delete the old ones while waiting for approval) Saver2: Web interface improved Saver2: Dismissal of prepared songs implemented Dev: Added test plugin which submits dummy songs for testing Dev: Saver2 API updated somewhat Client: can auto-login based on command line option or setting. Client: can close sproxy when closing if set to do so. Client: Note added in client settings about saver config. Client: feedback buttons made a bit more obvious Client: pinning and minimize buttons added. Client: Search can now return shared stations (genre stations) Client: Workaround added for song search dialog on wine Client: StreamPlayer bugfixes/tweaks Pandora: Executable size reduced Wine: All URL links temp. disabled due to wine fault (shellexec does not take into account it may get passed a url) Installer: Added new plugin and added directory change page Stage2: Error handling added. SProxy: Plugin unloading improved SProxy: Advanced settings dialog changed (auto-closes options) SProxy: Handling of wine mode improved (not quite as ugly) SProxy: Settings dialog(s) improved SProxy: More command line options added. SProxy: Visual tweaks - previous - Wine: Lots of improvements. mostly pertaining to visuals Client: UI moved about to accommodate new buttons Client: Rate old songs added Client: Shared station support added Client: Moar bugfixes. SProxy: HTTP Auth tentatively fixed Installer: Initial release. Help: Initial release. Dev: Bundled with help. - before that - Client: Crypto internal changes Client: Song search dialog fixed Client: Station rename and delete added
  17. :) Yeah, that's not a bad idea (just outright removing instead of disabling). At least until it is done. You are correct, the button will be disabled when it is already rated positively. Probably should make it a bit more obvious at some point (would need to write a custom button to contain both images)
  18. Ah, no. Encoding stuff is disabled right now (and even if it were working nothing would happen as it won't re-encode if the source format is the same as the dest) Yes, DL when pos rated (which is only enabled when wait for approval is enabled) will do that. So, when you close the client (launched via pandora.exe), and re launch it, if you hit play or login it will not have saved your login? I *THINK* at one point I had forgot to put the save settings in the stub launcher, but not now. Or are you using sproxy? It's weird, nonetheless. Look for a file called SProxy.conf, in the same folder as SProxy.exe and Pandora.exe. Search for __Pandora_Password and __Pandora_Username in there. They should be a mishmash of letters and characters. Also, are you hitting logout when you close the player? As that will clear the password and possibly the username.
  19. Thanks for the feedback. 1 Yeah, I've been meaning to add auto-startup. It would be trivial to add (if setting, state = startplaying). I actually meant to add it before I put the installer out (oops) as it creates a link to start sproxy hidden and auto-start the client. (or do you mean it is not saving your user/pass?) 2 The option isn't visible in the standalone because the standalone is completely separate from the saver - go into the saver's settings (saver -> pandora -> configure pandora) and the settings will take effect there. 3 Song quality is automatic - 128kbs mp3 if not using pandora one, 192kbs if you are. 4 Yes, this is on the to-do list - honestly, the approval system was a bit pinned on as it was something of a low priority. Seeing as the client is all but finished, I'll take a look at it. 5 Can be added. (pretty much a copypasta of old code) 6 "Relaxed" duplicate checking is still available - it's just "hidden", only in advanced settings as it didn't seem to be used all that much (Mostly seeing as this was added to work around old versions having small flaws in naming, by old, i mean pre-sproxy). The settings that control it is (bool) StrictDupChecking and (int, 1-100) DupMatchTolerance. Probably will end up exposing these again as I'm going to have to add a page for advanced settings pertaining to download control anyways. Btw, strict does take into account differing extensions if that's what you were using it for. Also, relaxed duplicate check doesn't check that directory names can differ (can't fix this, sanely) 1: added. in settings or -client-login command line option 2: added a line of text on where to check for saver settings when running in sproxy 3: doesn't really need changing? 4: todo 5: todo 6: done I'll upload the new one later today, probably.
  20. Depends what version of sproxy you have - for quite a while, there was a bug preventing the reset of IE proxy settings when exiting. Also, for a mini player, have you taken a look at the standalone one that's in the new release? It looks for the miniplayer the flash changed and they didn't update the height attribute. Probably could fix that in the saver plugin, actually.
  21. specific error? (it will say in the details pane) also, make sure zzj.itf-inc.com is not blocked.
  22. There is now an updated standalone installer for saver2 available. see: http://hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=13598 Direct link: http://zzj.itf-inc.com/downloads/Saver2Setup.exe Select firefox portable on the components screen to download and automatically install firefox portable.
  23. Okay, update is out. The biggest change here is that it is now packaged in a handy-dandy installer. Also now comes with some help files Download Link: http://zzj.itf-inc.com/downloads/Saver2Setup.exe Client: Shared Stations: Create from, 3 different ways: ID, listen link, or station page Catch browser shared station listen requests and prompt the user to listen. Can be disable in config Stations: Rename and delete Workaround implemented for song search (used when adding and creating station) when running under wine Misc: UI changed about some to accommodate new features Bugfixes in streamplayer Progress bar updated Dialog to rate songs that were played in the past added Double-Right click on an empty area of the client minimizes it Double-left click on an empty area of the form toggles ontop mode Saver2: Small functionality improvements & bugfixes. Sproxy: Bugfixes. Help link added. Wine: Sproxy window looks a bit nicer now. Installer option to turn on compat mode All links disabled as they cause a crash (returns file not found, evidently shellexecute on wine doesn't think it might get URLs)
  24. i take it you've already ticked needs auth and filled all that out. I can't really give any help as far as this is concerned, as it was pretty much tacked on. from what i read it should work, but i have no way to test it. It uses basic auth, if that;s any help: it adds a header which evidently should work for auth. Proxy-Authorization: Basic base64(user:pass) Download saver2 at the new link. ( http://zzj.itf-inc.com/downloads/Saver2Setup.exe ) AFAIK it's fixed in the new version (again, no http proxy to test with so not sure).
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