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Torrent Seeds


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So I have a friend with a small media company, and I do mean small. It's like 2 people. However, they're starting to see great success (*borat*), and as such their stuff is starting to show up on torrent sites like piratebay.com. How can I find who is seeding the files aside from just downloading the torrent and looking with a client utorrent?

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How can I find who is seeding the files aside from just downloading the torrent

You just answered your question. For each torrent, you would need to have the torrent file and see who is listed as a seeder. Not all downloaders seed, but they usually get banned anyway.

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Well personally if/when I ever download files using torrents, after the download is done. I always make sure to leave it seed until I have at least a 1.0 ratio...

I believe the ratio is how much you've downloaded compared to how much you have uploaded... So a 1.0 ratio means you have downloaded equally the same amount you have uploaded! So then I've done my part. I've downloaded the file from someone, and I uploaded the file to someone(in theory) really ive uploaded to many people and downloaded from many people... but the amount downloaded and uploaded equals 100% of the file...

usually though I just leave it running for even longer so the ratio is alot higher(if im not really using the computer)

Hit and runners are such asshats! lol... they just download the file and immediately stop seeding even before they begin!!

There are private sites out there though where you are forced to seed if you want to download, they keep track of your ratio's and make a total ratio (i think) so the kind of software your talking about already exists and is in use!

share a little, receive a little is the idea ;)

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Well, they feel like they may be able to reference their customer database and see what overlaps. That is a shot in the dark, but it may show who bought their content and is now uploading it.

I'm just fuzzy on how seeding works, beyond a basic understanding. I looked over the torrent wiki, and it seems that he will have to seed at least until enough other people get the file and can start seeding. Knowing that, and what time he makes new uploads, should allow me to find his IP by just downloading the new torrents as he uploads every night and being one of the first people join the swarm. Since in the beginning he will be the only seed. Right? I mean, unless there is a way for him to proxy his address and conceal it he'll have to expose himself upon submitting a new torrent. At least for some small window of time, since the file is a 3gb ISO.

I realize from the standpoint of stopping this, that it is a futile exercise. Mostly I just want to see if I can find him, and help a friend.

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small torrents are easy to kill off

just on a few computers start downloading and deleting the file every now and then so it'll never stop you could also fill the file with crap so that you'll send bad data and then leachers will ban you and only the seeds will be left eventually everyone file will hit that magic ratio and will stop seeding there by killing the torrent

also on another note; steve while correct you're response doesn't help at all

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You should check v3.newzbin.com or SS to see if it has been posted to an Newsgroups, if so, I think you will have to write every ISP worldwide requesting a delete... I think implementing software accounts or something of that nature to future releases will prove much more effective than trying to track it down on torrents/FTP/xdcc/newsgroups/whatever...

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Why the f*ck is anybody helping this MAFIAA-asshole ?

Because what the guy is doing is ILLEGAL, and it's a threat to my friend's livelihood. Otherwise I wouldn't care. Besides, I already found the guy.

Thanks to all those who have ethics and were helpful.

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Because what the guy is doing is ILLEGAL

Thats in your country...

Besides, I already found the guy.

...wtf, did he confess? Last time i checked you can't just write a letter to an ISP (unless you have lots of money like the RIAA/MPAA) and say "give me the personal information of the customer who had this IP address at this time" even if you could find the seed's ip in your customer database wont prove anything (read up on DHCP), and i would also like to know what company your friend works for so i know not to buy anything from them if they willingly disclose personal customer information to 3rd parties and bob's nephew (no offense, im not trying to be a douche bag).

So aside from your story being complete bullshit, (okay improbable) this does raise important questions about how the internet works what can copyright holders legally do to stop they're products from being pirated and to what if any ethic standards should or even can be enforced on the internet.

..this is above all an ethical and legal debate and by definition of those two words you'll never get everyone to agree, though it will be interesting to watch in the coming years to see of laws like the United States' DMCA will be expanded to protect the interest of the of the consumer or the corporation. So far all i have seen done, is similar and even worse laws spreading throughout Europe and the rest of the world.

We may have already have seen the end result, and not realized it.

I hope this helps clarify a little bit on how the bit torrent protocol works:

I'm just fuzzy on how seeding works, beyond a basic understanding. I looked over the torrent wiki, and it seems that he will have to seed at least until enough other people get the file and can start seeding.


Since in the beginning he will be the only seed. Right?

Correct, but this will only be true after the torrent is first posted, you may join at a later time at which the original seed/poster may have left the swarm.

I mean, unless there is a way for him to proxy his address and conceal it he'll have to expose himself upon submitting a new torrent. At least for some small window of time, since the file is a 3gb ISO.

You can most certainly proxy a torrent connection, though doing so hurts the connection speed and thus is unpopular.

Thanks to all those who have ethics and were helpful.

--Ethics are in the eye of the beholder, and it is rather ignorant to say your ethical values are correct. Which brings me to my favorite Mark Twain quote:

"All generalizations are false, including this one"

Any Questions?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Maybe your friend could look at alternate forms of revenue from this media (I'm pretending it's a video), maybe a small semi-transparent logo in the bottom corner, paid for sponsors, and the more downloads your material gets, the more $$ you sponsor pays you.

I saw a video somewhere (over teh interwebs) where some a guy talked about how p2p file downloading systems should be embraced and alternate forms of revenue investigated instead of media companies continuing to rely traditional systems of making money from media.

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...wtf, did he confess? Last time i checked you can't just write a letter to an ISP (unless you have lots of money like the RIAA/MPAA) and say "give me the personal information of the customer who had this IP address at this time" even if you could find the seed's ip in your customer database wont prove anything (read up on DHCP), and i would also like to know what company your friend works for so i know not to buy anything from them if they willingly disclose personal customer information to 3rd parties and bob's nephew (no offense, im not trying to be a douche bag).

Just a quick side note, and this if speaking from a 3G/4G wireless carrier perspective, I know that the billing data includes details such as the IP address that a client/customer has at any given time. So all that would have to be done is to cross reference the IP address with the date and time of the incident and the client/customer that was seeding could easily be identified. There is absolutely no way around this, no matter how many times you try to force your IP to change, the "paper trail" is there.

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Any node sharing the torrent at that time can track any other IP by using wireshark to get their IP+mac address. Then they send that to the ISP and demand the name and address of the user attached to the Mac address, unless they are cloning mac addresses or using someones wireless unauthorized, they most likely will be able to identify the user. All it takes is a call to a lawyer to demand the evidence for a court case, proving it in a court of law is another issue all together though, and most of the time, these things get thrown out, settled out of court, or the user fights it, and a lot of times wins. Lately a lot of these cases have been reversed, for different reasons or another, but it doesn't look like the bullying by the RIAA and MPAA is working to stop anyone from torrenting their stuff.

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@OP: You'd have to use a custom torrent client, because if you use any of the retail ones, you'll automatically start downloading & uploading to others and then you'd be hypocritical because you're distributing the file(s) just as the person your after is.

@sablefoxx: I hope that what's going on in Europe right now won't be how the U.S. & Canada end up.

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