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Getting The Word Out On A New Website


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How other than word of mouth can I get more people to know about my advertisement service?

I will not advertise of course until complete and have a domain.

I thought of a video on youtube but I have no experience beyond windows movie maker, way too unprofessional.


If you don't know what I'm talking about this is the service I am providing


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How other than word of mouth can I get more people to know about my advertisement service?

I will not advertise of course until complete and have a domain.

I thought of a video on youtube but I have no experience beyond windows movie maker, way too unprofessional.


If you don't know what I'm talking about this is the service I am providing


Oh friend... I have struggled with this problem so much.

My advice other than just going outside your home and riding your bike around yelling out your sites url.


SEO, for linkage on search engines.

Affiliates/linking with people.

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I don't get it, why would people want to worsen the quality of there web site for free?

Welcome To The World Of Free Ads!

Isn't the point of ad's is to make a small amount of income from your site (perhaps enough to cover hosting costs)?

Also, why don't the links on the site actualy work? - I see that there is no FAQ page...

Also, wtf .cc domain?

Also, frame set wtf?

I don't get it, you have the domain haroldsearchnetworks.uni.cc, so why do you have a frame page that containstwo frames one of which points to haroldsearchnetworks.uni.cc (from http://www.hsnads.uni.cc/) and the other whcih refrences about:blank. Why couldn't you just have www.hsnads.uni.cc point to the same IP as haroldsearchnetworks.uni.cc?

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lol, I see what you mean.

The point of my ads system is not to make money but to help people get more hits on their own websites, those who use free webhosts for example do not seem to have any problem with this. The people at 110MB think it's a good idea, just a matter of getting it off of the ground.


as said its not yet compteted, I still have FAQ/SecondLife/And I think a few other links left to do.

And working on Control Panel 1.3

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I don't get it, why would people want to worsen the quality of there web site for free?

Welcome To The World Of Free Ads!

Isn't the point of ad's is to make a small amount of income from your site (perhaps enough to cover hosting costs)?

Also, why don't the links on the site actualy work? - I see that there is no FAQ page...

Also, wtf .cc domain?

Also, frame set wtf?

I don't get it, you have the domain haroldsearchnetworks.uni.cc, so why do you have a frame page that containstwo frames one of which points to haroldsearchnetworks.uni.cc (from http://www.hsnads.uni.cc/) and the other whcih refrences about:blank. Why couldn't you just have www.hsnads.uni.cc point to the same IP as haroldsearchnetworks.uni.cc?

As said incompleted,

Once I get a domain everything will be separate and within its own address/ip

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I don't get it, why would people want to worsen the quality of there web site for free?

Welcome To The World Of Free Ads!

Isn't the point of ad's is to make a small amount of income from your site (perhaps enough to cover hosting costs)?

Also, why don't the links on the site actualy work? - I see that there is no FAQ page...

Also, wtf .cc domain?

Also, frame set wtf?

I don't get it, you have the domain haroldsearchnetworks.uni.cc, so why do you have a frame page that containstwo frames one of which points to haroldsearchnetworks.uni.cc (from http://www.hsnads.uni.cc/) and the other whcih refrences about:blank. Why couldn't you just have www.hsnads.uni.cc point to the same IP as haroldsearchnetworks.uni.cc?

As said incompleted,

Once I get a domain everything will be separate and within its own address/ip

soooo never then?
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@HSN Word of advice, AdBlock Plus + Filterset.G totally kills your site.

Is this a link sharing site? Like the olde style web rings you used to get on geocites? But with the only unifying factor being that your all using free webhosts like 110mb.com? If so, thats your market, sell to them. A video add is pointless, its just web2.0 bumf at this stage.  What you need to do is get together about 10 sites and work with them to produce a service that those 10 people will actually want to use, focus on making the back end solid so that your idea actually works. Then publicize on the 110mb forums and places like it (they are receptive to your idea, people here, not so much). TBH, if the rules allow it I would stick some proper money making adds on the site and use the cash to get a proper hosting account. But, first things first, make the back end work. If you have a solid product and a decent price and can sustain a modest amount of growth for a longer time than a flashy product that will get you lots of one time users quickly.

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