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computer screen wobbly


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Degauss, then look for sources of magnetic fields around the monitor. Basically, clear the area around it as best you can. A few feet of clearance should be enough to prove it either is or isn't caused by this.

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if the sides of the screen are slightly tilting in the bouncing out, then ur tube is about to die. if the image is shaky, either ur to close to magnets (speakers are nice), or ur rocking ur table to much...

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i wouldnt be so certain about the speakers, i have a pair right next to my 17inch crt (no space at all, they are touching) and i have noticed no shaking. i have noticed that one corner of the screen hasits colours off. i did notice that spining magnets made it shaky thouhg (had a wierd water lamp) so it probably is interfering magnetic fields, but not likely your speakers, unless they are very powerful.

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That's a quality thing. Some monitors deal with magnetism far better than others. My main monitor has 2 speakers hugging against it and has no problem dealing this that. My dinky toy el-cheapo piece of crap "I just need something to look at" monitor would go apenuts when placed in the same situation.

Another likely culprit are powerbricks.

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