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Everything posted by ZigZagJoe

  1. Check it and leave it alone. Exemptions are implemented internally on a per plugin basis. If they can use exemptions, they add one. You should see an E tag on exempted requests. (isn't that box checked by default? should be....). Anyways, in that case everything pandora save the XMLRPC, connect requests, and loading the main page (does an IP check here) will be sent directly, not through the proxy.
  2. How are you listening to music? i searched for better off dead by grinspoon, hit play, and it downloaded fine... seems like the gs client is learning of music in ways the saver doesn't know to read from. Also, go to sproxy advanced settings and set "__Grooveshark_Debug" to "True".
  3. The portable one should work. If you want to use your regular browser, either go to settings and select set IE proxies (to use IE) and reload sproxy, or set firefox to use as a proxy. OR setup a browserPAC file. (see first post) Also, it would help if you provide a log.
  4. Yeah, that code (delete on thumbsdown) exists but is commented out awaiting "translation" to the s2 version of PS. Something of a low priority... didn't seem like people were using it + sometimes you must thumbsdown songs that you like to modify a station to your tastes. I'll get around to it... How to not autosave: saver2-> configuration -> common -> "when a song is downloaded..." select wait for approval. Just something to be warned of: the current version of s2 doesn't delete songs that are not approved until you exit. So disk space will climb as more stack up. Re-launch the program to delete em. Provide a log. It's possible i only have the portable one setup for pandora (though doubt it).
  5. Hmm. Update on shared stations. Pandora evidently uses those by creating a station on your end. I don't know if you can listen to one when you have 100 stations or not. brofix: Can you listen to shared stations when you have the max amount of personal ones? Maybe it's allowed if created from a shared station, like that. Unfortunatly, either way, it complicates implementation for me. I was under the impression that you used the shared station ID and merely called some get info xmlrpc method to get the station name and what not. Did however note the request used to capture a shared station, though. -- method transformshared This method makes your local copy distinct from the original, and as such you can add feedback of your own to it. In addition, the feedback on the original nolonger affects your copy. Check: Does this make the personal id persistant? or is it always persistent (probably not? shared stations are not remembered unless captured iirc) is this where the 100 station limit is evaluated? url = XMLBASE, RID, LID, method=transformShared&arg1=(personal shared station ID) <?xml version="1.0"?> <methodCall><methodName>station.transformShared</methodName><params> <param><value><int>(timestamp)</int></value></param> <param><value><string>(authcode)</string></value></param> <param><value><string>(personal shared station id)</string></value></param> </params></methodCall> returns: station info? but kinda weird <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <methodResponse><params> <param><value><struct> <member><name>isCreator</name><value><boolean>1</boolean></value></member> <member><name>originalStationId</name><value></value></member> <member><name>genre</name><value> <array><data></data></array></value> </member> <member><name>originalCreatorId</name><value>55181377</value></member> <member><name>initialSeed</name><value> <struct> <member><name>seedId</name><value>167404102832750657</value></member> <member><name>artist</name> <value> <struct> <member><name>isComposer</name><value><boolean>0</boolean></value></member> <member><name>likelyMatch</name><value><boolean>0</boolean></value></member> <member><name>artistName</name><value>Spaced Out</value></member> <member><name>musicId</name><value>R182032</value></member> <member><name>score</name><value></value></member> </struct> </value> </member> <member><name>musicId</name><value>R182032</value></member> </struct> </value> </member> <member><name>isNew</name><value><boolean>1</boolean></value></member> <member><name>transformType</name><value>TRANSFORM_CONFIRM</value></member> <member><name>stationIdToken</name><value>7856028d279a80d6f4abcf4f1b3080e52024179d9bdf3892</value></member> <member><name>adGenre</name><value>alternative</value></member> <member><name>isQuickMix</name><value><boolean>0</boolean></value></member> <member><name>stationName</name><value>Spaced Out Radio</value></member> <member><name>isOnDemandStation</name><value><boolean>0</boolean></value></member> // ?? might be important <member><name>stationId</name><value>135074939102953537</value></member> </struct></value> </param></params> </methodResponse>
  6. Pandora does it from time to time. (server error)
  7. Sent in cleartext back, yeah. Also, it's UTF-8.
  8. It's some sort of blowfish; i understand how the mechanism functions but i don't really know what it's doing in terms of crypto except that it works. Pass is your login pass. It's the user's pass.
  9. Quick way to do it: go into sproxy settings, set "set as IE proxy", restart sproxy, (re)start IE, and go to grooveshark. A little more involved to use firefox; though there is a portable version which will work with almost no setup linked in original post.
  10. Varies. In that case, there seems to have been a blocking call (possibly a dialog or otherwise) in pandora, which caused the response to fail. But to substantiate this theory i'd need to see a bit more from before it happened.
  11. http://6xq.net/html/00/17.html /libpiano/src/crypt.c
  12. The crypt stuff is stand alone, so you could roll an executable to do much the same thing. (i just tossed it into a dll before porting it to c#). But re implementing it in python would probably be annoying.
  13. The post data is encrypted. Keys and such in the flash tuner. An implementation of it is in the source of pianobar, a linux pandora client
  14. Yeah, looks like they have station ids available. Might be possible to intercept the request and pass it on to the pandora client (and stop the one request).
  15. Maybe. Give me a few URLs to work with. If they contain a station ID, pandora may accept that directly.
  16. They come as 128kbs from pandora. And yes to the rest. As for the errors, normal one-off things. As you said, hitting play again usually fixes it. No, source code is not available, though I'm thinking about releasing the grooveshark and slacker slavers, and the saver portion of pandora. SProxy and s2 source probably won't be released (atleast, not anytime soon... almost devoid of comments and such)
  17. I imagine it just doesn't check.
  18. ....? I don't understand what you are getting at. How would this help? I have an ipod + the pandora app, but not the hardware for wireshark. Also, I'm fairly sure that the 40hr limit is only monitored and enforced by the flash client (aka shameless plug to try my client - check the forum index).
  19. That log is also incomplete - start pandora, listen to a few songs, and then post the log here.
  20. If that is the entirety of the log, pandora knows no stations. Make sure to reload pandora when you restart sproxy so it knows of the stations. Should have a series of lines like: Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'getStations': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v24?ri...hod=getStations PandoraC: Got # stations Pandora: Sniffed # new station names
  21. Give me a log + the output of
  22. Oh. You mean the built in ads. Not really going to happen atm - no way to truely remove it without leaving traces and/pr manglng the response to the point the client dies (next 2 is supposed to return 2 - can't return one)
  23. Check pandora settings (Saver2 - > pandora -> config something like) - should be an option to create playliss in there.
  24. It's in the saver2 download. Download saver2, launch sproxy, pick launch pandora client from saver2 menu.
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