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File Sync Software


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ive had a good old google around and tested out a few programmes to do a folder sync between 2 different pc's yet im having trouble finding software that will work in the way i want it to

what i need is some software that will allow 2 identical folders worth of data to sit on different pc's yet when one folder has the data in it changed this change gets replicated to the other folder at a specific interval/immidiatly

i was wondering if anyone here has heard or used any such software and if so, could they please provide a link.

thank you

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Um, again, a simple, and potentially dumb answer eminates from my mouth.... hands... whatever.

If you just want the contents of the two folders to be identical on the two computers, and want changes on either computer to change the file on both, why don't you just set up a simple LAN between the two computers, and the set the folder to "shared" (assuming you have XP). This'd allow changes to be made to the files within the folders without having to do anything too complex.

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Um, again, a simple, and potentially dumb answer eminates from my mouth.... hands... whatever.

If you just want the contents of the two folders to be identical on the two computers, and want changes on either computer to change the file on both, why don't you just set up a simple LAN between the two computers, and the set the folder to "shared" (assuming you have XP). This'd allow changes to be made to the files within the folders without having to do anything too complex.

yupyup i agree with him *points*

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Because that would be one-way sharing. I think you're looking for the word 'synchronized', but how to set that up, I honestly don't have a clue.

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