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Help trying to chat with a friend that works at a bank

Justin Ewing

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I friend works at a bank and were trying to chat, but nothing works, ircatwork.com, aim, msn, hak5chat , nothing any suggestion? :cool:

I think they stop thoses things because i think they want people to notice if they are being robbed.

You could try a portable, non-familiar client like Miranda or Gaim.



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Not really, I have friends who work for Egg. Even the lowest ranked call center monkeys have there actions audited and people do get fired for misusing computers for unauthorised communication. Stick to texting unless you want to loose them there job.

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I think they stop thoses things because i think they want people to notice if they are being robbed.

LOL! There's more work being done at banks than what you see at a counter you know?

The main concerns for IT at banks are fraud and workspace management. Nothing present on your system should make it possible for you to embezzle funds, and nothing present on your system should make it possible that you can't get your work done. Internet access in and of itself is already considered a privilege.

But, given the unlikely scenario that your mate can install whatever program he wants to install, there's still a problem. Much like the school networks people bemoan over here, bank networks are locked down. Unlike school networks they are likely to have a number of admins running the show, that are rather knowledgable about locking down networks. Please bear in mind that this is a bank. The only way onto the internet will be via a proxy that will probably restrict users to ports 80 and 443. Maybe 21, but that's already asking much.

The best chance your mate has is to leave his home system running while at work, with an SSH server listening on port 443. Get the helper app for SSH that will allow you to travel through an authorization-requiring proxy (google is your friend) and use port-forwarding to get the real fun going.

Tell your friend that he should expect to at the very least get fired on the spot if found out, and dependant on the anal-ness of his boss and the position he holds in the copany (the closer you are to the money, the worse your outcome) they're likely to press criminal charges against him. Have fun, and don't say I didn't warn you.

And just so you know I'm not talking out of my ass, I spent a year deployed at the ABN AMRO bank. Worst year of my life, but that's an entirely different story.

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I work for a bank. Internet access is restricted for WORK related use only, and they block just about everything you can think of. Anonymizers, proxy's, chat programs, AOL(yes, some people have it installed and they have now blocked that as well), irc, etc. Plus, if you get caught using the internet to check things like yahoo mail, your fired...so, don't take any chances. If they have a good IT dept(and if they are a bank, they had better), they monitor everything, and it will catch up with you.

I have internet access for what I do, but they still block 90% of the web. I used to be able to access the forums, but that has now been blacklisted as well. Most popups, ads, flash, video and audio, etc. So about the only thing I can check is home banking, work related tech sites, and the news, like google or msnbc. No ssh tunneling, chat, media players, vnc, or vpn's work on the main employee side of things, and the only people with vpn access are the upper ups of IT who come in on a different lan, so I seriously doubt that any chat program will work for more than a short time, because they will catch it and they will filter it out. They may even take away your internet access all together, as I have seen a few people here lose it, and then shortly afterwards, they were no longer with the company.

If your work has an internet policy, its better to adhere to it or risk being fired.

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This is Work 2.0 baby!

..with rounded corners...

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A student in my class works at a bank (those banks that are inside of a mall)

the internet connection in the bank blocks almost everything. but I was able to help him out.

lucky, another store in the mall had a wifi connection. so he got a blue tooth keyboard and a pocket pc  and now he has a good connection for  chatting  and surfing the web.

if you need, you can have your friend run net stumbler  on a laptop  (or ministumbler for pocket pc)  then check for any wireless connections in range

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if you need, you can have your friend run net stumbler  on a laptop  (or ministumbler for pocket pc)  then check for any wireless connections in range

Some people might look rather funny at you when all of a sudden you show up with a laptop. Not in the least because you're not allowed to hook it up to the network anyways...

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if you need, you can have your friend run net stumbler  on a laptop  (or ministumbler for pocket pc)  then check for any wireless connections in range

Some people might look rather funny at you when all of a sudden you show up with a laptop. Not in the least because you're not allowed to hook it up to the network anyways...

quite right, haha i can just imagine the sticky situations ... maybe a pocket pc would be ok, even so. I wouldn't risk losing a job in a bank, i've heard they pay alright & chatting with other mates just wouldn't justify it..

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