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Wondering What is your opinion of Revision3.com and their content


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While I'm sure you all have questions, that's exactly what the live show tonight is going to address.

But for those of you that can't make it, let me clear something up.

We weren't acquired by Rev3, we're partnering with them.

They handle our distribution and marketing.

In our contract it clearly states that they cannot tell us what can and can't be on the show.

So for those of you that think we're bowing down to some great big bastard of a company, that's completely false.

We made this move so that we can focus exclusively on bringing you great content on a weekly basis.

So beyond that if you still have concerns / questions, watch the show, and ask some questions.


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I agree that the chemistry onscreen between Wess and Darren was a major factor in alot of peoples enjoyment of the show- the other guys that have come have done ok but they could have been any other half dozen iptv hosts and it wouldn't have mattered - W&D had screen presence together and although I may continue watching ,the show is losing more of its refreshing rough edge that started to be smoothed with the first departure. Also will miss Alii - her appearances although short were stonking!

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Lol why abandon hak5 because they are going to affiliate with revision 3. I'm not a real revision fan but I've watched hak5 since ep 3 season 1 and i'm not going to ditch them beacause of this. They must do what they feel is right and they are hardly going to do anything that would threaten to alienate it's viewer base.

Thanks for the hak5 live invite on face book darren. I couldn't make it :(

Is there a direct download? I collect all the eps so I would like to have it on my pc. Thanks.

And good luck to wess on his journey. I am sad to see him go.

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Well I hate Rev3, too much junk. I'm planning on seeing Hak5Live tomorrow, but that will be my last hak5 thing I watch.

I hate Rev3, in every way. </3

I remember you sending in a few questions to the Live episode, and I hope you'll continue watching now that you know we're not changing to a frackin tech magazine show. There's still black hat, there's still white hat, there's even some homebrew gaming like Doom on your iPod and Goldeneye Source. Hell, we've got a pineapple... and I know you'd probably enjoy that.

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I'm feeling some fail from Rev3 as of late. The content just hasn't been there. However, Diggnation is almost always good, and so is TRS. Maybe Hak5 will help bring Rev3 content back to life. The thought of going to the more frequent episodes scares me there though. Hak5 is usually a good hour or more of total awesomeness, and it seems that breaking that down would kinda kill it. I'll definately keep watching though, and hope it keeps it up.

Btw, when did Wine Library Tv join Rev3?

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Wine Library joined Rev 3 at the end of June.


Which similar fashionable arrangement to what hak5 has

So does Epic foo!

I guess Rev3 can't produce alot of content themselves. So you sort have this investment arrangement where content producer get given funding and for rev3 it's making shows at cheaper cost

What I don't like atm. Is the lack of regional localisation choice with IPTV shows

Here there no techs style TV shows and everyones that tries to produce something gives up cause nobodie watches. Everyone watching the popular shows.

The most tech/gaming thats on par in Australia is GoodGame. Much like Xplay but they only review good games and regular industry reviews, Giving Australian gamers a voice or something to watch

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