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Wow there is someone that has worse spelling than spektormax


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So I was online today on mozlla thunderbird (yeh take that outlook), and I stuble upon the folowing email from this guy I met in a forum way back in like 04 who's spelling ang gramer was actualy quite worse than mine (yes its hard to belivle... but its sadly sadly ture):

Dear *****(my user name on the forum),

This id ******(his username) from ******(name of forum). Wazz^(he is so lame). Duide I herd you were alk like a hax4r and shit. Mann, I needs you to like halk my gfs screan name on ***(name of Im service that starts with an A). I herd u canlike write viruses and shit. Perhaps u's can write an HTML virus and gives it to her. Just lie send me her ps. I alo herd like tjeres an emai liek aimstaff@hotmail.com or soms shiat tha u can trick to saend uo her passwrd. tnx dude

Now besides the fact that I myself can't even get wtf hes trying to say. 1, HTML virus NEWB. and 2, the email this your referign to is the scam that people call usaly the "hotmail scamm" were you send your username and password and the virutms user name incased in some numebrs liek : 357577@@#*yourusername*425205285785*yourpassowrd*544


to the "aim secret username" that tricks the server. Yes so this guy is a totlay noob, but anyways that jsut shows that I am a better typer than this noob so im nto the worst

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I used to be hard on spektormax, but then I saw some of the gamer-speak used on Counter-Strike. It's bad enough when the chat looks like your XP cd key, but sometimes the voice-chat sounds like a 12 year old impersonating a drunken sailor being beaten to death underwater with a mouth full of grapes.

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I used to be hard on spektormax, but then I saw some of the gamer-speak used on Counter-Strike. It's bad enough when the chat looks like your XP cd key, but sometimes the voice-chat sounds like a 12 year old impersonating a drunken sailor being beaten to death underwater with a mouth full of grapes.

That's the exact reason I stopped playing CS.

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I used to be hard on spektormax, but then I saw some of the gamer-speak used on Counter-Strike. It's bad enough when the chat looks like your XP cd key, but sometimes the voice-chat sounds like a 12 year old impersonating a drunken sailor being beaten to death underwater with a mouth full of grapes.

ill sort out my mic 2night darren so i can play with u guys again

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It cost's 8$ oO

At this days I hate Cstrike. Only noobs, cheaters and flamers on the servers. In former times... everything was better...

But there are manny other good games: Hl2dm -> everyone speak clear and no noobs. That is real fun. Or Dawn of war, one of my favourite games.

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I used to be hard on spektormax, but then I saw some of the gamer-speak used on Counter-Strike. It's bad enough when the chat looks like your XP cd key, but sometimes the voice-chat sounds like a 12 year old impersonating a drunken sailor being beaten to death underwater with a mouth full of grapes.

Best. Analogy. Evar.

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