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Everything posted by ZigZagJoe

  1. going to be windows only atm - it uses windows specific features like named pipe. Maybe if .net works well under wine would it work, but last i knew .net didn't. Mac wouldn't work at all, unfortunately. for linux you could use pianobar (granted, it's not gui) Also, it supports being run by a host app, which is a bit easier on memory use though song downloading is completely disabled in that case (as saver2 is not active, the pandora saver plugin which handles all of that is also not running). Doesn't reduce the on disk size much, but i figured people might like it. Download it and give it a try: http://hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=14181 An update: SProxy/Saver2 and the Pandora client do indeed function under wine. See http://hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic...st&p=146189 It's a bit.... moody.... but it does work. (i was using mac os, should work fine on linux as well)
  2. almost finished my pandora client.... finally conquered the control by some named pipe douchebaggery. keyboard = toggleable media keys control rocket = turbo control (click to toggle) can click the speaker to toggle mute ended up using the named pipe to feed mplayer the song data while the stdin was used for slave commands (opposite of how i had intended, but mplayer wanted nothing to do with the pipe as control) Supports creating new stations and seeding stations, shuffling stations (pseudo-quickmix) and songs. unlimited skips (but if you spam them quickly you will get a temp ban from pandora) assuming it doesn't die horribly when i toss it on my macbook & a virtual machine for testing, i'll upload it in the next day or so. (this is integrated into the pandora saver2 plugin, not standalone per se) I had kinda hoped to keep this a "clean" implementation (not using exotic IPC or dllimports) but that's seemingly impossible at this point. Ah well.
  3. Tags aren't edited on existing files, period, in S2. Feature isn't needed. Also, 1.008 should generate a newmusik.m3u playlist. Rename it when you are reviewing new music, and it will start making a new one.
  4. post the contents of the various bad XMLs it said it saved (if you closed sproxy, they will have been deleted...) Some sort of fault is occuring; the response is far too short. The contents will say what.
  5. mmm. yeah, i suppose that is possible. Not the best solution, but it would work. Don't bother with it - leave it as when ripped. That was for PS (1) which i had made several changes (mostly adding/fixing metadata) in which case some of the older files I had were missing metadata, so i wanted to update where possible. Also, if you are not using encoding or blacklists, i highly recommend you make the switch to (pandora) saver2 which is what this thread is for. As for dates changing, i don't know. Can't recall if PS1 said Tagging file or not.
  6. Yeah, this is to prevent message spam. Unfortunately there is no way i can tell the pandora flash client to roll over and die so disabling was the next best option. Usually waiting an hour fixes what you describe, but i can't be sure
  7. Ish. Will send an email. Sorry, i must've forgotten about your post - I've been very busy with work at the moment. Frankly, there's not really a good way to implement something like that (use a list of filenames)- however, i do have something that might work. I've been working on a pandora client, and it has the ability to seed stations (like the pandora flash client, but faster). With a little bit of adaptation, i *THINK* this may be able to make it so you could fabricate feedback requests.. However, this depends on if the feedback request can be sent without anything but the song ID. i think it needs some special tags from the song info, only provided in fragment requests, though. If this is the case, it can't be done either way. Maybe mark for defered feedback or something if the song comes up again, but that's not really reliable by any means. Yeah, it needs some extra info, which i have no way of retrieving. Post a log, and preferably a screenshot of the sproxy window. (press alt-printscr, go to paint, ctrl-v, save as JPG, upload to tinypic or use hak5 attachment)
  8. You'll need to go into the advanced config and set MinimizeToTray to "True". For some reason i changed the control, and forgot to tie that setting a while ago, so the result is what you see. As for the empty folders, no, not with the current version. Noted and fixed here though. TF: The first log failed because you didn't start a new GS session when you started SProxy (with saver2, etc) or otherwise cause GS to get the metadata from the server so the plugin could get the info from it. Since the flash player already knew of the song data, it could request it straight away, but the plugin isn't privy to that info, so that happened.
  9. god i fail re-download it one last time, being sure to replace saver2.dll this was caused by an old saver2 build being used with a new plugin (there were internal changes). Worst bit is i noticed this, fixed the archive, and somehow failed to upload it. Again.
  10. aha, looks like i found it. grooveshark added session IDs, and it used an offset to find song ID, not by searching for a key. Uploaded fixed version and verified functionality in IE and FF. In addition, debug now gives a full vomit of all relevant data when enabled (on gs); the song id request failing didn't give me any data so i had to check it out myself.
  11. hmmmm.... how are you playing music? I've tested going to the homepage and searching for music and playing/queuing from there, but not other ways.
  12. It would appear, while i compiled the fixed version and added it to zip, said zip did not get uploaded. Suffice to say it's been uploaded now. Re-download it (again), replace it, and this time it will work.
  13. You have the bugged version. The current one is still beta 2, but there's been a few bugfix updates (earlier). This one was where it would only match a single url (seen in that log) of the meta and streams, then do no more. Thus, it never got the song info or the key translation. Just re-download from the link and replace the contents of your sproxy dir with it.
  14. Make sure you are using the latest version. You should see something like "Grooveshark: #* matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json" I've just checked here, and it still works, so not a service change...What browser are you using? You might also try enabling debug under advanced settings ("Debug" key name, set to "True") and trying again. Misc dev note: I've made a bit of code to scrape a genre for a song from google, so slacker won't have to use the station name as genre anymore. It's quite accurate, i find. Basically, it runs a google search for 10-100 results and then counts the number of occurrences of genre words in it. it returns the highest ones found, up to numFound/2. It may return less if the highest ones have already been added. It does tend to break when the song title/artist name is both very short and uses common words, but it works well otherwise. Current genres: { "alternative", "other", "classical", "rock", "hiphop", "hip hop", "r&b", "techno", "trance", "dance", "punk", "pop", "metal", "rap", "jazz", "ska", "electronic", "progressive", "country" , "breakbeat" }; Can't add anything that's already there (say, variations of metal) due to metal would almost certainly always be higher + having two types of metal in a result would be silly ("Metal / Symphonic Metal / Rock" etc) say techno got 3, rap 1, dance 20, electronic 14, pop 4, and hiphop 1. it would return dance/electronic, and not put pop as it's way lower than the lowest-highest (wow that makes no sense). So, it only returns the genres which are highest but the lowest is atleast 1/2 of the highest. I must say, while looking through my collection of music, the tracks that were ripped by pandorarip (while it still worked proper) genres are completely off. most of the time it contains the right genre, but there's so much other garbage it's quite useless (say this because it used a google scrape as well). One had "cgiebaycom/purification-anubis-gate-ryko-distribution--new-cdwqqitemzqqcmdzviewitemqq/progressivt", lol
  15. you left out the important bit on the second log - i don't know what the session url for #10221 was, so i don't know what's going on, if something was different, etc. it's probably a one-off failure as for the first one, i haven't the faintest what is going on. the error is literally not possible. it's not for anything slacker/saver related though (some weather url?) and no, only deezer had those log files due to the really weird way i had to parse the data. deezer now requires a re-write with the service update
  16. Well, it does look like it's playing properly, though i can't check the log to be absolutely sure right now. If you take a capture of the SProxy main window, the sproxy log window, AND pandora (all at the same time and all visible) it'd be immensely helpful (conclusive sort of helpful)
  17. are you using re-encoding? otherwise, i really don't know why this is happening. I'd recommend you move to S2 unless you specifically need features i've not implemented in S2 yet (see http://hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=13598)
  18. Something's seriously wrong with the flash applet - it's requesting more than one song at once, before one finishes. It is not loading songs properly (evidently), so is trying all the playlist links. I know this as it does not seem to be requesting Album art. It's not pandora wising up, seeing as turbo still works fine here. Does pandora work fine in normal rip mode?
  19. Post a log. Unless something's changed, that sounds way to fast.
  20. Stop using pandora for 30 minutes (close all flash players), and try again. This happens on prolonged turbo sessions i find, or otherwise when a lot of music requests are made.
  21. it'd be easier if you made one yourself rather than asking for one; a livecd that is "ready made" would entail sticking a binary on an existing livecd and launching it when started. Nothing more can be done. You're going to have to configure it just the same as if you had run the same binary on your prefered desktop OS. There is no advantage to using a livecd; in fact it is harder as hardware may not be supported, you need to configure OS stuff, etc. Moreover. It's an alien environment to do much more than browse the Internet. Can't save settings proper either. If someone else wants to waste bandwidth hosting a livecd, That's fine. I just don't see the point in asking in every thread. AnonC: Clever idea I had; you can encrypt the user/pass with the crypto stuff. Beats ROT13, for sure. Got logging in/logging out and station selection done now. Scrolling title, too. Gotta find a place to add the config button (launch on start + minimize sproxy, and skip song when badly rated). Oh and the whole stream songs/playback control, which isn't possible with the mplayer kludge. Think i might well take another look at messing with the crypto stuff, as it seems like a fairly small price for security. Simpler than i expected. Rigged PS to spit out the decrypted XML posts, gonna see if i can find any difference which might cause pandora to send 128kbs mp3 (though, if it does that for regular accounts, it would be something to note) Found it. It really was due to not urlEncoding the - in mp3-hifi to %2D. lol Looks like pandora must get the length by interpolating from the content-length and known bitrate (mp3 = 64kbs, aacplus = 64kbs, mp3-hifi = 192kbs) So. // qualityIndex = kbs / 64 int l1 = FileLengthInKB/(8 * qualityIndex); int length = ((int)(l1 / 60) * 60) + (l1 % 60) + 5; Not perfect, but close within about 5 seconds. Though it's probably more accurate on metadata-less files. What do you use to estimate? Or do you use FMOD to tell the length? More or less perfectly accurate on files without metadata, +- 1s
  22. Usually it's the same server listening on both ports, so it's indifferent to which method is used. Good point about the encoding, forgot about that. Think i'd leave it as SSL just the same though. I'm still not sure how to go about the playback. I looked at BASS, but that was far too complex. might see if i can use the FAAD and MAD lib like pianobar uses; atleast i'd have an idea of how it works. Hrm. I've been getting 128kbs too (not 192kbs, or 64kbs). And no AAC. I -should- be getting 192kbs MP3, but it's weird that i get no AAC either. Maybe pandora changed formats (again)? Can't check right now
  23. mmm, got it working quite decently now.... todo: station creation/seeding mechanism audio format logic proper playback backend (playpause, volume control, song length?) other config working: feedback "playback" (mplayer kludge) skip XMLRPC station changing scrolling song title login/logout bits need to figure out a way to get the song length, extrapolating from the content-length won't work due to varying bitrates + joint stereo encodings. (i plan to stream it). This is why turbo mode works: the pandora flash player is not aware of the song length outside of what the decoding mechanisms tell it. For some reason, pandora's only giving me mp3 with this, not aac. Maybe it's truly tied to the control on the flash player. decided to leave the turbo mechanism as-is (in the saver), seeing as if you let it run wild you'll get banned from pandora in about 5 seconds (5 * 4 = 20 songs; gets End of playlist detected fault, persists for about 30 minutes). So waiting 5-30 seconds between songs leads to pandora continuing to rip for longer. I went with a state machine to run it all... i really do miss drop through switch statements (c# requires each case that is not in a series of case statements to be terminated by a break). oh, a note, use https:// for the authenticateListener method, otherwise you're throwing out your password and username in plaintext. That, and I imagine it looks funny on pandora's end. I assume you are using HttpWebRequest, changing http://www.pand... to https is enough. I gotta say, playing pandora with about 2% net cpu use is oh so nice. I'd upload a version for people to play with, cept my password is kinda hardcoded in it :X lol
  24. I was more curious about the music interface bit - i was thinking using async receive to feed data to the library/program/whatever. However, FMOD does not seem to support AACplus? (required for "standard" pandora). I was also curious if you ended up using a custom data type for each or generic (i was thinking just turn all XML responses into dictionaries and pick keys as proper from type of request. I don't thnk they've changed keys recently but worse case you just decompile the flash player and get em from there (so i understand)
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