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Perhaps I'm just a little paranoid...


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"This is a global war on terror and the U.S. remains committed to reducing terrorist capabilities when and where we find them," Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said.

May be I'm been stupid, but I can't help but think that any one who uses the phrase "war on terror" in a genuine context is a lier, hypocrite and spin doctor. Then try and see past what they said (well, I do this most of the time any way) to try and figure out what they actually are saying.

Am I the paranoid one? :P

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"This is a global war on terror and the U.S. remains committed to reducing terrorist capabilities when and where we find them," Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said.

May be I'm been stupid, but I can't help but think that any one who uses the phrase "war on terror" in a genuine context is a lier, hypocrite and spin doctor. Then try and see past what they said (well, I do this most of the time any way) to try and figure out what they actually are saying.

Am I the paranoid one? :P

Have you only just realised that? I mean a lot of people having been saying pretty much the same thing since 11/9. The war on terror is the US's new perpetual war to replace the war on communism.

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I didn't come to the conclusion recently. But they keep doing it and keep getting away with it. If I was a country leader, I would have to consider moving in on America and stopping Bushes rain of terror. The only problem there is that we already know they have weapons of mass destruction, and ones of the largest over kill armies in the world.

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I didn't come to the conclusion recently. But they keep doing it and keep getting away with it. If I was a country leader, I would have to consider moving in on America and stopping Bushes rain of terror. The only problem there is that we already know they have weapons of mass destruction, and ones of the largest over kill armies in the world.
The only good thing is that now I point and laugh at almost half the country! I say almost because not even 50% voted for him!
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The only good thing is that now I point and laugh at almost half the country! I say almost because not even 50% voted for him!

I'd laugh at more of the population than that if i were you. I just did some Googling and found that only approximately 120Million out of a population of 300Million voted. So that means that 80% of the population didn't vote for him.

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I didn't come to the conclusion recently. But they keep doing it and keep getting away with it. If I was a country leader, I would have to consider moving in on America and stopping Bushes rain of terror. The only problem there is that we already know they have weapons of mass destruction, and ones of the largest over kill armies in the world.

Well, Bush was democratically elected (this time, anyway, maybe not in 2000) so it wouldn't really be right to try and depose him, would it?  Of course the CIA have backed numerous coup d'etats against democratically elected leaders including in Iran, Guatemala, Chile and probably the attempted 2002 overthrow of Hugo Chavez (who is incidentally probably one of the most misrepresented people in the media, he's not an angel, but the media—both in Venezuela and internationally—seriously are out to get him). But we don't want to stoop to their level, do we?

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I didn't come to the conclusion recently. But they keep doing it and keep getting away with it. If I was a country leader, I would have to consider moving in on America and stopping Bushes rain of terror. The only problem there is that we already know they have weapons of mass destruction, and ones of the largest over kill armies in the world.

Well, Bush was democratically elected (this time, anyway, maybe not in 2000) so it wouldn't really be right to try and depose him, would it?  Of course the CIA have backed numerous coup d'etats against democratically elected leaders including in Iran, Guatemala, Chile and probably the attempted 2002 overthrow of Hugo Chavez (who is incidentally probably one of the most misrepresented people in the media, he's not an angel, but the media—both in Venezuela and internationally—seriously are out to get him). But we don't want to stoop to their level, do we?

There's a reason you can impeach a president!

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Yeah, kinda old news. Polticans need something to make them useful, a big global nebulous enemy you can never really defeat.

1984 seems to be coming true. Where's Big Brotehr when we need him...

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Yeah, kinda old news. Polticans need something to make them useful, a big global nebulous enemy you can never really defeat.

1984 seems to be coming true. Where's Big Brotehr when we need him...

We need Big Brother? The opposite surely? You mean Emmanuel Goldstein? Although I don't think he actually exists.

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It is funny that getting your dick sucked is worse than everything Bush has done (anyone want to take a stab at explaining?). But, the upshot of this is its the first time in a long time where the US presidency is completely open. No one has the slightest clue who the next president will be. Which is pretty cool. Just hopefully Rudolph "9/11" Giuliani won't get it, guy would make Bush's reign of ineptitude look like a 8 year vacation to Magically Fun-Times Land.

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It is funny that getting your dick sucked is worse than everything Bush has done (anyone want to take a stab at explaining?). But, the upshot of this is its the first time in a long time where the US presidency is completely open. No one has the slightest clue who the next president will be. Which is pretty cool. Just hopefully Rudolph "9/11" Giuliani won't get it, guy would make Bush's reign of ineptitude look like a 8 year vacation to Magically Fun-Times Land.

I'v read allot that suggests Rol Paul would be the best choice for next presidency. Fox News hates him as well (so it seems), so that would make him seem like a good choice to me.

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Maybe, I think its mainly because out of *everyone* the republicans fielded, he didn't sound like he should be locked up for his own safety. He seems like a reasonable person though, someone that even if he didn't agree with you, would be willing to have an adult conversation about the topic. Something which is frowned upon these days I know, but some of us still respect intelligence and flexibility over conviction and steadfastness.

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Jeez, will you listen to all this psycho commie BULLSHIT... You're french, right? Figures.

Ammeuricah! *FUCK YEAH*!

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